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Posts posted by morejunk

  1. Cancel his diplomatic red passport and issue an Interpol arrest warrant for him. That would make him fair game for every immigration entry point, airport stop over and police officer in the world. A 5 million baht reward in a secret Swiss account would help.

    Get him back and charge him with murders of 2000 drug "suspects". Genocide charges in the International Court of Justice in the Hague, would be nice.

  2. Cancel his diplomatic red passport and issue an Interpol arrest warrant for him. That would make him fair game for every immigration entry point, airport stop over and police officer in the world. A 5 million baht reward in a secret Swiss account would help.

    Get him back and charge him with murders of 2000 drug "suspects". Genocide charges in the International Court of Justice in the Hague, would be nice.

  3. It seems that Tawp missed the point again.

    The PPP has proven themselves to be an inept disaster. Continuing on will cause a huge amount of damage to the country. Definately financial problems and possibly a lot of blood will flow. So what if they were elected by about 50% of the votes. Would they get as many votes today? Unlikely! Hitler was elected. Would you use the elected argument to support him?

    PPP should consult Toxin's fortune teller to see what is about to happen to the political chaos. I would describe what PPP is doing, not as shooting themselves in the foot, but more like pulling the pin on a hand grenade and then falling on it.

  4. LOS=Land of Stupid (people) should be the new motto of the Samak or Somchai led government.

    A government led by arrogant, stupid thieves and idiots. (and their relatives)

    You ain't seen nothin yet! Here comes the violence whether it be Somchai or Samak.

    This year the high season will be non existant and it may continue that way for years.

  5. QUOTE (morejunk @ 2008-09-11 17:06:32) post_snapback.gifLOS=Land of Stupid (people)

    A government led by arrogant, stupid thieves and idiots.

    You ain't seen nothin yet! Here comes the violence whether it be Somchai or Samak.

    ...unlike the USA of course. :o

    Hey Gravelrash: Which of my words are inaccurate as they relate to the current situation in Thailand? You comment has nothing to do with my statements. It is only your stupid pregidous against the USA.

  6. CNN Headline is on Sophon 30. It is very similar to Fox News on Sophon 27. They have both lost the concept of being true news channels. Too many short and boring segments abiut uninportant things. CNN Headline show the weather with some of the worst music every few minutes.

  7. Norrona: The only nerve you touched is the one that doesn't like defaming accusations, rumors, heresay and crap comments that can not be substantiated. You are input is no better than some of the bad newspapers and news website mentioned in the topic. Forums are just too filled with useless input that has no basis in fact.

  8. And this is any of your business? MYOB seems to apply.

    Can you provide support for your comments about your personal attacks on Neils Colov or is this Pattaya gossip and BS? What do the personal attacks have to do with his news site, anyway? This kind of comments just degrades the forums.

  9. Bangkok Pattaya has also been a problem with insurance. It is further complicated by some of the people working in the International department.

    There is one person who works there (Lena) that is absolutely useless. Her arrogance, laziness and unwillingness to help, just complcates the issues. Her attitude reaks of, if you don't like it, I will bite your f-cking head off. Not what we should expect from the most expensive hospital in Thailand.

  10. Do you do your full money requirement (400/800K) in a Thai bank or did you present some other form of income?

    Just something that I don't understand.

    Why does a married guy have to show only 400k when he is supprting 2 people and single person needs 800k to support 1 person? Hmmm, must be Thai logic.

  11. Pattaya People Newspaper and TV deserve a full 1* each.

    The paper is a waste of time. I only read it when it is laying around someplace and there is nothing better to do for 3 minutes. Definately not worth 20 baht.

    Too much blood and guts on their TV news. It just isn't necessary to see close ups of bodies and injuries. Both the paper and TV could be nicely replaced by vacancies. Just rude tabloid crap.

    The question you have ask is: Who is reading and watching the news crap in Pattaya? They must have customers or they would have gone out of business. It doesn't say much for the typical reader/viewer, if that is what they want to read and see. Let's face it, many typical Pattaya people are probably are not swimming on the top of the gene pool.

  12. This topic should be expanded to include internet news and tv news. I suggest a star rating of 1 to 5 stars.

    Pattaya Today Paper 2 1/2 **

    Not to bad for an amatuer newspaper. They are too much like a tabloid.

    Pattaya Today TV 2**

    Too many naked photos of dead people. It is completely un-neccessary and pure exploitation. It looks like the sleaze papers in Bangkok. BORING commercials. Obnoxious voices on commercials. Very amatuer productions and newscasters.

    Pattaya Mail Paper 2**

    Rather boring rag that avoids conflict and controversal matters. More interested in restaurant reviews than news. Many they get free meals for the good reviews. Many of their "good" restaurants actually suck.

    Pattaya Mail TV 2**

    Boring reports and commercials. Obnoxious voices on commercials. Very amatuer productions and newscasters. The women newscaster must be one of the most annoying voices, ever.

    Pattaya City News TV 2**

    Boring reports and commercials. Obnoxious voices on commercials. Very amatuer productions and newscasters. Howard needs to find a replacement for his annoying voice overs. I change the channel when the Shaun Connery want-to-be does the news.

    Pattaya Daily News website 1**

    The crime (Kampee) reporter is a joke. He finds condoms and Viagara at every scene. Maybe he carries his own to plant there. Invasive reports that are not hampered by facts.

    Tony's commercials: This guy is so impressed with himself. What an obnoxious jerk. I change the channel when he comes on. I refuse to give my business to any business he owns.

    He does do a good thing for strays dogs with his shelter. Lots of credit for that.

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