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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Yes we should be number one, I had a mango and sticky rice just yesterday and it was so good I thought I died and went to heaven.
  2. You could be right, but why are there so many countries that want them? Are they all so stupid?
  3. I agree, the F-16's are good and cheaper than the F-35's besides you don't want a million [ Chinese tourist] coming here taking pictures of fleet of three F-35's that you have just bought.
  4. He might have left them in China when he was looking at how covid started.
  5. The heat hasn't really even hit us yet, so turn off your A/C's and get use to it. After all you didn't retire in the north pole. Remember things can always get worse, like having very hot weather in the burn off season, count your blessings.
  6. Raw chicken and raw pork, take your pick, can easily kill you over here. Where the bacteria grows at such a high rate.
  7. Take away that he was a police offices and she was a doctor this wouldn't even make the news.
  8. Your not going to stop kids from smoking, hell I used to smoke newspapers in my younger years if I couldn't get tobacco, which tasted just as good
  9. Thailand is not squeaky clean but neither are the tourist coming here. Do you think the Chinese are Squeaky clean? This long covid is all around me in my area so lets not add to the problem lets try to solve it. Slowly slowly is the only way right now.
  10. We have a long wait before thinks get back to normal. Rushing it won't make it happen. So who takes the responsibility if all this open door let them in policy with little or no regard for other people doesn't work?
  11. What ever happen to their saying the sky will be black with so many tourist coming?
  12. You can always recognize a glue sniffer as they don't talk much. Sometimes the glue slides down the nose and into the mouth.
  13. It sounds like Putin with his giant army that can't take on Ukraine that now wants to go nuclear. Cowards one and all
  14. Many people and friends where I live have long covid. The covid is dead in them but the damage that covid has done just lingers on. The biggest problem is breathing months after they were given the all clear by the hospital.
  15. I lived in India for 4 months and I have seen that you can get top dollar for gold there. So you are right-on when you say Indian tourist will be buying a lot of gold when they get here.
  16. Maybe the cat had a diamond vest on. My neighbor's cat comes over my house everyday and wants to stay with me, nice cat but I get no money for telling him to go home.
  17. Pubs being open? This would be a non-natural phenomenon and this comes once in a lifetime.
  18. I wonder if the police determined what speed they were doing and if they ever tried to stop?
  19. Yes, plastic is a problem but so is China as they drop a lot of human waste in he ocean, and what about all the nuclear waste being dropped in the ocean in 44 gallon drums. I stopped eating seafood a long time ago as we are too close to Chine's dumping grounds.
  20. I just want to say for all you none believers that a good mask does protect you. As I spend a few hours at a friends house last week and he has tested positive to covid yesterday. N95 don't leave home without one.
  21. It must have missed her brain, she will have a head ack for a long while. She is very lucky but I hope they know how to take it out.
  22. It doesn't worry me when they call me a Farang as long as they charge us all the same price for things. Also Farang means we are from a different country yet you never hear them call a Asian from a different country a Farang, they call them brother.
  23. It's just too hard for them to switch suppliers besides why would they buy these products from countries that are very close to Thailand when they could spend the extra money on freight and buy them from Russia or the Ukraine?
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