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Posts posted by cudaproject

  1. there is Wendy's on Main Street and North. they have them baked potatoes proppa.

    cheers ya piss taker.. Just googled Wendy and Pattaya, it came up with some bird called Wendy's photo album from Pattaya!

  2. Hi,

    Anyone know where serving a decent baked potato, with chilli or other fillers as a main dish? All I can find is places serving baked potatoes as an extra with steaks etc..

    Cheers and big up Potatoes!

  3. I am not sure whether this has been mentioned yet but as I drove into Pattaya on sunday the first thing that greeted me after the Sawasdee to Pattaya sign was a massive billboard with Hitler giving the Nazi salute. There was some Thai writing on it which my gf said mentioned something about him being alive. Although she did say she had not taken too much notice so could be wrong.

    There was no English writing so I have no idea why Hitler is promoting Pattaya, presumably some waxworks. But what were they thinking??????? AM I the only person who finds it offensive or is that the huge jewish chip on my shoulder!!!

    This is Thailand!!

    No, you're not the only one who found it extremely offensive. To publicly advertise, for whatever reason, a man who single handidly was responsible for 50+ million deaths is disgusting. Thinking of the people affected: Most Germans really want to avoid this subject for obvious reasons, the Japanese too. Obviously the French, British, Russians (who lost absolutely millions), Australian and almost any other country would surely not appreciate it.. The Thai, Chinese and other Asian women who were subjected to disgusting rape and torture.. The list goes on..

    I don't think they meant to make offense but clearly a few history lessons wouldn't go amiss.

  4. Kanyong actually.

    Sukhumvit road, about 2 km past underwaterworld when traveling towards Sattahip, on the same side.

    When coming from Pattaya you'll have to do a U-turn at the Soi Chayaphruek traffic lights.

    Nice one.. Cheers Monty. Appreciate the directions and I've also found it on the net. kanyonghomestore.com

  5. Does anybody know where I can get some really good quality office doors? I have been to places like Homepro, Homeworks etc but they don't really do what I am looking for..

    Really excellent quality, the typ you would find in a MNC HQ...

    Many thanks in advance.

  6. Many of the larger companies like Diethelm with expats have laid off, others have returned home by their own free will. Others like me who are self employed in Thailand have been hit hard. The yellow shirts destroyed our business completely in 11 days and the red shirts added the nails in the coffin. As business has now just started to turn slightly - the news of red short demonstrations again on 27th June is simply frickin stupid.

    Expats are happy to be here as long as they earn... and we employ Thai's. And we provide services Thai's to date, have been unable to supply, as well as penetrate markets unavailable to Thai's. Of all the people I know here in similar fields, all have suffered, Thais and expats, due to the stupidity of the politics and that means about 50% of the expats have already left with more planning the same thing.

    If The Govt stands by and allows the world to see protests, security being ignored, beheadings n the South, expats in general will have to leave as no point bringing their expertise and knowledge to a country that ignores the importance of knowledge transfer and seeking security of tenure. They may as well sit back home and retire to a social security system as there is no longer an incentive to remain here!

    HSBC may have done a 'survey' but I bet most of the information has not taken into account loss of deposits and funds transfers out. No deposits, no leveraged funds against deposits so the banks will start losing money too. Put a value on that and HSBC should be the one liaising with the Thai Govt to improve the situation. Tourism may be the majority and their target but with an image as tarnished as it now is, perhaps they should address the brain drain and business insolvency. I have fired all my Thai staff in the last month so that puts hardships on Thai's let alone Expats. I know another in the same business who put off 25 to save 800,000 a month in wages. We feel sorry for them all but survival is survival. Go figure. :)

    Just out of interest, what is/was your line of business.. Intrigued to know how the yellow shirts affected it and completely destroyed it in 11 days.

  7. Either PM me the details or post here, thanks .....

    There is a bar situated on a corner behind the Big C (North Pattaya). Its quite a popular hang out for Thai's (dare I say more upper class). Anyway, I can't for the life of me remember what the name of it is. But if you get the name of that, google it, then it should come up with their own web site. And they also design web sites... according to their site.

    Long story this.. A while back I noticed their web site looked good and I remembered that just in case I needed a web site designer.. So, try that one..

  8. Closer to Sukhumvit, there's EQ Studio, on Rama IV near the southern end of Suk Soi 22.

    EQ Studio

    2755/2 Soi Chokedee

    Rama 4 Road tel 02-258-2880

    I used EQ Studio before.. Really good. You don't have to take anything. They have amps, drum kit, mics, bass, guitars, amps, effects pedals all set up and switched on ready to play when I hired it. I think it was about 300 Baht an hour.. I think. Highly recommended.

  9. Can anyone point me in the direction of a satelite instalation company here in Pattaya who can provide me with a fixed dish system and a card that can pick up the Multichoice package from South Africa, as I want to get rid of my Truevisions dish and package.

    On Sukhumvit just North of Index furniture on the East side of the Road, is PSA Satellite company. I think they might have the package you are looking for. I have the Dynasat system which works very well. What programming does the Multi choice package from South Africa offer?


