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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 16 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    All this rubbish. Way back when I was at school I had to learn French and German. I presume a lot of you on here did as well. Hated it at the time but glad of it over the years. I lived in Malta for 5 years. Just about everyone spoke English, but I took the time to learn Maltese why beacuse I lived there. I took time to learn Thai it's a really hard language to learn I agree I wouldn't say I'm fluent but can hold my own and it will only get better with practise. Why did I beacuse I live  here simple really. So while people who can't be bothered to learn thai have to rely on gf/bf/husband/wife to translate  everything and live in there own enclosed world. I can do things for myself as I've always done.

    " I took the time to learn Maltese "        I'll bet you're just a lil terrier.

  2. 13 hours ago, seancbk said:


    None of those places offer much do they?

    I cannot for the life of me understand why someone would choose to live out in the sticks instead of Bangkok.   

    I guess to live out there you need to be a pretty anti-social person who doesn't like having fun with lots of friends.


    " I cannot for the life of me understand why someone would choose to live out in the sticks instead of Bangkok."

    I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would choose to live in Bangkok instead of rural Thailand.

  3. 10 hours ago, abab said:



    Exactly ! How can people be so stupid to spend more for a phone than a computer ?


    10000 is a maximum and more than enough for anybody, especially because people do not do anything but facebook with their phone !



    " especially because people do not do anything but Facebook with their phone ! "

    Really !  My phone gets used for lots of other stuff.

    Just sayin.

  4. 6 minutes ago, bermannor said:

    To pretend not to understand Thai when in fact you understand it, I regard as gross dishonesty.


    Dishonest !!!  Bloody hell, they started it. It'll take another few generations before we even get close to em.

    & no, this isn't Thai bashing. I'm usually somewhat of an apologist if anything. 

    Just sayin........

  5. Does this help ? The article doesn't mention any particular country, maybe it's an internationally recognized situation ?


    Question.  "Can you marry the same person twice without a divorce?"


    Answer.    '"If a couple wants to remarry without first getting a divorce, they can hold a ceremony and go through all of the motions of a wedding. For many couples, this is referred to as renewing the vows. To marry a person again legally, they would have to go through the process of divorcing for the second marriage to hold up in court. Renewing the vows is an excellent way for two people to reaffirm their love and commitment for each other. This second wedding can even be done in a church with a pastor, family and friends in place."

  6. 14 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

    Still doesn't explain why we dont buy our Bread from a Real Baker does it. Or our Real Dodge Dealer for our Cars. Bloody American Drivel to me, and no doubt most Americans.

    Me thinks you are being a bit picky.

    Why not ask why we all drive motor cars when in reality they are engine cars.

    Numerous anomalies in everyday speak.

    Bit like Stonehenge ... no one knows why, it just is.

  7. 8 hours ago, Confuscious said:

    Thanks for the reply.

    What baffles me is how can anybody have a (legal) marriage in Thailand and have a (legal) marriage in their home country.


    If person "A" chose to marry person "B" in Thailand and completes the marriage.
    How can person "A" and "B" marry again in another country?
    Are they not required to show the proof that they are celibate?
    That would make them "bigamists" by law.


    What baffles me, is why you are baffled.

    A relatively common occurrence. A couple will marry in a remote & romantic location. Their dream wedding. Maybe on the beach of a south sea island, then return home for a second wedding with family & friends. No legal issues.

  8. 15 hours ago, djayz said:

    These three kids are out intimidating / trying to intimidate motorists at night. What will they be doing when they're in their 20s and 30s? 

    Yes, the police should follow up, fine and have a serious word with them.

    Life is difficult, but they're too young to be allowed to do what they please. With a bit of help and guidance, they might be able to get off the streets and find normal work later in life. 

    Today he rapped on the window, what will he do tomorrow or the next day? 

    The car driver remained cool and calm. There are many people here who wouldn't tolerate a young lad tapping on his window. I'd hate to read that the same kids were found dead along the side of the road because of such shenanigans. 

    Yes, the RTP were right to get involved.

    " These three kids are out intimidating / trying to intimidate motorists at night. What will they be doing when they're in their 20s and 30s?  "

    They'll be BIB's demanding brown envelopes. Just serving apprenticeship now. Kinda like school work experience.

  9. 47 minutes ago, seancbk said:

    If that was sarcasm then ouch!

    If not, then what made you think I was being sarcastic?   


    1,000 real friends on FB. I took that as sarcasm. I doubt anyone knows 1,000 people let alone class them as friends.

    I guess some people might know of 1,000 people, but I bet they couldn't name them if given a week.

    I know some of the much younger generation have a few hundred "friends" on face book. But are they really friends of someone they've just added & maybe chat with once a year.


  10. 2 hours ago, seancbk said:

    We are from very different generations. 

    I don't remember the last time I used my phone to make a telephone call.    

    When I'm out I rarely put my phone in my pocket, I am constantly engaged in keeping up with the 1000 real friends I have on Facebook, updating my Instagram accounts, responding to Line messages and Facebook messenger messages.    


    I love smart sarcasm.  Well done !

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