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Everything posted by thairookie

  1. Doesn't the hotel have CCTV ? It will show who entered the room. If nobody entered the room, then it's clear that the Thai g/f took it.????
  2. How could the Chinese have broken the law ? On the right of the shop is clearly a make-shift law company. You can see the picture of a handshake with the name of the company "Face Group". Next to the handshake picture are 4 big Chinese words "Legal Services". The picture below the handshake you see 2 Thai girls doing a "wat". On the left of the picture it's written "Visa Services". I believe it's a mistaken arrest.????
  3. I tried to do it via Explorer browser, but I couldn't even type my nationality into the boxes. Then I tried Android app via my mobile phone. I could fill in the details. Wow ! However, when I clicked the "register" button, it would take years and years, and the system would return with a "time out error". Has anyone had any success with registering an online account for TM 30 reporting ?
  4. He will inspire a new business model among Thai females, where a Thai female will be girlfriend to 100 foreigners for the sole purpose of booking hotel rooms at a price for Thai.
  5. I will arrive in Chiangmai, and in a matter of 3 days I will take a train from Chiangmai to Bangkok. I'm afraid I will not be able to get a ticket, especially a cabin room where tickets are very limited.
  6. Is SRT the only unreliable website ? I have been trying to book tickets on SRT official site. 80% of the time the website is not accessible. Why ?
  7. Most Thai lawyers I have come across have never lost a case before. It's not surprising. Most Thai lawyers work together to settle the matter at mediation. The mediation room is the battleground, not the court of trial. Don't be surprised if the victims are coaxed into accepting a lousy deal by their own lawyers.
  8. I have been told by a pharmacy operator that they cannot survive on selling medicine alone. They need to sell groceries, including food and cosmetics. More importantly, they need China tourists.
  9. It seems that they are going to do away with all tests. That is to say, even the unvaccinated will not have to take a ATK test 72 hours before arrival.
  10. ART = ATK. The question is since everything is in the mobile phone, especially for non-PCR remote testing, is hard copy required ? Is it sufficient to show them my what's in my mobile phone ? @Flapman seems to have confirmed all that is required is information in your mobile phone at the point of departure, as well as upon arrival at Suvarnabhumi Airport. I will be flying to Chiangmai Airport instead.
  11. If you are required to do a ART test prior to departure before entering Thailand: 1. Do you produce your test result at the airport that you are departing or Thai airport upon arrival? 2. If it's Thai airport upon arrival, do they accept a soft copy in your mobile phone ? Thank you.
  12. If there is a fixed percentage, as someone suggested 2.5%, then the more you withdraw, you more you will be charged.
  13. I know normally it's the reverse. However, I wonder if anyone has tried withdrawing money from overseas using your Thai ATM card. How much in transaction fees does your bank charge ?
  14. So even if you are tested positive while in Thailand, there is no requirement to quarantine oneself at a hotel if you are a tourist ?
  15. The regulations have changed so fast that I'm unable to keep up what's the latest. I plan to visit Thailand soon, and I'm happy the visa exemption has now been extended to 45 days. Arriving in Thailand does not seem to be a problem now. It's leaving Thailand that I'm not so sure. As I'm required to take a remote ART test before leaving Thailand, what happens if I'm tested positive ? I will miss my flight for sure, but will the Thai government force me into one of those expensive hotels to be quarantined ? If you live in Thailand, do you need to be quarantined if tested positive for COVID ? Thanks.
  16. Is the 45 days calculated from the date of arrival ? My point is if I arrive on 30 September, do I have to leave by 29 October ? Or since my original exemption stretches into October, I will be given another 15 days ?
  17. You will not find anything more than single-splits in PowerBuy and Numchai. I live in a 2-bedroom unit, and the Developer placed 3 condensers at my balcony clogging up the space. A multi-split with a condenser placed outside the building would have been perfect.
  18. I'm referring to those wall units. It seems that PowerBuy and Numchai they only have single split units. So if you want install 2 units, you have to find space for 2 condensers. It's strange, isn't it ? Is there a policy in place that prohibits the sale of split units beyond single split ?
  19. The service didn't last long because the tickets were relatively expensive.
  20. As far as I understand, it has to be a PCR test within 72 hours of travel and you will not be tested thereafter. If you do not have a PCR test result, you can choose to be tested upon arrival instead. Of course, it's a big business then if you are tested positive at the airport.
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