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Posts posted by IsaanAussie

  1. Hi all again

    On the subject of trust, with family or workers. I trust mine to do the right thing. I am not on site 7 days a week, have 4 separate plantations. I do not sit looking over their shoulders, I let them do there job, but I can tell you within a kilo or 2 how much rubber each plantation will produce each tap. If you tell me how many full tapping days we will have in a certain month I can tell you how many kilos of rubber we should get.

    I go out on my motorbike once or twice a week and turn up and have a look at what's happening. The workers know I know how much rubber should be there and if the take is down I want to know why. We have got rid of 4 tappers in 2 years. On selling day the wife, who keeps the books and the BIL will weigh the rubber and she will say how much do you think and I am usually within 50 kilos of what's there.

    If you start tapping and are on top of every thing to start, things get easier as you go. It's a learning curve, but if you know your trees it's hard for anyone to slip any rubber away.

    Once in awhile I will take my hammock out to a plantation and stay the night, if that day the take is up you know something is amiss. Your tappers will get the message and they will fall into the routine. It's all about people skills and as I said in rubber 101 if you have a good tapper take care of him. When one of them comes to me because they are short of money for something, I will lend it. I know I will get my money back as I pay them. If one needs time off while his wife has a baby or something, we help out.

    You earn respect and loyalty it's not a given. Jim

    Listen up guys...Jim is on the money as usual....no free lunches ..

    ....I have fridge magnet on my beer fridge that says "if it's to be it's up to me"..says most of it...

    Need to get one with "who'll stop the !@#$%^&* rain?"

    Well in Australia people used to say Hewie was the man who controls the rain, as in "Bring it down Hewie!" So I suppose here it is also "Up to Hewie"

  2. A great day, afternoon, evening, and night was had. :whistling:

    Thanks to IA for hosting, and to all for participating.

    Good to catch up with some known faces, and meet some new ones!

    I had hoped to bring back home some bacon and ham, etc., but maybe next time at AA1's place........ :unsure:

    Will post some pics, when my internet connection is stronger: :D

    Thanks Bergen,

    On the issue of bacon. I can cure you as much bacon as you like. All you have to do is tell me how much you want and if you want it sliced, if so, how thick. Ready in a week. I dont usually make a lot because it would mean freezing it, so unless someone asks I only make for my own consumption as I like it fresh.

    Anyone who tried it and liked the molasses and black pepper cured loin at the meeting just drop me a PM with what you want. If other members want to try it, do the same send a PM. Belly bacon is also available on request. I will also do a standard dry cure or with your choice of herbs and spices. Since it is against TV rules to advertise, leave it that it costs much less than the stuff you get at Tescos.

    Isaan Aussie

    Edit - I hasten to add, it does not taste like commercial bacon, nor does it shrivel up to nothing in the pan full of salt residues. The one you tried was cured with molasses, fresh ground black pepper, sugar and sea salt, no nitrates, nitrites and other chemicals.

    • Like 1
  3. You need prices near to you ,as they can vary by 100% area to area ,depending on supply and demand.

    With the rising pork prices ,there is a mad rush to build sty,s and ram demand is heavy.

    Last year prices varied from 6 baht in the far N/E to about 10-11 baht in central issan.

    Quality is also a factor, some mills remove virtually any semblance of broken rice while others dont sift so fine.

    We currently pay 5.5 baht while the mill 75 metres away is 6.8 baht

    How long does it stay fresh? I have heard different stories about how quickly the feed value decreases.

  4. Just got home and feeling the worse for wear, but a good time was had. I must admit I learned something I should have know about rubber. Always buy your condoms before you go to the karaoke bar. Jim

    Seems that your evening went on a bit longer than mine. With all the chat yesterday about value adding to farm outputs, I though you would have been self sufficient in latex products? Silly me. But you have some sort of dip tank at the facyory don't you?

    Glad you had a good time. Actually sounds like you had two good times!


  5. Forecast Saturday, 2011-09-17

    Partly cloudy. 24°C at 01:00. Light breeze, 3 m/s from southwest. No rain expected between 01 and 07.

    Rain. 25°C at 07:00. Gentle breeze, 4 m/s from southwest. 2.7 mm mm rain between 07 and 13.

    Heavy rain. 27°C at 13:00. Gentle breeze, 4 m/s from west-southwest. 7 mm mm rain between 13 and 19.

