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Posts posted by morejunk

  1. Pattaya City News website reported the "murder" of the Estonia man. Pattaya City News did remove the story without even providing the corrected version. Nice job Howard. Your are becoming more Thai everyday. Protect your wanabe Tourist cops buddies and your website without providing the truth. That's responsible reporting, right? :o:D:D

    I quess it is still better than Pattaya Daily News. They would have reported condoms and viagara on the guy.

    What's up with wierd guys in the Tourist Police volunteers? They seem rather strange by normal standards. I doubt any of them could become real police officers anywhere. They look like the wanabees at a gay uniform bar and look funny doing their goose step (or waddle in some cases) down walking street. Maybe testosterone injections would have help the volunteers the night the Estonia guys made their report.

  2. mrbojangles: Hey, non-smoker, please don't speak for us. Not only are you happy about us being banned, you now want to take over our voice. Some have adapted easily and some haven't. Personally, i have adjusted but many i know have done their talking with their walking and they are staying at home alot more often.

    OOOOOHHHHH! I now feel so properly reprimanded for speaking for smokers.

    You are absolutely right that I am happy about your kind being banned. I have tolerated the rude and inconsiderate behavior of smokers for years. <deleted> gives you the right to stink up and pollute the air I breath? If smokers can't comprimise by going outside for their stupid addiction, then that is just too bad for them. I have tolerated the rude behavior for far too long. No smoking should have been enforced a very long time ago. I could not care less if you adapt or not. You should never have had the PRIVILEGE of smoking in public places in the first place.

    I have been to many of the same places for years, both before and after the smoking bans. You are telling us that the smokers are now staying home. Good, if that is true. The big difference I see is that the smokers now head for the sidewalk or patio for their fix. Many non smoking people now go to the places that they would have avoided prior to the ban. I guess it is your turn to stay home if you don't like it.

  3. Wasn't you supposed to leave? I think that's: Weren't you supposed to leave? Maybe you should use some pf your free time for self improvement instead of boring forum users.

    For the morons that don't get it: smoke free is natural, while smoking is un-natural behavior and therefore the exception for Public places

    public-a place open to all ie: bar/restaurant/stores/malls/etc.

    private: your home/your car/a membership club with a contract and rules that specifically provide for certain behavior

    No smoking in public has worked great in many countries. Customers don't go home with burning eyes and smelling like those disgusting cigarettes. It has actually improved business in many places because non smokers now go there and would have previously avoided the place. The smokers have had little problem adjusting to going to a smoking area or outside. Works great for everyone.

  4. It really scares me that you are a teacher. You rambling reminds me of some teachers that I had in the past. Narrow minded and short sighted with rediculous arguments. You only understand "rights" as defined to fill your own requirements. Smokers are the only ones that have "personal freedoms". Don't non smokers have any rights? What differences does it make that cigarettes are legal. You are still infringing on other people's rights by smoking in confined spaces. Why is it that smokers can't grasp that very simple concept. No different that f@rting in your face while you eat in a restaurant. It is legal, isn't it? It is my right, isn't it? Please, by all means smoke yourself to an early death for I care. Just don't do it in my presence.

  5. Tawp:

    Smoker arguments are simply justifications to impose their disgusting, smelly addiction on others. Smokers have my blessing if they place a plastic bag over their heads and keep their wonderful pleasure to themselves. Smokers should also have to eat the butt when they finish the smoking. Better for the environment. The argument for smoking if exactly the same as my argument for wanting to f@rt very near your face when you are eating in restaurant or drinking in bar. Only a rude jerk would think his offensive and disgusting habits need to forced AND ACCEPTED BY OTHERS.

  6. Tawp: Why is it that that I get the feeling some people here has completely misunderstood what personal freedom means?

    It's not the right to piss on the floor in a bar, it's the right to piss on he floor of your home. Or your own bar.

    Which leaves the rest of your arguments in the gutter.

    Please explain what the difference is between pissing, f@rting and smoking in public place areas. There are all equally disgusting, except my f@rts are better smelling than your smoke and smoke satuarated body and clothes.

    I like your concept on personal freedom. I will be more than happy to go to your home and piss on your floor.

  7. dannyman: What do you non-smokers think your breathing in the street's of Bangkok or ant other place in Thailand? Fresh Tuk-Tuk air!I espeacialy love when you come back, from a walk outside and blow that healthy black stuff out of your nose. Breathe On!

    I conclude that the stupid point you are trying to make is that justifies cigarettes. What about burning tires or yard waste? How about piles of smelly dog sh!te on the street? Does that justify a rude inconsiderate jerk smoking cigarettes and even worse, cigars in a restaurant or a bar? My f@rts are certainly better smelling. Would you consider it acceptable if I f@rted next to you? Your argument does not make any sense. Why do you fools think smoking is a "right"? Smoking is totally disgusting habit. It is just a selfish and rude thing to do to others that don't share you rediculous addiction.

