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Posts posted by rogera

  1. See this video clip!!!!!! Local medias are not telling the truth!

    Apparently, a downtown battle field sparked yesterday as the puppet government used the military troop by way of declaring the state of emergency over the area of Bangkok Metropolitan and its vicinities to specifically dissolve by force the Red-shirt protesters. Red-shirt protesters politically demand the puppet prime minister and government-entangling privy councilor head to resign.

    In pictures, the troop brutally shot the Red-shirt protesters, who defended their barracks for political rally, to dead and got severe injuries, while the latter retaliated with no weapons. Not only the ordinary citizen, but also a few monks and a three years old child were also murdered by firing bullets. Most corpses were secretly hidden, taken away and destroyed by the troop to avert any physical evidence. Up to now, nearly one hundred people were registered dead and injured, being drastically and contradictorily contrast to the government report, as saying only two persons were dead.

    Some pictures exhibited the Red-shirt women knelled themselves down with flowers in front of the soldiers while begging for their lives. Some pictures delineated the soldiers' shameful actions drawing on by dragging and yanking the hair of an unarmed woman protester.

    The government also made image-smearing stories, lies and deceptions by hiring people to wear the red shirts and ordered them to create chaos and destroy public properties during the evening time in order to generate widespread civil disobedience, as if the Red-shirt protesters had done by themselves.

    Is this your rubbish or are you quoting the text of someone else. Even the foreign media, who were embedded with the troops and who saw everything, did not make such ridiculous claims. The foreign press reported that two people were killed, both locals from Nang Luang who tried to stop the red shirts from burning their property. They were shot by the red shirts. These facts were reported by the Nang Laung locals directly to the Thai press so it is accurate information.

    According to the Thai TV reporters on site and reported live on Thai TV news channels, the women kneeling in front of the troops at the Royal Plaza were asking to be allowed back in to the sealed off area outside government house. They were not begging for their lives. The woman having her hair pulled was also attacked by a local who was very upset at the actions of the red shirts.

    The only people telling lies to the foreign press were Thaksin and Jakraphob Penkair and their credibility is now shot to pieces. The foreign media know full well now that Thaksin and his cronies are complete liars and charlatans. If the remarks you quoted are yours, I suggest that you check your facts before you post such garbage.

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