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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 29 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

    I think the really bad situations, at Suv. at least, are episodic, not usually long-lasting (i.e., more than a few days), and difficult to predict beforehand.  I've seen it really bad - bad enough that flights were being missed - exactly one time in almost 30 years (and so know how bad it can get), but don't come and go as frequently as some here who'll therefore have encountered it more often.   Generally, I've found that if you arrive at or near the counter-opening time for your flight (usually abt 3 hours prior), you have no problems.   That one time for me, I made my flight, barely, and there wasn't much I could've done except maybe jump the line (which some were doing).   I've also just occasionally seen airport staffers at Suv. roaming the queues looking for people for certain flights to get them to the head of the line or to a counter that had been opened to expedite them.



    Have to agree. I've often seen staff looking for passengers needing to get to the front of the line. Pretty good service actually.

  2. 1 hour ago, Pungdo said:

    I had one back home in Oz called a Barracuda, did a pretty good job on my pebble finish pool, it was a free form pool and there were no sharp angles anywhere by design si that an automatic cleaner would work better, the only thing that ever stopped it was the occasional leaf getting stick in a rubber read valve that it had in the head of it.

    Ditto. Had several types back in Oz, Barracuda best by far.

  3. 1 hour ago, pgrahmm said:

    Any place they have internet coverage and advertising, soap operas, costume dramas, cosmetics - TV they will be well aware of many things Korean....Many Thai's fly over - buy up stock & resell it based on Korean appeal - see many on the planes......Fly out in the morning & back the same day....

    Ah, as I thought, a city slicker. Chiang Mail. I'd go so far as to say most rural Thais haven't been outside a 100 km radius of their home.

    But I'm sure you'll have a different point of view.

  4. On 9/7/2017 at 11:19 AM, mlmcleod said:

    Is it April 1st??  Paraplegic implies that the man has lost the use of all four limbs.  The real mystery here is how did he load and fire the the gun??

    Nope !  You are thinking of Quadriplegic. As in 4. Legs and arms.

    1. 1.
      affected by or relating to paralysis of the legs and lower body.
      "a paraplegic war veteran"
    1. 1.
      a person affected by paralysis of the legs and lower body.
      "researchers hope the treatment might enable paraplegics to walk again"
  5. " Pek Penguin. "  let me guess, he used his beak.


    Reminds me of the story. Guy was walking on the beach & comes across a penguin washed ashore, looking a little distressed. Guy checks to see the penguin is ok. Guy walks off & penguin follows. As they walk along a cop pulls up & asks what's going on. Guy replies he found the penguin on the beach & it's befriended him. Cop says you better take the penguin to Sea World.

    Next day same cop sees the guy walking along with the penguin waddling beside. Cop says, thought I told you to take him to Sea World. Guy says, I did. He enjoyed it so much, today I'm taking him to the movies.

    Sorry, I couldn't help it.

  6. 18 hours ago, idman said:

    As I sit in the various bars and lift a beer to.my mouth the very last thing I am worrying about is an errant Nuke hitting beautiful Downtown Chiang Mai.

    How very cavalier of you. Me thinks if those 2 "dickheads" don't back down & pull their heads in there will be a fair amount of worrying all over SE Asia.

  7. 1 hour ago, just bob said:

    The question should really be, would Trump start a war to deflect from the looming charges he's going to face.  Or... How nuts is he.  That doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling.  The other question should be, if he does give some harebrained orders that would see lots of people die, would someone in the inner circle put a bullet in his head for the good of humanity.  Not advocating that, just saying its not inconceivable.


    That crooked money hungry Putin is right on this one.  Let NK have nukes.  Mutually assured destruction is a wonderful deterrent.  India has them.  Pakistan has them.  The cats been out of the bag for a long time.


    If I was president, Hey Kim Jong, tell you what, you're a good old fart.  Let's sign a peace deal to officially end the Korean war and we'll give you some nukes to insure your security.  China would shit.

    Might you be suggesting Trump shouldn't ride in a motocade through Dallas ?

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