  8. I totally agree about people having the right to free choices:

    I think I should have the right to go into a restaurant or bar and share one of my deliciously fraguent f@rts with all of those smokers sitting near me. It is after all, a fair better odor than a smoke saturated person and that disgusting cigarette smell.

    I also think it is my right to go into a bar and not be bothered with travelling all the way to the toilet. I want the right to urinate right under the bar near where I am sitting. It is only a minor inconvience to the next person who comes in after I leave. Not my problem, it will not smell that bad and only has limited second hand effects. I have my rights. Screw everyone else!

  9. BODY OF ENGLISHMAN FOUND IN PATTAYA CONDO --> Pattaya Daily News : pattaya daily update news


    Updated: [January 10, 2008 ] :: 19:20:21 [view 111]


    The body of a British national was discovered in his room, at the

    Niran Grand Condo, after his friend became concerned that he didn’t

    answer his door. At this point, authorities believe that the man

    died of natural causes.

    On the morning of 9 January 2008, Pattaya Police Lieutenant Colonel

    Tanagrit, along with Sawang Boriboon Rescue, responded to a report

    of a deceased foreigner in Room 521/494 of the Niran Grand Condo on

    Soi Arunothai, Central Pattaya. The lifeless body of Mr. Scott

    Martin Hibberd (49), from North Island, England, was found inside

    the bathroom by a security guard and a friend of the deceased. The

    deceased man was clad in gray shorts and was not wearing a shirt.

    There were several bruises on his body and his mouth was full of

    saliva. On inspecting the room, police found ten pornographic

    videos, as well as, a number of Viagra tablets.

    Police questioned Mr. Leslie Hall (60), a friend of Mr. Hibberd, the

    deceased man, who explained that he had become concerned when Mr.

    Hibberd hadn’t answered his phone. He became alarmed, further, when

    his friend didn’t answer his door on Wednesday morning.

    A security guard at the complex opened the door to

    the room, where Mr. Hibberd’s body was discovered. According

    to people who knew him, Mr. Hibberd was an active man who was

    often seen at the complex’s swimming pool. The victim’s

    friend, Mr. Hall, lived on the same floor as Mr. Hibberd, in

    Room 521 /498. He mentioned that the victim did not have to

    work, as he came from a wealthy family in North Island.

    Officials believe that Mr. Hibberd died of natural causes. However,

    there was no evidence that he had been suffering from any illness.

    The case will remain open until after an autopsy is conducted. The

    British Embassy has been informed of the case.

    News Type : Crime

    Story : Kampee

    Photo : Kampee

    Translater : Sirithanon

    This reporter "Kampee" is a real piece of work! He is the one that writes this kind of invasive crap almost everyday. It has absolutely nothing to do with the death. The translator is just as bad.

  10. I find it intersting that you presented such a strong defence for them. You site usually sticks to the facts and leaves all of that question junk and supposition out. They often imply quilt for their own reasons without real facts to support it. It certainly makes interesting reading. Fiction is often more interesting than fact. It seems they often defame the subject of the article for the readers enjoyment. That is not responsible journalism.

  11. Nice report but you did not include important items that Pattaya Daily Nudes reporter SomDumb PornRambler typically would have included.

    Example: Used condoms were found in the room and there was a full package in the drawer near the bed. A KY package was under the bed. A half empty liquor bottle was near the sink. An adult cd was in the dvd player. There was candy on the table and Sprite in the fridge. Neighbors said they frequently saw the person come in with bags of snacks and beverages. A medication package was found that came from Pattaya City Hospital. This person has a purple Honda Wave license XXX123 and and pink Toyota Celica ZZ4321. He was unusually rich as he could afford both a motorcycle and car. Children were seen playing nearby. There were reports of children running around outside and screaming just before the incident. Children were frequently seen near the residence. Two thousand baht was found in a wallet next to the bed. The farang was once seen smiling and waving to a neighbor's baby.

  12. Please share your meds. I would like to have your rosie opinions and abilty to ramble on. I am more based in reality.

    The real point is do you think that Pattaya Daily News is an accurate and responsible website? They don't seem to get it right very often.

  13. You are more than welcome.

    So why do they consistantly include heart attacks, accidents, suicide, accidental fires, falling bricks and men climbing poles under crimes?

    So I suppose that you think the items listed above are crimes? Perhaps you have some other more accurate definition of crime. Please share it so the rest of us will know.

  14. Info for the editor at Pattaya Daily News:

    Definition of CRIME - A crime is a wrongdoing classified by the state or Congress as a felony or misdemeanor.

    A crime is an offence against a public law. This word, in its most general sense, includes all offences, but in its more limited sense is confined to felony.

