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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Sometimes I wonder if I was a really bad person in a previous life, which would mean I'd have to believe in Karma, and I don't, at least I'm not convinced that it exists.
  2. Whatever their failures on other things, stopping channel crossings is not one of them.
  3. LOL. If all I had was large notes I'd pop into the nearest 7 11 and buy something cheap, just so I could have smaller notes.
  4. and if the "twitter users" don't like it they can stop being "twitter users". Who really cares about twitter anyway?
  5. I wish him well in his pursuit of justice. I hope he wins big time.
  6. Apologies if a bit off topic, but I just started reading Robert Ludlum's book The Moscow Vector, written in 2005, that shortly after it begins describes how a Russian president ( obviously based on Putin ) is building up forces on the Ukrainian border as a prelude to invading. Seems like fiction becomes reality!
  7. NATO, like any organisation needs a purpose to exist, especially as when it requires vast amounts of taxpayer money to be. What else would they say? I remember the cold war era quite well, having once considered serving in BAOR, and I also remember most of us carried on with our lives quite well, despite having the Soviet Bear supposedly desiring to take us all over.
  8. Almost first lesson I learned in LOS was to give near to exact price when paying for anything.
  9. IMO the forum today is not the same place as it was when I started on it, and it changed long before the name did. I could spend 4 times as long on it then than I do now, for reasons I can't discuss on here.
  10. My opinion is that it doesn't exist, so according to you that makes it true for me. My philosophy on life is that <deleted> happens, whether we deserve it or not. Is the death of a 2 year old because of a brain tumour karma, or just <deleted>?.
  11. I am somewhat similar, though I think we come at it from different directions. I believe in a creator, because I see nature and I refuse to believe that it just happened from nothingness, by some cosmic accident. We know the stars were born, and will end when their fuel runs out, so to me the only logical answer to how they came to be has to be by a superior force, which I call God. There are often times I wish God interceded in our lives, but the evidence I see says otherwise.
  12. Had you, or seth stopped there I'd agree, but driving full tilt into the weeds loses me. The commonly accepted meaning of "beginning" is satisfactory to me. Before the beginning there was nothing, and then after the beginning there was the universe to be. I don't need more than that.
  13. If that's true, why are my "rewards" so minor and my "punishments" so major? It's not like I'm an evil person, though I make mistakes, as do everyone.
  14. Religions IMO depend on having people believe that they need saving, and they need the men in funny hats to save them by interceding with god, for a price.
  15. Thanks for pointing that out. Saved me the trouble.
  16. LOL. Do you think you know more about Thais than everyone that disagrees with you on here? Respect? 5555555555555
  17. Agree. Seems to me the main people that like getting "offended" in LOS are farangs that think they are superior beings to the locals.
  18. 55555555555555555 It amuses me when posters claim that learning Thai is essential to living in LOS- IMO it isn't, unless living in a village in middle of nowhere ( as I did ). I did make an effort and learned enough of the language to get by. Didn't make any difference to being exploited by the Thai family.
  19. ???????????????? Didn't you say you were dropping this thread a few posts back? But well they seem to Like me now, and me taking my Boys there, like Children, also. ... So well all goes well, and the Soi Cowboy's fall, worked out well at least in my Own Mind, .... So, Yes Fellows, ... I will drop this Thread also now my Self. ...
  20. Seems many are humour bereft. Anyone with a brain cell can see it's NOT about Jesus ( who does feature briefly, but from a distance ), but about Brian- it even says Brian in the title.
  21. Well, given Joe's rather poor record of getting things done, he needs something like this to attempt to get voters to elect him, not that I expect him to win the primaries.

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