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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Agree. I expect protocol demands that second in line to the throne receives an invite, but I'll bet it's not expected to be accepted, or at least that she doesn't attend.
  2. That probably explains why I never liked white chocolate I bought in LOS. I loved it in NZ.
  3. Sorry, but I never had a conversation with many of them to know. The closest I got was a British teacher that said he liked working in Thailand because he got to meet lots of pretty girls at school. We never got around to his thoughts on Britain.
  4. OR Work out which degrees actually benefit society, like doctors, engineers, mathematicians, certain types of scientists, etc and give them reduced or even free university education and make the rest pay as normal. Do we really need a degree in media studies?
  5. I see it as a reaction to the LG etc community shoving it into people's faces and "annoying" ( being polite ) them.
  6. I feel sorry for Charles, more than anything. Bound by tradition in a monarchy that wouldn't accept anything less than a virgin from a noble family to marry- he never said he loved her ( he even said he didn't know what love is ), but he had to marry someone and she was "it". He loved Camilla since he met her, but let her go, which he knew was a mistake, but too late to stop her marrying someone else. All his life he was waiting to assume the position, but his mother wouldn't abdicate when he was young enough. I regret he's doing the same to William, and he's in the wrong IMO, but he obviously wanted it too much to do the right thing.
  7. and so it begins. Most countries that are not under active threat don't normally increase war spending by that much unless they see a potential use of it, IMO.
  8. She was accepted at first. IMO she blew it. I don't think anyone disses their home country in public if they love it. If they do, it says to me that they don't love it. IMO the anti press thing was self inflicted- the media and most of the public loved the wedding.
  9. If he loved Britain he'd live there. It's not like he'd be living in a row house with a leaky roof, is it?
  10. I hope he gives up before the election, but I have slim hope of that. Hopefully he won't get the financial backing that any POTUS campaign requires.
  11. I think he went in with the intent to make America great again, but the constant attacks on him and the recusal of that <deleted> sessions prevented much from being done. Much of the little that he did achieve was of benefit to the US, but he wasn't able to do much.
  12. Woman's sports is pretty much dead. Anything involving strength & endurance, they simply can't compete against man. Biology is against them. Agree 100%. What female is going to compete knowing it's not a fair competition? I wonder if they can set up their own organisation that only allows biological females, or is that banned too? Hopefully the Olympics and other none American sports ban transgenders competing in women's events outside America.
  13. I think people that think they are special buy it. Agree on the taste.
  14. and to this forum, LOL. No one I know talks about it, ever, and never have. Like Britman, they keep such private.
  15. We've heard that a few times, but the date at which they run out of ammunition etc seems to get pushed back each time.
  16. You need to qualify why the Ukraine war threatens any NATO country before I agree with you. Far as I know, NATO was not set up to police the world, and that certainly wasn't true during the Vietnam war, when even Britain didn't get involved, nor during the Afghan war, which directly involved Russia.
  17. That describes every teacher I had during my school years. Didn't stop me learning after I left school.
  18. That was all that was available when I went to school. Given the level of education that today's pupils achieve ( apparently some can't even read or write properly when they leave school ) times have not changed much in teaching.
  19. I was taught by a few that had done degrees, but they were rubbish compared to the ones that had teachers training college qualifications. It was obvious which ones were better teachers, and which were only there for the money.
  20. That little rant didn't exactly improve the image of university graduates, . I thought university taught you to develop comprehension skills, but you apparently missed where I was going to do a TEFL, and because you chose to have a rant rather than ask me why I feel I could be a teacher, I never told you that I'm a qualified instructor, which uses the same skills as scott mentioned Also, all my teachers were qualified teachers, some of which had degrees, and none of which instilled a love of learning, none of which taught me much, and some of which taught by fear of caning. None took a personal interest in any students, and none tried to assist pupils struggling to understand the subject. So don't give me the old "teachers care" thing. Back when I was thinking about it, the degree didn't have to be in education- it just had to be a degree in anything, so relevance to teaching beats me. Also, I didn't drop out of school, and I finished secondary education at 18 years old I also qualified in 3 different careers, all of which required study and written work, and my longest career involved teaching my juniors. BTW, back when I would have gone to uni, it wasn't a place for subjects like media studies etc LOL, and the one person I knew that went to uni ( most didn't back then ) described in detail the lifestyle, including the "chunder games", so I had no actual desire to waste 3 years of my life in debauchery and drunkeness. Had I wanted to be a teacher back then I wouldn't have gone to uni anyway, as it was a teacher's training college course to go teaching.
  21. Depends on the construction. If house is built with wood it has to be lined on inside with something. In NZ drywall is called Gib board, and I think every house I ever went in was constructed with wood and lined with Gib board.
  22. I was waiting for some brave soul to post the obvious on this thread to agree with. I often wonder when reading threads like this how many Thais are living in houses that were built by farangs that were "removed" from the scene after it was completed. I probably made every mistake it's possible to make in LOS, but I never built a house for my now divorced ex wife.
  23. Some people have no life outside mummy's basement.
  24. You don't know me, or how I am. I never complained about LOS in my early decades there as it seemed like paradise to me. It only went bad after 2000 IMO, though Thaksin started the rot.

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