    The term offence may be considered as having the same meaning, but is usually understood to be a crime not indictable but punishable, summarily or by the forfeiture of a penalty.

    Felony. A felony is a serious crime punishable by at least one year in prison. Some family law felonies include kidnapping and custodial interference (in some states).

    Misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is a crime for which the punishment is usually a fine and/or up to one year in a county jail. Often a crime which is a misdemeanor for the first offense becomes a felony for repeated offenses. All crimes that are not felonies are misdemeanors.

    Crimes are defined and punished by statutes and by the common law. Most common law offences are as well known and as precisely ascertained as those which are defined by statutes; yet, from the difficulty of exactly defining and describing every act which ought to be punished, the vital and preserving principle has been adopted; that all immoral acts which tend to the prejudice of the community are punishable by courts of justice.

    So why do they consistantly include heart attacks, accidents, suicide, fires, falling bricks and men climbing poles under crimes?

    Maybe I expect too much from them when asking for accuracy in reporting and info.

  15. Sunrise07 says: Yes, the Pattaya City News is world-reknown for its jounalistic integrity and often quoted by superior newspapers throughout the world.

    I agree that Pattaya City News seems to keep it accurate.

    It would be an oximoron to say that about Pattaya Daily News

    PATTAYA DAILY NEWS often adds "facts" and supposition to their version of the "news". This seems to be ESPECIALLY true when the person in the article has died. Makes much more interesting reading and not much chance of a law suit when it is done that way. I wonder if they have ever been sued for misrepresentation or slander.

  16. The bogus crap on the very questionable Pattaya Daily News website with their extra "information to make it more interesting". This is also listed as a crime:


    Updated: [January 5, 2008 ] :: 16:29:27 [view 797]


    A Norwegian national, Mr.Sorgard Terje Andreas, 71, fell victim to

    the Scandinavian curse in Ping Pong Beer Bar, 79/93 Soi Jomtien Moo

    7, when he suffered a fatal attack, brought on, the police surmise,

    from drinking alcohol.

    At 00.10 am, on 5 Jan ‘08, Police Major Pratipat Meepoom, Inspector

    of Pattaya Police, Dongtan Branch, in response to an emergency call

    arrived with a rescue team from the Sawangboriboon Foundation to

    find the dead body of Mr.Sorgard lying on the floor of the bar, with

    a saliva–filled mouth and darkened face, surrounded by shocked

    tourists and bar hostesses.

    Norwegians are severely restricted back home in Norway by

    prohibitive taxes on alcohol, accordingly, low-priced alcohol, is

    one of the main attractions of Thailand. However, unlike normal

    drinkers from elsewhere, who learn to moderate their alcohol intake,

    Norwegians drink to excess in Thailand and consequently often fall

    prey to alcohol poisoning. In this case, however, Mr.Sorgard had

    only had two Heineken beers, leaving the evidence on the table,

    along with his unpaid bar bill.

    Questioning one of the bar hostesses, Miss Jom, police discovered

    that Mr.Sorgard was travelling around Thailand with his daughter.

    They were staying briefly at Somboon Guesthouse, near the bar.

    Apparently, on the night of the incident, Mr.Sorgard was drinking

    alone. After finishing his second bottle of beer, he went into

    cramps and fell dying to the floor, to the profound distress of the

    bar clientele and hostesses. Although an ambulance was called, it

    unfortunately came too late to save Mr.Sorgard.

    Later, his daughter came to the bar and, overcome by tears, showed

    police a medicine bottle containing asthma preventative medicine,

    explaining that Mr.Sorgard suffered from the congenital disease.

    The police sent Mr.Sorgard's body to Banglamung Hospital for further


    News Type : Crime

    Story : Kampee

    Photo : Kampee

    Translater : Sirithanon

    From Pattaya City News site. A more appropriate news release:

    Norwegian Man drops dead at Jomtien Beach Bar.

    An incident now from the Ping Pong Beer Bar from Soi 7 off Jomtien Beach Road. Police Captain Patipat from


    Police Sub-Station was called to the bar in the early hours of Saturday Morning to investigate the death of

    a foreign patron inside the bar. At the scene, Police inspected the body of Mr. Terje Andreas Sorgard aged

    71 from Norway. According to friends of the deceased, he fell to the floor and stopped breathing

    without any previous indication he was feeling ill. He had drunk one bottle of beer and was in the process

    of ordering a second when he fell to the ground. Little is known about the man; however Police suspect

    he died of a Heart Attack which is expected to be confirmed after the results of a post mortem are released and

    is supported by a variety of heart medications found inside his trouser pocket. The Norwegian Embassy in

    Bangkok has been informed of the death.

    Pattaya Daily News-they make it up as they go along. More interesting to read that way.

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