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Posts posted by IsaanAussie

  1. This is a great idea. I would love to join. Can someone please confirm the 17,18 Sept is now fixed dates? If the map is here somewhere, I will find it. Will be great to find out what exciting projects you are all doing. Please PM me with confirmed details or other relevant information. Great, I will be coming from Rayong area. Thanks


    The event is set for the weekend of the 17th and 18th. I anticipate most people will be here for Saturday afternoon and evening. But at this stage you can assume it is open house for the weekend. General directions are in earlier posts and I will send out more information closer to the date. We currently have 12 members attending and we will move to using PM's a little later.

    Welcome aboard. Coming from Rayong, goodness that sure is on the outskirts of Isaan!

    To everyone else, any ideas or suggestions on forum or program would be most welcome. If you are looking for something or wanting to sell something then perhaps we should start to collect that information so your deals can be done on the day.

    Isaan Aussie

  2. This topic is interesting. I would like to add a note on Farang Farmers themselves. The ones I have met are all involved in farming but with vastly different interests, levels of involvement and motivation. Some are full time and completely committed with others just as passionate when they can get here and planning for a full time future. Many are looking for a relaxed rural lifestyle and provide financial help to the inlaws. The point is there is no stereotypical Farang Farmer IMHO.

    In my case, advise to "risk" only what you can afford to lose is a defeatist nonsense. I have never met anyone who is really trying to build a business that isnt prepared to put it all on the line if necessary. It is not about making the money last until the end, its about generating income and a new life. Its about doing something challenging and new and rewarding. Maybe I am just a crazy person, but I will retire when they put me in a box with a lily on my chest. Give up or give in? Never...

    To the OP, if you want something badly enough, go get it. You will hit obstacles here as you would anywhere else. Walk around or climb over them. You would be well advised to read the stories of doom and gloom, of mistakes made and hindsights offered. But remember, there are always two sides to a story and too many people adding opinions to fill in gaps in the truth or knowledge. If I took a guess, I would say that over half of the disasters here are caused by poor decisions influenced by the smaller of a man's two heads.

    Take your pick of what motivates you, the thrill of success or the fear of failure then go for it!

    Isaan Aussie

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  3. Good luck to you. If you can get the Thais to listen to you I will personally be amazed. Increase production? They know it all. Best to let them do it or you will be disgruntled at the minimum.

    Thanks for the thought. I agree talk is cheap. I have found that demonstration works much better. I produce compost and worm castings and started by giving samples to villagers to let them try it out. The results impressed them and we sold all our compost last year and have forward orders for the next chili season. As important is price. I believe both things have a higher value than I can get here in the village but the point in all farming is things are only worth what your customer is prepared to pay. This year they are prepared to pay more for two reasons; firstly, they now know the stuff works, and secondly, supply is limited and we have other markets outside the village where we attract higher prices.

    Isaan Aussie

  4. Thunder,

    I have reread your posts on this thread a number of times, your words intrigue me. I have had discussions with many people voicing the same opinions and frustrations that restrict what could be achieved here. But you know something? I am slowly changing my views. There is a natural seasonal flow to village life which is almost devoid of panic and problems. A coexistence with the land that surely is more sustainable. Just maybe the traditional Thai way isn't so bad after all? Maybe it is something we should build on, not attempt to change?

    Just imagine someone could devise a way to productively use these vast tracts of Isaan paddy field all year! Wow... But for now, the soils are depleted, water remains the limitation yet I dont see any dust bowls that used to be farms.

    Isaan Aussie

  5. Hi IA

    I probably haven't paid enough attention to earlier posts, and I know it's a bit early, but........... any driving directions to your farm?.... :D

    Hi Bergen,

    I will send out directions later but from the south, you head through Khukhan on highway 220 and I'm about 12 kms north in a village near Hua Sua.

