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Posts posted by jcsmith

  1. I'd say it's a big problem when Trump comes out of calls and meetings and then comes away with tweets like this, “James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts. Too bad!”

    However Clapper's version of the same phone call was very different. He says that they gave a summary of that information to Trump to let him know what was being said so he could prepare for that news breaking, that they were not passing any judgement on it, and that he did not believe that our intelligence community was behind the leaks. The buzzfeed document was not the same document that intelligence gave him.  It was a summary based on that document. 

    So the real problem here is that Trump has now had two similar events here, where he leaves these briefings and then tweets false information. He did the same thing earlier in the week based on last Friday's meeting with intelligence officials. He came out of it and tweeted, "Intelligence stated very strongly there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election results. Voting machines not touched! "

    That of course was also not true. They said that it wasn't their place to cast judgement or opinion on that. Though it of course is virtually impossible that it had no effect.


    That was just days after this, " The "Intelligence" briefing on so-called "Russian hacking" was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange! 


    And once again, the intelligence community disagrees with that. They said it was never scheduled for Tuesday when he said it was. That of course comes on the heels of him questioning the intelligence communities assessment that Russia was involved in the hacks prior to that.


    The bottom line is that Trump is declaring war on the very intelligence community that he needs to be relying on. And he is doing so in a dishonest fashion, which is pretty much how he has approached everything else in his life.

  2. 47 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

    I'm watching the news conference now on youtube, I can't believe how up himself the Donald is and he talks about himself in the third person. The guy has serious issues.

    His latest tweet... 


    "@zhu_amy3: @realDonaldTrump It's Morning in America again!!! ☀️☀️☀️Thank you President-Elect Donald Trump!!! So proud of you!!!!" THANKS!


    Yes, he really did just thank himself for the sun rising in third person!

  3. 14 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

    Well, we are going to see a whole new shift in news coverage if MSM doesn't abandon its hard left bias towards Trump.

    God forbid they tell they fact check and tell the truth about the guy. Like this fact check from yesterdays presser: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/11/politics/donald-trump-news-conference-fact-check/index.html


    Two false statements, three misleading ones from an hour long press conference where he only spoke for maybe 20 minutes, and that's without even touching him calling them fake news. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    I liked when he called BuzzFeed and CNN fake news. Even the New York Times said pretty much the same thing. There's plenty of lies eminating from both sides of the political aisle as far as news coverage goes. 


    The CNN article was far from fake news. BuzzFeed went too far releasing that lengthy document of unsubstantiated claims, but the truth of the matter is that document had been circulating through Washington for months. It was going to leak out, the intelligence communities gave Trump a summarized 2 page version of that document to let him know what was being said which was their job. That 2 page document is what the CNN (and most other) articles were based on. And since that was an actual attachment which was given to Trump at the meeting their article was not in any way fake. Calling them a fake news network is an easy way for him to not address it. 


    Quite a few bits of untruth in Trump's presser, and CNN fact checked it as always and showed that he was misleading on Carter Page, No Conflict of Interest, and No Deals in Russia claims, while being completely false on the unemployment and tax returns statements. Declaring them as "fake news" is an easy way for him to not address it or take their questions on it. 

  5. 1 hour ago, retarius said:


    There is absolutely no way anyone of us on this forum can know what is true and what is not, so maybe we should hold our fire until more information comes out.


    Well we do know some things are true:


    - We know that the hackers (whoever they were) targeted the democrats and not the Republicans.

    - We know that 16 different agencies have agreed that Russia is behind the hacks.

    - We know that the US intelligence agencies have delivered detailed reports that concludes not Russia was not only behind the hacks, but in spreading fake news, in trolling forums, etc all in an effort to get Trump elected.

    - We know that several people on Trump's staff have cozy relationships with Russia, stand to gain if sanctions are lifted on Russia, and have pressed for a lift of sanctions in the past.

    - We know that a mysterious Russian investor vastly overpaid for one of Trump's homes in Florida, way over market value.

    - We know that the Trump's have businesses in Russia, but that Donald himself has downplayed this. Yet it is mentioned in the book, and his sons have contradicted Donald's statements.

    - We know that despite all of this, one thing that Trump has never faltered on is his refusal to point his finger at Russia and that even if it means going against his party, against his own intelligence community. 

    - We know that even after all of this came out Trump is talking about ways to improve relationships with Russia.


    So while we as citizens don't have access to all of the information of the intelligence community and we must rely on the information that is put out there, there is a pretty damning list of reasons for concern. And it boils down to who do you trust? Do you trust the intelligence communities, who have thousands of people working to provide the best information they can, and who will remain doing their job under Trump in the near future, or do you trust Donald Trump, a conman who has a well known propensity to make things up, and flat out lie, and who also stands to lose the most if this turns out to be true. 

  6. 1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:


    ok and CNN bias?  and all the rest???  the 'establishment' did their best to control news media against DT and it infuriated me and millions of others and NO I am not a DT supporter!!!   that is WHY they lost and they don't 'get it'

    Trump loves to talk about bias at CNN, NBC News, or anyplace other than Fox News, Brietbart, or Alex Jones. The truth is Trump goes after people who speak badly about him, even if what they are saying is absolutely true. Plese cite me the things that those news networks have said about Donald Trump that were not true?

