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Posts posted by BangkokHank

  1. On 6/5/2024 at 9:14 PM, Jingthing said:

    **Unapproved link edited out**


    Good you say?

    Moronic I say.

    Hamas went after the most pro peace of all Israelis -- music festival goers and kibbutzniks.

    Many people fail to realize the symbolism of that.

    Your totally dumb rather obscene analogy might work if they went directly after IDF soldiers, etc.

    Shame on you for posting such incendiary garbage.

    There is ample evidence to show that Israel was complicit in the 7 October Hamas attack. (Don't forget that Hamas was created by Israel as a way of preventing a two-state solution, which is the last thing that Israel wanted.) When Hamas entered Israel, they were surprised at how easy it was to cross "the most secure border in the world", and they were surprised to have met no resistance from the IDF. Do you think that was just a lapse on the part of Israel? I don't think so. Israel allowed itself to be attacked - in order to justify it's real objective of removing all Palestinians from Gaza.


    As for those most pro-peace of all Israelis who were killed: They were killed by the IDF - to justify the destruction of Gaza - PRECISELY because they were pro-peace, which is the exact opposite of what the Israelis wanted. So this was a win-win for the Israelis: It created a justification for Israel to destroy Gaza, and it eliminated the people in Israel who were in favor of a peaceful solution. (I could post evidence of my claim that Israel killed its own people during the Hamas attack, but my proof would be deleted due to it being from an "unapproved source", by which is meant "any source that doesn't parrot the Jewish narrative".)


    Speaking of which: Shame on you for having my post removed. You Jews ALWAYS resort to censorship when you can win an argument based on facts. And how is it that you never have to worry about your pro-genocide posts being censored, but you always manage to get my anti-genocide posts removed? Why not let my post stand - and let the readers here decide for themselves who has the better argument?

  2. 14 hours ago, mrfill said:

    It is a very depressing, tired town full of moaning old right wingers - ideal hunting ground for his poisonous views.

    So it's a town full of moaning old right wingers (who hate to see their country swirling down the drain), and Farage will win them over with his poisonous views? And let me guess: YOU just happen to have the all the right views. Why even bother having an election when YOU already know what's best for the country.

  3. 6 hours ago, Purdey said:

    And you know that because you are a top scientist?

    Are you saying that it is necessary to be a top scientist to have an opinion? In that case, are YOU a top scientist? Or even a bottom one?


    I have a brain - and eyes. And nobody's offering me money to say what they want me to say. So you can continue believing corrupt top scientists (like Fauci), and I'll continue believing my eyes.

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  4. I once donated hundreds of wonderful books to the old AUA library in Bangkok before they moved to their new location. Many of the books I wanted to keep, but I just didn't have the space for them. So I thought that giving them all to a single library would allow me to access my books in the future should I wish to revisit them. When AUA moved into its new premises, I assumed they would take their library with them. When I visited the new location, I found that they hadn't. So I asked them what they had done with all the books. They said they sold them! This infuriated me, as I could have sold them myself, except that I wanted to maintain access to them while sharing them with others. I still haven't forgiven them for this.

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  5. 2 hours ago, KhunHeineken said:

    Interesting strategy, and I agree, it will work.


    The only thing I can see that would be a concern is you will be paid a pittance by a Thai bank for the three years of money you have transferred in.  Never the less, not a bad plan at all. 

    I put the first tranche of the money that I sent over last December into physical gold. It's already up over 30% since I bought it six months ago. That makes up for several years worth of paltry interest at a Thai bank.

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