  6. FEF,

    The song is so apt. Things are changing here very quickly indeed compared to other places in the world. Remember it is only in the last 60 odd years that land ownership by individuals has been possible. Tenant farmers are the ancestors here up until a generation ago. People were educated in the fields working together in family and community groups. In the last 10 years look at the massive migration to the cities from the farms, the sudden explosion of tractors on the scene. Pickup trucks and mobile phones are things that simply were not here when I first came, now they are almost essential.

    Times sure are changing, indeed faster than Ford is updating their pickup trucks. (albeit a Mazda).


  7. Ive found farming is a peacefull life for my Friends here, but to make real money, no way. As soon as you think your there C.P. floods the market with cheap pig meat or chickens.Then its Mills wacks up Feed Costs. They are a crafy lot, they know when to flood the market from the Food Sales to the small guy.

    It doesnt matter where in the world you farm, these days it depends on scale with modern agricultural methods and the small holdings farmer is up against it. In the case of CP I agree that they can manipulate the market and industry at will. But perhaps you might consider a slightly different view? Their position is very political and we all know that that needs opposition to function. I doubt that CP ever wish to squeeze "everybody" out and are unlikely to even bother with someone with a few pigs.

    Isaan Aussie

  8. Edyp,

    Check out the Thai Board of Investment on investment in Farming. www.boi.go.th

    I lived in Devon near the three county border for a year or so in the early 80's, Gods own country. We have a small pig farm here and are keenly interested in integrating as many on farm activities as possible to limit external costs. We compost the wastes and produce worm casting looking to reduce our chemical fertiliser usage. Cassava has potential as feed as do sunflowers and peanuts. Lots of things of interest here apart from monocropping.

    I would be interested in talking to potential investors to accelerate our plans.

    Good Luck.

    Isaan Aussie

  9. It takes me an hour to drive to Jim, a bit less than it takes to Sisaket.

    We have a fair sized restaurant, bar with pool table, lots of fruit trees, young rubber trees, herbs, flowers, ponds, a river, and more, and it's a nice place to party! :whistling:

    Our web site is just updated with lots of new photos, and can be found on my profile. :D

    WOW. a great setup, very impressed Bergen.

  10. My question is how much did it cost for a work permit,and if u havent got one i would delete this thread very quickly


    Thanks for the heads up. But for an educational/advisory get together, I dont believe anyone will need to bring such documentation. I dont anticipate any "work" being done other than the effort of holding a glass. Personally my wife and I are well known to the local authorities and take great pleasure in advising local people, mostly farmers, in any way we can. It is surprising how much "traditional knowlege" exists around you and how eagerly it is offered if sought. Extremely interesting and very educational.


    Welcome aboard. Singha gives me a headache, and its more expensive, but for you why not consider it done. Listen how close are you to JC's. If it is within DUI driving distance then perhaps you could supply the accomodation for a day at Jim's? I for one would love to see his "families" rubber operation.


  11. Renders,

    The strawberry "patch" is very impressive. Good luck with your efforts. Can you tell us what medium you are growing those in?


    I have been here in Thailand for quite a while and have learnt not to get my hopes up too high, especially with anything new to the family. I hope to get the strawberries to multiply this year and will be well pleased with any fruit.

    Berry Happy so far,


  12. Sure can, mine are growing well, thank your wife PL


    Nothing much to see I am afraid, just small healthy strawberry plants! Since planting them out they have grown new foliage but no amazing berries as yet. Is there something in particular you want to see?

    Actually, PL you might tell your wife to use a smaller box next time. There was damage to the foliage caused by postal handling, our postie asked what was in the box when he delivered it. He shook the heck out of the box while he was asking and a dare say so had everyone else who had handled it.

    The plants themselves had a well developed root system so the loss of some leaves wasnt a big issue as they were replaced in a few days.


  13. In the last few days I have had some interesting phone conversations with other TV members. The one question that has emerged repeatedly is "Why pigs?"