    Partly cloudy. 25°C at 19:00. Gentle breeze, 4 m/s from southwest. 0.6 mm mm rain between 19 and 01.

    Today has been a cracker, sunny all afternoon. Rain that was forecast today didnt happen. Lets hope tomorrow it the same, but as it says above, maybe a little in the afternoon.

    For those who wanted rooms it is done (paid for so there wont be an last minute surprises) with a couple of spares available. Bacon is curing, beer in the fridge...

    See you all tomorrow IA

  6. SS,

    Thank God your are not going to clean the car, takes the pressure off me. Through Prasat Yer is the one, been a long time since I travelled down that road through. Some of the dirt roads around here were 4WD only a few days ago. Now they have probably dried out to become deeply ritted goat tracks. Good luck.


  7. Hi everyone,

    Just a reminder to those yet to confirm coming on Saturday, please drop me a line by PM or post here. Trying to establish a head count for catering purposes. Obviously the flooding situation cannot be known until the day.

    For those who are tossing up whether to come or not have a look at the second article on the recent TBS show, that's us.


    Hope to see as many as possible. Will post location tomorrow.


    Isaan Aussie

    IA - did you manage to book rooms for me? :unsure:

    Hope ones for me, or should I bring my hammock. Jim

    Rooms under control. Will confirm with the people tomorrow. Plenty of space under the verandah to sling your hammock if you like as well.

  8. Hi everyone,

    Just a reminder to those yet to confirm coming on Saturday, please drop me a line by PM or post here. Trying to establish a head count for catering purposes. Obviously the flooding situation cannot be known until the day.

    For those who are tossing up whether to come or not have a look at the second article on the recent TBS show, that's us.


    Hope to see as many as possible. Will post location tomorrow.


    Isaan Aussie

  9. I know I will get some stick for this but I have a pond I tip a wheel barrow of chicken poo in it when I can remember. It pays for most of my beer. I am Not a fish farmer, but my pond pays its way. I have never brought a bag of food and never had an problems. Catfish eat anything you give. Just a note from the other end of the scale... LOL

    I'll share the whipping post with you Andy. I have catfish in my pond and the only thing they get is a bit of the waste water from the pig sty and the spoilt pig food, both as and when available. Hardly going to break any production records but produces a good size fish. Will get into it more seriously one day.

  10. Still didnt get a definative answer about having the kid with us being problem or not? :)

    I know, that most farmers and farangs in general in Thailand are not into starting full thai family up, but i am still far from being the retirement age, and rather be on the younger side.

    Still should make Saturday early afternoon, i believe!

    My apologies Tingtong please forgive me, please bring the kids they will find something to do. No jumping castles but a big TV and lots of big pigs to look at.

    Isaan Aussie.

  11. Well done Isaan Aussie for organizing the gathering! I'll have to be the early bird and swing by on Saturday morning after 10am. Alas, cannot stay too long as work requires me to fly back to Bangkok on Saturday afternoon. Booked on the TG45 at 2:20pm. I'll bring along a couple of bottles of Johnnie Walker Black. Sorry I'll miss the late afternoon and evening. Is 10am too early on Saturday?

    We will be around. The day usually starts around 5 to 6, Saturday wont be any different. Whenever you can get here will be fine.

  12. I live in a small rural village of some 40 houses owned by 4 extended families. There have been many changes to village here over the last ten years caused by the differences in personal expectation levels between the villagers, especially the elderly and the city dwelling offspring. At holidays when the cityites return culturally it is like oil and water, many generations from different times. To a few of the old people everyone who works in the city is a sex worker, just look at their clothes. I see children left in the care of their grand parents who shun their parents as strangers but willing accept the plastic ride on toys and other bits of soon broken junk that litter the place within days. High school age children who have been educated by television and internet are less likely to become the next generation of rice farmers.

    What I see is a rural society slowly disappearing. Consumerism, ambition and other pillars of western society never had a place in the village, now they do.

    Isaan Aussie

  13. Poacher turns Gamekeeper not sure about that. Concentrate on the Rugby. Aussies -- no chance


    Dont follow the rugby, Ozzie Rules and not for a long while. Concede the rest? Pity you wont be here for the gathering. You would definitely be put in charge of pie making. Still perhaps when you get out.......

