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  1. I have been using WISE to transfer money from my CHASE account to my Bangkok Bank and other Thai banks. Usually the transfer is done in minutes. Transfer on Saturday said it would take 3 days, now it says 6 days. Has anyone had a problem with WISE doing this? I am out of Thailand at the present and have time sensitive expenses to be paid.
  2. Forgot to add Dr. Nick is American but speaks Thai licensed in California also.
  3. Dr. Nick at Mission Hospital in Bangkok great doctor been using him for years. Need to call to make sure he will be available when you want togo. I always hear patients from up north and also Phuket come to see him.
  4. I (native US citizen) applied last October for SS retirement benefits based solely on US past work history. Just got a notice that they will FINALLY be contacting me first of August to verify application and say what documents would need to be sent. Anyone who has applied from Thailand for your benefits based on US work history and dealing with the manilla office specifically I would be interested in hearing about your phonbe call application: 1) Is this a really short phone call or will you have the chance to ask them some questions (I did not apply for Medicare yet as I have access to Thai SS health insurance but things have changed mother diagnosed with cancer so will be going back early next year for few months or more and need to know what documentation (about foreign health insurance verification) you need to get for a special sign up date without incurring a financial penalty for not signing up at 65). 2) What type of docs did they they request you to send? The US work history which my claim is based on ended at least 15 years ago. 3) How soon after your call did you receive the approval letter for benefits? Did benefits start one month after that letter? I had tried several times over the past 8 monts to call and got tired of waiting online so hung up. They never responded to my emails so very surprised to finally get this message but very happy. Previously I told my mother I would come in October for 1 month as I could only get travel insurance to US at my age for one month for a somewhat reasonable fee...if I get my benefits started soon this could change my timings.
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