    Well I looked at many different animal opportunities (being a dog lover but the return is to low) and pigs were the obvious chopice. Heres the logic behind the choice:

    If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

    (Hardly seems worth it..)

    If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.

    (Now that's more like it!)

    The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.


    A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.

    (In my next life, I want to be a pig.)

    A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. (Creepy.)

    (I'm still not over the pig.)

    Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

    (Don't try this at home ; maybe at work.)

    The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body.. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.

    (Honey, I'm home .. What the...?)

    The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.

    (30 minutes. Lucky pig! Can you imagine?)

    The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.

    (What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)

    Some lions mate over 50 times a day.

    (I still want to be a pig in my next life...quality over quantity.)

    Butterflies taste with their feet.

    (Something I always wanted to know.)

    The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.


    (Thats because in too many people it never stops moving!!)

    Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.

    (If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)

    Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.

    (Okay, so that would be a good thing..)

    A cat's urine glows under a black light.

    (I wonder how much the government paid to figure that out. Why doesn't the government spend some $$ figuring out how to cross a pig and a lion??

    Then in my next life, I could come back as a lion pig!! Not a lying pig, we already have them, they are called politicians!!!!)

    An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

    (I know some people like that.)

    Starfish & jellyfish have no brains.

    (I know some people like that, too.)

    Polar bears are left-handed.

    (If they switch, they'll live a lot longer.)

    Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

    (What about that pig? Do the dolphins know about the pig?)

  14. Kudos, IA ;)

    Keep it rolling and positive!!

    Good luck to all!!:thumbsup:

    Thanks for the encouragement. There have been several discussions on holding an event like this but none of us has taken it any further. My praise goes to AA1 for reviving the idea, and for offering to host number 2.

    As a note to all. You dont have to be a farmer to join in. Green fingered gardeners and drivers looking for a new destination are all welcome.

  15. Thailand will issue a diplomatic passport to a known criminal - well I reckon it's only fair, the rest of the government are getting one.


    Your comment damned near choked me, I havent laughed so much in ages.

    A few things to consider:

    Japan is the largest FDI investor in Thailand.

    Discussions between Thais and many other Asian cultures is often done through proxies to save face at least initially.

    Few things that could effect the elite here change either quickly or radically.

    I live in the NE and if the MAN ever did return he would be welcomed as a hero around here. So let me add a little controversy to the discussion and offer my reason he is still so popular with the rural communities. Because he did a lot of things that the people see as benefical and secondly despite whatever he else did, however he prospered, none of it caused them any concern.

    I'm still smiling, the whole thing has always been a matter of maintaining face. A trip through the distortions of the House of Mirrors.


  16. Doc,

    Thanks for the speedy response and the PM. I enjoyed our conversion and will try to locate the stove paint. You response above had me dreaming again. how about this for the catering ideal?


    Isaan Aussie

  17. Hi Isaanites, Want a day out?

    Many of the farming fraternity in Isaan read this forum as well, but perhaps not so many of the participants here reciprocate. So I thought I would list a coming attraction in Isaan. We are organising a Farmers Advisory Field Day for mid next month. Anyone willing to travel to Sisaket that has an interest in agriculture, gardening or organics is more than welcome. Hopefully it will become a regular gathering. The first one is at my place. Have a look at the farming forum to follow things as they develop. Essentially it is a chance to learn something new, meet new friends, even give someone a few clues from your own experience. A day away from the box, the couch and the TV.

    Isaan Aussie

  18. Doc,

    I have a few questions about a BBQ trailer for spit roasts. Attached is a photo I dragged off the web some time ago of the basis concept. Could you make the whole thing or if I supplied the trailer chassis, could you do the unit on top? The unit should here doesn't have a rotisserary which I believe would be a must.


    Yes my real interest is the pig itself, that my end of a possible catering deal in the wind. The thought being that the BBQ could be delivered onsite with the pig almost cooked, ready to go. More than interested in your thoughts

    Isaan Aussie

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