    Isaan Aussie

    To everyone else, sorry been busy this week will get the ball rolling again soon. If I can ask you to confirm who is coming as soon as possible so we can organise catering. Thanks.

  14. IssanAussie,

    Me and my family should still be there on the 17th :)

    As i see you are a good 250km driving, maybe more, so, probably early afternoon time...

    will need driving instructions later on, will go from Khon Kaen way.


    You can sleep on the floor next to me, but you said family. I hadn't thought about anyone bringing kids with them, sorry but I'm human. You buggers are easy fixed, and my wife Moon will take care of our wives, but the kids? Come on guys, help me, what do we need to do for the kids? These days are primarily for us but this casts a new light on right here, right now, family. Remember that from whereever whatever we knew before? The day has to be good for everyone.

  15. HI All

    i've been following this thread since it started and it sounds like a great idea and was hoping to attend but as we fly back into Bangers on the 18th i'm sad to say i will miss this one but hope to try for another time as i hope these get togethers will continue.

    Hope you all have a good time and may the Leo be free flowing


    Thanks for the support, it inspires me. Sorry we set the date a little early for you but as you say, there is always next time. In fact I have been in contact with two future hosts, AA1 and FEF and the future looks good. Living here presents challenges to us all, even just the name of this website reminds us of an issue we all constantly face. I am devoted to two things here, my wife and the personal wish that some how I can make a difference. But I am only one man, together I hope we can all lighten each others load. To those that doubt my motivation or resolve, save your words of critisism and tell me how I can improve. I have been insulted by some real experts in my life, trolls offer me no threat. Get a life. To everyone else, the passport is stamped, get out and live.


  16. Honda manufacturers small engines here so for parts and service they would take a lot of beating. Sound deadening should be easy enough but cooling the engine and exhaust modification are issues to look at. But take a hard look at operating costs and the potential for some midnight shopper knicking it.

    Will your apartment owner let you install into their wiring system or are you planning to provide alternate wires?

    Thought about a solar system? Seems like you have most things bar the panels and some larger batteries. Again solar panels made here.

  17. Theodore,

    Can I ask you what your organisation will contribute to the project amd what is the desired result?

    Got the ponds and the water, in a small north eastern village, in the province of Sisaket. I am sure that many other members have the same resources. So it is all very doable as long as the objectives can be moulded into a viable community project.

    Ozzydom is absolutely correct most aid based projects fail. Goes great until the money runs out, maintenance of equipment isnt budgeted for, or a raft of other petty reasons that stop a really good idea succeeding. Think of the Thai people, especially here in Isaan this way. They work extremely hard when the need arises, that is filling the rice bowl. Once it is full life is about having fun. Those that have more ambition and drive, usually either keep to themselves or are drained by the fun seekers. It is a very difficult culture to understand for someone not attuned to it. Pay too much, or too early, and you will find no-one turns up to work tomorrow, or maybe for a week.....

    Believe me, I am not being negative and admire what I think you are trying to achieve. But to make it a success, as Ozzy suggests, tread softly.....boggy ground.

    As far as government assistance is concerned, think of it in terms of the existing local local programs. Ten farmers teamed together can get fish stocks and training often for very little payment. Ask the government to supply the feed for an individual farmer or enterprise, no way. Each department is a seperate operation so to get them to work together is impossible unless the right "Big Face" asks.

    The bottom line, everyone involved will ask the same question, "Whats in it for me?"

    So going back to my opening question, whether you choose to share it or not, determine how much you can put in and what you want back first. Then achieve those ends with only standard available options where everyone wins>

    Good Luck

    Isaan Aussie

  18. I am keen to start a worm farm to decompose waste. Anyone can give me advice?

    Hi Latis,

    I assume that you will be travelling through in the morning, no problem drop in whenever. I also assume that you are heading in the wrong direction to be pickup up worms for the farm. I can fix you up with a worm tower suitable for a house or apartment in Bangkok though if you want. Simple chest of drawers which I put together for the Thai TV show on PBS in July, not a lot of use to me too small for the farm, but well established.

    If you want worms for the farm, then worm farmer is coming and can fix you up with larger quantities of worms. Check his profile, not that far from Ubon. Definitely worth a trip for anyone wanting large quantities of castings as well.

    This is great guys, just the sort of interfacing I hoped we could achieve. Here I am listening to "Hab, chai Hab, mee mee mee!" WOW what a pleasant change!

    Isaan Aussie.

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