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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Long covid is a big problem in my area. Memory loss is only one of many problems they have. I hope these new clinics open soon as many of my friends have long covid months after having covid.
  2. Maybe some mango and sticky rice. I am sure they would eat humble pie if it tasted any good.
  3. I wonder if Joe knows his name? Not just hey you! And that he is from Thailand and not Thighland?
  4. Most of my friends listened to their wives and wore these cheap easy to breathe masks and they now have covid. Who should walk the walk of shame?
  5. Really it's time to move on, as most here are against wearing masks. I think they do help as I have been next to people with my mask on talking to them for some time and I haven't got covid yet. It pays to have a n95 mask that may be harder for some to breathe but they do work The cheap easy to breathe mask may be the problem why people still get covid with the masks on?
  6. Why bother, just send them to America, transgenders are the in thing there right now.
  7. Most Thais I know don't have cars only scooters so should they be worried as these laws come in very fast?
  8. The roads never really bother me in the 20 years of riding big bikers here. My biggest problem would be the amount of dogs and chickens on the roads I have come very close on hitting a dog and had one hit my rear tire but I didn't lose control, also have hit a few chickens, why they are in the streets your guess is as good as mine.
  9. Don't be discouraged riding in Thailand as it is pure pleasure riding, no matter what country you are in. Just remember to always be a defensive rider, two extra eyes in the back of your head would help a lot.
  10. It's funny, I haven't shown my license to the police since I been here some twenty years now. If I didn't have insurance I would say what's the point of having one?
  11. Times are bad with covid, Russia ,China what happens if you have to leave Thailand in a hurry? Try putting real-estate in your pocket.
  12. Why don't they cut retirement visa's requirements from 800k to 400k and married visa's from 400k to 200k to give everyone that's retired here more money to spend and boost the economy?
  13. It's like handing out a million bottles of whiskey than saying your car will run very good on it. Now please tell me how many bottles will go in their car's?
  14. Right again, Just a thought wouldn't it be better to feed the hungry instead of getting them high as a kite?
  15. If people and company's stop throwing their waste in these water's that might cut down on the bad smells.
  16. This is a statement on what's right and what's wrong. It's clear that no one in government is looking at the death and destruction in Ukraine. They might be focused on the parades in Russia as Putin tells them about all the Nazi's he is killing in Ukraine.
  17. One day we may all become ghost riders until they put the wires underground.
  18. In my 20 years living here I have never seen this before. I know some of the Thai food taste like s--- but this goes too far. Maybe they just ran out of food and they had to eat something shame there is no food stamps here.
  19. What are they not telling us? Yes the price of many things are going up. I went to the market yesterday and bought a dozen eggs ,only 2 eggs were good, also 5 lt of rice which was old and hard. Sellers are keeping their products much longer than they should as it is getting harder for them to make a buck
  20. It doesn't look better in some parts of the world. Once they take off the mask it's so hard to get them to put it back on. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-wave-this-fall-and-winter-could-potentially-infect-100-million-americans-white-house-warns-1.5893245
  21. Just when you thought it was safe to take off your mask they come out with this <deleted>.
  22. It all has to do with the Thai people which are very honest and good. But when the times get hard with increases on food and fuel and everything else and the loss of jobs as well people have to live. This is where the government comes in and helps it's people. They need to do more and stop making up excuses.
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