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Everything posted by thairookie

  1. Why no mediation by lawyers that result in settlement ? From my observation, there are 2 types of lawyers in Thailand : litigation lawyers and mediation lawyers. 99.99% of the lawyers are mediation lawyers. These are the "best" lawyers in town because they always claimed they have "never" lost a case. Of course, if you don't fight in out in Court you can never lose a case. That is what they will not tell you.
  2. The way to prevent the Chinese from committing such crimes in Thailand is to make it for inconvenient for the farangs to renew their VISA.
  3. If I dispute a red card from the Immigration Department, will I be given the benefit of a VAR ?
  4. Bangkok is ranked 74th in the world; Singapore 8th. 2nd in ASEAN you are comparing yourselves with the likes of Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. 2nd in SEA Games is different from 2nd in Olympics.
  5. It's clear that Anutin wants credit for the return of the Chinese, and if he does what every country does by enforcing pre-departure test on only the Chinese, then he will not get any credit for adhering to the norm. By doing something different, he kills two birds with one stone. He flatters his Chinese masters, and he will brag that the influx of the Chinese tourists is a direct result of his policy NOT to single out Chinese tourists for COVID tests. He shores up his profile to be the next PM of Thailand. The guy is not stupid. He just lacks intelligence.????
  6. Because clowns are essential in a circus to get the show going. In this case, one is bigger than the other.
  7. As judgment creditor, I'm waiting for the LED to release the proceeds of sale to me, having had the judgment debtor's property sold at an auction. I understand the LED is under the Justice Department. However, I'm wondering if I can complain the matter to the MP of Chonburi or the Mayor of Pattaya, as someone needs to kick the LED in the ass to get them working again as my money is earning interest for LED in the bank.
  8. He should be punished by allowing him to walk naked in the deep Sois so that he can flash at the Soi dogs. We will see what happens.????
  9. "Tuhao" in Chinese means an uncouth rich man.
  10. It is done through marrying a Police Colonel, not Gogo Bar girls.
  11. B500 for about 5 hours work is very cheap. The maids in our condo are charging 700 baht for a room size of less than 70 sqm, which takes less than 90 minutes to clean.
  12. I have noticed that the cleaning fees by maids in Pattaya have gone up. Yes, I can see why if you are using cleaning companies to do the job. They come in a group, and transport costs have to be factored in etc. But maids in your own condo ? If you have been using the services of a reliable freelance maid to do the job, I would appreciate greatly if you could share her contact. I'm in Pratumnak. Thank you.
  13. Doesn't the hotel have CCTV ? It will show who entered the room. If nobody entered the room, then it's clear that the Thai g/f took it.????
  14. How could the Chinese have broken the law ? On the right of the shop is clearly a make-shift law company. You can see the picture of a handshake with the name of the company "Face Group". Next to the handshake picture are 4 big Chinese words "Legal Services". The picture below the handshake you see 2 Thai girls doing a "wat". On the left of the picture it's written "Visa Services". I believe it's a mistaken arrest.????
  15. Can FIFA offer 2-tier pricing ? Free for Thais, but foreigners pay a premium ?
  16. I tried to do it via Explorer browser, but I couldn't even type my nationality into the boxes. Then I tried Android app via my mobile phone. I could fill in the details. Wow ! However, when I clicked the "register" button, it would take years and years, and the system would return with a "time out error". Has anyone had any success with registering an online account for TM 30 reporting ?
  17. He will inspire a new business model among Thai females, where a Thai female will be girlfriend to 100 foreigners for the sole purpose of booking hotel rooms at a price for Thai.
  18. I will arrive in Chiangmai, and in a matter of 3 days I will take a train from Chiangmai to Bangkok. I'm afraid I will not be able to get a ticket, especially a cabin room where tickets are very limited.
  19. Is SRT the only unreliable website ? I have been trying to book tickets on SRT official site. 80% of the time the website is not accessible. Why ?
  20. Most Thai lawyers I have come across have never lost a case before. It's not surprising. Most Thai lawyers work together to settle the matter at mediation. The mediation room is the battleground, not the court of trial. Don't be surprised if the victims are coaxed into accepting a lousy deal by their own lawyers.
  21. I have been told by a pharmacy operator that they cannot survive on selling medicine alone. They need to sell groceries, including food and cosmetics. More importantly, they need China tourists.
  22. It seems that they are going to do away with all tests. That is to say, even the unvaccinated will not have to take a ATK test 72 hours before arrival.
  23. ART = ATK. The question is since everything is in the mobile phone, especially for non-PCR remote testing, is hard copy required ? Is it sufficient to show them my what's in my mobile phone ? @Flapman seems to have confirmed all that is required is information in your mobile phone at the point of departure, as well as upon arrival at Suvarnabhumi Airport. I will be flying to Chiangmai Airport instead.
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