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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. We could put it to a test? Have Biden walk up to the N. K. border and met Kim like Trump did. I am sure he will get a surprise.
  2. He's the man and he will be back and there will be so many changes to make America great again.
  3. Kim just don't like Biden, as Biden's approval rate is now underwater. If Trump was in power none of this would happen, the world world would be a much happier and safer place to live and the world would have plenty of American oil and gas.
  4. On again off again on again is there only answer today. Perhaps tomorrow there will be a better answer. Yes I am confused, how about you?
  5. With little or no real tourist the future looks grim!
  6. I have the same problem as well as I ride big bikes , but I always stop. Somebody must show them how it's done.
  7. I have seen nothing change in the 20 years that I been driving here. Thai people will not change their driving hobbits in 5 years unless there are more police on the streets laying down the law.
  8. You know that's not going to happen but he may have to pay a fine. Sometimes I wonder why I am the only one stopping for people at the crosswalk. What good are they if nobody stops, just another death trap.
  9. These shops is where our Indian tourist should buy their gold???
  10. When you think it's over that's when it bites you in the ass. Most of my friends have or had covid and most have long covid. Going to a funnel later today for a nice old guy who died from long covid.
  11. Well he could start by telling people to driver on the left side of the road only [no driving on the wrong side because it's easier]. Than if you could make sign's up saying slow drivers keep to your far left. And than post a min and max speed limit. Also remind people that they must have a DL as 80% in my area don't. And no kids under 7 riding scooters. This is just a few things to make us live longer.
  12. No, and I am not a TEA person as it is much too strong for me.
  13. Yes, And if the world want's the wheat in Ukraine they should go get it. India should lead the pack of ships from many UN countries needed to get the grain out because Russia is still friends with India, and Russia knows it's running out of friends.
  14. Why test at all? Don't the big bumps all over your body tell you something not right???
  15. It sounds like air traffic control may be at fault as the pilot and co-pilot are strictly checked for alcohol.
  16. Passing the bill and knowing where the money is going are two different things.
  17. It would be nice to see a brake down of the 40 billion earmarked for Ukraine. There is very little trust in Biden and the hard leftist. As this war is going on for such a long time Ukraine may win but at what cost if the country is turned to ash.
  18. I never could stand Soros., and I wouldn't be surprised if he was working with Putin and others as they would like to go out in one big bang.
  19. Again they leave us with a half of story. Why did this happen? And yes, who was the attacker for starters.
  20. Covid is increasing in the USA right now, kids are having to wear masks again in some schools so you do what ever you want and I will do what ever I want give me a break it's my choice.
  21. Please, you are scaring away the 1 million tourist coming. They say monkey pox can be pass on threw rats as well I'll bet there are a few in Bangkok.
  22. Me too, again it's the area you live in. I think the amount of infections will rise when most remove the mask but how much and how long is any bodies guess.
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