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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 55 minutes ago, maxpower said:

    I guess you are using windows default media player and want to keep it simple.

    If you double click one song it will play only that song and ignore other songs in the same folder.


    If you highlight several songs then right click the selected songs and choose play with media player it will play all of your selected songs.


    If you right click a folder full of songs and choose play with media player it will play all the songs in the folder you selected.


    If you want to keep it all tidy then place each album in its own folder and name it accordingly.

    The shuffle and loop switches will work only when the player has more than one song to work with.

    Thanks to you & Forkinhades for your replies. Your advice sounds pretty good. I'll give it a try & let you know how I grt on.

    Thanks again.....     Mal.

  2. First up, I'm of the older generation & not all that IT savvy. I do usually manage to work my way through stuff though.

    My issue. I have several albums on my laptop that I "recorded" from CD. The problem is that the music stops after each song. I have to select, start each song individually.

    To try & solve the problem, I have transferred the songs to a USB stick, track by track, as I thought I may have originally transferred the album as a whole. I'm not sure if this could have been the cause.

    Now, when I play from the USB stick, I have the same problem. The next song will not play unless I start it manually. I have tried it with both repeat & shuffle on & off & makes NO difference.

    Would really appreciate some help.

    Thanks.....     Mal.

  3. 5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    just yesterday I was waiting for a traffic light in Hua Hin when a Farang pulled up next to me on a scooter not wearing a helmet. I was the only one at the intersection wearing a helmet. Cop jumped out of his traffic box and flagged the Farang down ignoring about 5 or 6 Thais without helmets.





    Good job BIB. Showing more concern for farang's safety that that of fellow Thais. Definitely has his priorities in order.

  4. On 11/11/2017 at 10:57 PM, chickenslegs said:

    I never harrassed anyone for sexual favours, but I did have some very indecent thoughts and dreams about many women - especially in my teens and twenties.


    Hopefully, I will be long dead before those "thought crimes" become illegal.



    "some very indecent thoughts"... "in my teens and twenties."

    I'll be burning in the fires of hell for eternity. I'm 69 & still have very indecent thoughts.

  5. Evenin all.

    Some assistance please. I'm trying to buy some gypsum powder, as in for breaking up heavy, clay type ground. My local agricultural outlet has dolomite & lime in stock, however I can't get them to understand gypsum. Can anyone recommend a Thai script name or some way I can try & source.

    I'm in Sakon Nakhon province.

    Thanks all in advance.

  6. 30 minutes ago, LoZth said:

    So, if draught beer dispensers are maybe going to be outlawed in the 7's will there be any chance of buying a secondhand one to put in my front room do you think?


    That would save me the 500yds (I'm English, I don't do foreign measurements :smile: ) trek to the 7.

    I'm missing something here. I think only 2 countries still use imperial measurements. I thought English = metric ?

  7. Slightly off topic. Does anyone have any recent experience with Kosa in KK ? I satyed there a few time some years back & while it would have been a palace in it's day, it was starting to date. Was in need of major update or at lease major maintenance.

    Thanks in advance.

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