    Their premium package has all of the BBC Channels,Entertainment,Lifestyle,CBBC,News, plus all of the Supersport channels 1 to 6 plus Gold and Extra,Sony entertainment, Mnet series, Sky News, ALJazera, four Movie Channels plus Hallmark plus music and local African channels, all in all a better package than True anyway but you have to source the card from a Thai agent and pay one year in advance for the card.

    That sounds quality. Can you keep us updated on how you get on with it, prices and all that?

  10. I have a set of hair clippers, but the grades are not so good. Anyone know where I can find some very good qulaity ones, with many different grades..


  11. this is about as important as the local caber toss championships..I hope it isn't on TV! leave your tribal stuff at home mate and watch the muay thai ..it will make you a better man and yer hair mite even grow back!

    What a tit.. If it ain't important why are you reading it.. It's called a forum mate. Wind your neck in Mr. "I think I'm Thai, I watch Muay Thai"

  12. Question Did you get to see the leeds v Millwall after all and if so where?? Just for interest>

    Unfortunately not. Went to Shenanigans, The Queen Vic on Soi 6, tropical Berts and asked others who knew bars.. Nobody was playing it, as the game wasn't on the schedule. It was the same last year with the play off final. So, here's hoping Leeds make it into the championship next year. MOT!

  13. The main thread seems to be places around Second Rd and Soi 7/8 etc. but if you stay near WS , one of the best and biggest breakfast is Secrets Hotel/Club soi 14 , all there food is recommended

    Is this Stickman? All I ever see is people bigging up Secrets and I don't know why.. I went there once and got ripped off for drinks and told to pay, rather aggresively..

  14. Food is not that great at Rimpa Lapin and so it's not good value for money.

    Great views but as it's owned by a Thai pop star most people go there to spot a celebrity.

    Completely disagree about RomSon. It's great food and cheaper than Pattaya.

    Agreed.. The food is nothing to write home about and the service is abysmal..

    The view and setting is great though..

    Not cheap, not pricey.. pretty standard.

  15. There are some miserable people on this forum, whinging about just about everything... I have found the store to be great..

    I go to the Ground Floor supermarket 2 or 3 times a week, great sandwhiched for work, lasagne, salads etc Great! Bought some clothes from French Connection, bought some trainers from the sports shops, bought some CDS and mag's from the BT shop, or whatever it's called.. It's going to be great for buying Xmas presents to take home with me and xmas cards, as previous years I've had to go to BKK..

    It's a great place.. Full marks to central for doing it. A successful company who gives people what they want. I do admit the central clothes store is a bit sub standard and the floors are slippery! Nice bogs, nice atmosphere for a mooch about though.. Great!

    People need to be a bit more positive about things.. And the reason many of the things are expensive are because they have high import tax, which is not Central's fault but a result of the government's over protectionist policies.. but that's another topic altoghether!

    I await your critisicm......

  16. #1 drug = Tobacco

    #2 drug = Alcohol

    #3 drug = Cannabis

    This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

    I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

    But many users of dope just do that !! :o

    Ah yes, most stoners become heroin addicts..... or other types of addicts yes that makes complete and utter sense. I can see you have done in depth and thorough research into the matter.

    Lets look at your argument logically for 1 second. I'd say around 40- 50% of teenagers in Western environments will at some point try marijuana, something like 10% will try party drugs (based on no research just things you will see around if you are in the age category I'm specifically talking about, like I am). I'd say less than 1 or 2% of people will move onto harder drugs, most of the people I know on harder drugs started on harder drugs. And thats still under the presumption that they are in some way bad for you. Who says that the meaning of life isn't to die ODing in the back of an alley I haven't heard a better reason for life which will click for everyone anyway. Plus people OD because it is illegal... Criminalizing the substances means its more dangerous for the users because of lack of regulation.

    From someone with experience with a lot of drugs, I have taken ecstasy, LSD, Mescaline, Adreanahol, speed, PCP, cocaine, and smoked meth all just to try them(Not going to say where for legal reasons). Put them all down afterwards and said, wow that was fun, never been compelled to try them again aside from the ones which left me with little after effects like LSD. I will smoke an ouce of weed every 3 days and still work 9 - 5 which operating my own small business and a website which does travel bookings around what is even to a 'dope fiend' a high end rate of smoking. Anyway as I was saying from someone who has taken a lot of drugs and not have had any problem, your all pussy's, complete and utter pussy's. People with addictive psychologies will always find something to ruin themselves on there will always be that 5 - 10% of the population which is useless. Don't let them take the excuse it was a substance fault, the fault was within them from the start.

    And to those of you who are parents or related to someone who has died from drugs, my sympathies to you, but don't blame the substance, it is more likely your fault than anyone else's.

    Well said, I am well with you my friend.. You get so many people on here talking utter ballacks, about stuff leading to harder stuff.. It is utter horse shi te! I can't write anything else, cause you are absolutely spot on.. well in!

    Anyone who disagree's aint got a clue what they are talking about...

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