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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. There was a movie like this about a guy who went to jail for robbing a bank. He got a 10 year sentence and when he came out he handed all the money he took from the bank and gave it to the police. He had the money invested in all that was good and made a killing on it. I am sure it was a Alfred Hitchcock movie.
  2. I think attempted murder doesn't give you a long jail sentence over here. A friend of mine had a fight with his wife[ nothing bad] and she put rat poison in his coffee the next day. He call the police after the first sip and she went to jail for one month complaining that because he didn't finish his coffee it was too much time for her to do.
  3. I agree this is great, Some people have big hearts here in Thailand and the Ukrainian's that are stuck here should have a nice place to stay before they go home and see what Putin's Russia has done to them.
  4. Why would anyone lower their self for any amount of money? Test me, wire me 10 billion into my account and I will wire it right back to you.
  5. Yes they need more, more and more but tweddle dee and tweedle dumb also need to make up their small minds on this subject. It's called leading?
  6. My old car only runs on 95 benzine. Time for a upgrade? Maybe I should buy a no sound electric car? But my electric bill has gone up again. Diesel looks like the way to go but they are not cheap. I think I will hurry and just get a push bike before they run out.
  7. And here I thought it was cow farts, is it just rice or is it everything we grow or meat we eat? Also does America have anything to do with these new brain farts?
  8. I am sure buying it from China would be much cheaper but there might be a bit of human content.
  9. Everything is sinking except the cost to live in these cities even the rats think it is unfair.
  10. Because most will be in transit after they find out the bars are closed?
  11. But rules are rules even if a madman is making them. Just look at Russia so many people are following a madman, and we all suffer.
  12. I think I order too much on line sometimes. When the driver comes with your goods and you pay the money he's gone, no time to open the package and say this is wrong. Lucky for me it's all been good.
  13. There wasn't a prawn in her salad just the juice of a prawn. It looks like I am the only one who feels sorry for the lady? After living here for many years I learned not to trust what people say when eating out. One big lie they often tell is there is no MSG in your food, it's only for Thai people??? They put it in everything.
  14. And what is giving you that idea with China? Most there always wear two bags over their head.
  15. Prices are going up, service is going down, but wait if you have the money anything can get done with speed. This is the Thai way and the world must be catching on.
  16. Agree, Just give the elephants what they need and want. Elephants are very smart and they don't need much help from us, after all we are the main cause of most of their problems.
  17. Sounds like she was trying to scare him, my bet it they were more than friends, but the whole thing wrong as it was loaded
  18. There are many problem after getting covid, loss of smell and taste, can't see for short period's, running to the toilet very often, even one guy I know said he loss heaps of hair after covid
  19. I for one would also like to know what side Thailand would be on? Or would it remain neutral like with Russia's war on Ukraine?
  20. So which side will Thailand be on if China invades Taiwan? This is the real question the US is asking.
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