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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Covid is coming down in numbers everywhere but long covid remains a big problem. Many people tell me it's like coughing up rubber bands and many have memory loss that's not getting better, this is months after having covid Maybe this is what they should be looking at.
  2. Does he also know that only the female bites you? So leave the one with little penises alone.
  3. The BS gold chains are available every where and very cheap, so they could hug all night long.
  4. You might want to leave the mask on a little longer with burn off season coming soon..
  5. Taking bribes can be stopped [maybe] ,but taking the girls off their Mobile phones and doing a days work for a days pay may be asking too much.
  6. Not to say their name but I also had trouble with a PT station. I stopped to get fuel and asked them to put 200 baht in and at that time I was dying for a pee ;so when I came back they filled the tank right up. So I told the young guy again I only wanted 200baht, than the manager came over and said he always fills everyone's tank up. As I only had 200 baht in my pocket and they did not have a ATM I made them take out the excess fuel. What a pain in the a--.
  7. Always wear reflective clothing at night while riding your bike with a white helmet so everyone can see you.
  8. But governments do this all the time they spend or loan money they don't have. Going back a super long time ago we use to trade in sea shells maybe it's time to go back to that time as the paper money is so corrupt.
  9. Yes, that's the new in thing now! Why go to the hospital and pay for cheap treatment when you can go to your local chemist and get the good stuff. These people don't say at home either. It's going to take a lot longer than most think yo get rid of covid.
  10. How old were all of you when you had consenting sex? Be honest!!! Some things in life we can remember no matter how old we get, and times are no different now. But if it was non consenting well that's a case of his word against hers.
  11. Yes but not full coverage, when they get older like with cars or motorcycles you can't get full cover insurance anymore . Also when you get over 70 insurance may cost more than your pension. It's just life and we must accept it.
  12. Instead of delaying the 300 baht land-entry fee, why don't you attach 300 baht to every little elephant you give out? It would be like saying the first drink is on me.
  13. 20 years ago he would be handing out condoms instead of masks, those were the good old days. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-condoms-idUSKCN0VD17F
  14. Yes, the first thing tourist do when they come here is let their hair down and do things that they never done before. It's sad he got into a accident but we have good doctors here as long as you don't need brain surgery.
  15. Cigarettes yes, but not cigars, there is nothing better than a Cuban after a meal.
  16. I once got a 50 baht note that was the same color as the 20 baht note from a bank. If you get a 1000 baht note from a bank and it's fake, what hope is left for us?
  17. Maybe we should charge Cambodians 14000 baht for the same 50 baht test kit. I guess this is just another way of making money with low tourism here.
  18. Thailand shouldn't be in any camp, it should be Thailand first, a country that looks after it's people and respects all non aggressive countries.
  19. Wow, my old car has trouble getting to 100kph, now 120kph. I sure hope it doesn't get any higher. So why would they do this now with gas prices rising?
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