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Posts posted by malt25

  1. I realize this won't solve all the issues, but something I have done & works well.

    I only receive mail from a few people back in home country. Family, accountant & solicitor.

    The wife has written our address in Thai & I've sent this to the mail senders back in Oz. The mail addressed in Thai must be seen as important as we haven't missed any since we started doing this.



  2. 17 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I am wondering what caused the girls to complain. Was it the actual act of groping of the breasts, or the fact that one of the boys posted it to Facebook?

    If every boy who fondled a girls breasts got arrested, the police would have little time for any other work.

    " If every boy who fondled a girls breasts got arrested, the police would have little time for any other work. "

    Are you insinuating that the BIB have time for any work at all, anytime ?

  3. 18 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    I remember the story of Moses and the commandments.

    Wasnt it like this?

    Moses was up on the mount, and then the voice of God called to him in all its power and glory, saying, "Moses its obvious to me that all the people have got way out of hand, with the golden calf and all that s#it. I am very pissed off, so i am going to tell you how to live, these are my rules for the  jewish faith.These rules will be cast in stone so that you and your people will never forget.Do you agree to this?" Moses thought for a minute and being a wise man said "ok lord but how much are they" God said "well, er, nothing" so Moses said, "Ok i'll have ten":cheesy:.I do make me laugh sometimes!.

    And the Lord said unto Moses, Moses, come forth !  But Moses being old & feeble, tripped & came fifth. 

  4. I live about 25km from Sakon Nakhon. Quite near our house is a highway police  station. The station is directly beside a set of traffic lights at a T junction. Often, regurarly see BIB outside the station watching the traffic, having a smoke. Three & 4 on a bike, no helmet, straight through red light. Trucks & busses through red light. Bikes at night with no lights.

    Have NEVER witnessed any action by BIB. You think the motoring public will take any notice of any road rules ??? Me think not !

  5. "I would like to see the law changed to no more than 2 riders on a motorcycle"

    It is already the law, but like most, never enforced. There's also a law about riding side saddle on a motorbike , as a lot of women do, but law never enforced.

    Just saying.

  6. 2 hours ago, bangrak said:

    What about a next regulation: no more than 2 persons on a motorbike...?

    I think if you care to check the road regs, it's been illegal for more than 2 on a motorbike for quite some time.

    I seem to recall the wording goes something like .....   the motor bike can only legally transport the number of people as stipulated by the manufacturer ....  or words to that effect.

  7. 4 hours ago, Patmalone said:

    When did it become 400,00 baht? I thought it was 800,000 baht for 2 months or 65,000 baht a month.

    800,000 for retirement extension. 400,000 for extension based on marriage.

  8. 2 hours ago, gkroo said:

    Hey Malt25 you should start up a Queenslander Club in Sakon Nakhon in readiness for State of Origin *1 ???

    Me thinks your's truly would be chairman, secretary, barman, cheer squad & only member. But a good idea. :partytime2:

  9. Why not go to the local auto upholstery shop & get one made ? You can chose your color & fitting method, clips or cord.

    I've had several things made here locally in the village shop.

    Just a thought.

  10. I'd hardly think having the equivelant of about $15,000 in the bank one would qualify as even moderately wealthy. I survive quite comfortably on the Oz aged pension here & can still scrape up 400,000 baht for Thai bank deposit.

    If you can't put your hands on this amount, pity help you in time of an emergency.

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