  7. 40 minutes ago, mesquite said:

    Meryl Streep's speech has nothing to do with sympathy for a handicapped person (if she had sympathy for handicapped people, she would have denounced those who attacked and tortured a mentally handicapped man in Chicago, forced him to say "<deleted> Trump"), but everything to do with her and her fellow Hollywood elite losing power.


    Couple gigantic leaps in this one. First on sympathy, that's a huge leap, I'm fairly sure she was offended by that as well. But even on the Trump speech it only received a quick mention, not much time to cover everything on your mind. Second, how exactly is the Hollywood elite losing power? What power did they have to begin with? They have the power of speech, some people will be influenced by them. They had that before, and they still have it. What exactly did they lose? If anything Trump's elitist policies are going to benefit them. But that doesn't mean they should just turn the cheek and ignore everything else he's doing or saying, and how his moves will affect much of the rest of the country.

  8. 25 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


    'influenced'?  how?  tell us... these 'dark powers' what did they do?  how did they get votes for Trump?  (who won the pop vote as you keep reminding us)


    They hacked both political parties but only leaked the democrat information. Now Trump may claim this had no influence on the election, but that is a ridiculous idea. He himself continually brought up the leaked information against her when speaking and in the debates. That kind of stuff does influence people, as does the slew of fake news which Russia was also contributing to. As was hiring people to troll, up and downvote articles. That all has an effect.

  9. 6 minutes ago, uptheos said:

    So,what's the agenda of these left wing progressives?

    If they're so passionate about how they feel, give up the glamour life and go into politics and fight people they hate, like President Donald J Trump. None of them not one, would do what Trump is doing, he's got enough money. that empty speeches from old ladies isn't going to bother him and now he's also got the ultimate power. :smile: Anyone on the left willing to take a chance? Come on George you're a good looking guy, how about you Meryl, more Americans would believe you than believe that lying little witch and hey if its a real clown you'd like to run for you then look no further that second rate slob Alec Baldwin.

    When are you cry babies going to accept YOU LOST, must hurt calling lying Hillary 'Madame President' a year before the election. Its Donald J for the next 4 years, middle America will get its strength back, so that will be 8 years and who knows what Trump might be in power after that?


    I think your post is the type of behavior that Meryl Streep was talking about in general. Nice job of proving the point.

  10. I just love how he comes out of the meeting with intelligence officials and rather than come out and admit he was wrong and that Russia is behind the hacks, he instead comes out and tells us that it had no influence on the election. I've read the public report they issued, there is nothing in it that says anything like that. 


    We've seen him manipulate stocks through twitter several times already. Making negative statements on a company can cost them billions of dollars on the stock market. Making positive statements makes another company large amounts. This is why we need full disclosure on his investments. 

  11. 40 minutes ago, puukao said:

    When we say "Death penalty" we are actually making fun of what happened.  Really.


    It's like me saying "kill him, his family, everyone he knows, and make it painful."


    to really do something, talk to your government representative back in your home country and try to get sentences you think are right.


    oh, too much work?


    exactly my point


    What are you talking about Beavis?

  12. 40 minutes ago, tropo said:

    "un-presidential"... a favourite new term. So he behaves differently than you're used to from other presidents. You'll get used to it in a few years. The unfamiliar is obviously very unsettling for many.  



    You could substitute that for unprofessional. Or do you believe that it is okay for him to say things that damage or help companies stocks, when we don't know where his investments are? Do you believe it's okay for the president to use Twitter to attack individuals or organizations? Is it okay for the president of the United States to act like a bipolar child? 

  13. 5 hours ago, tropo said:

    Why shouldn't a president tweet? It's new technology, why not embrace it? There's no point being stuck in the dark ages where the press has total control over what information reaches the public... and puts spin on everything.


    I don't think there would be a problem with him using Twitter if he did so intelligently. The problem is that he gets into Twitter wars with people, he pressures businesses or organizations using it, he makes statements which are not true, and he makes statements that make him look very un-presidential.

  14. 6 hours ago, kangaloowest said:


    Well, they are, aren't they ????????
    Generally, anything that pertains to suicide and threats to other people safety, is a muso these days !!


    I would say that in some circles that is the perception, it certainly makes the news. I can't speak for the Aussies as haven't reviewed their numbers, but in America at least when you look at the numbers the perception doesn't fit the reality. I would imagine its similar in other places but the actual results may vary. Every time I look at the numbers though it's usually a minority number of actual incidents which tend to receive a lot more press than other incidents.



  15. 17 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


    everybody hacks everybody these days….whether its ok or not….theres a suspicion that BO is just stirring the pot since he's stunned that his acolyte/guardian of his legacy aka crooked hillary lost to an amateur tv show host.


    A suspicion by who? Donald Trump and people who haven't seen any evidence? Congress has been briefed and we even see his own party demanding more. 16 agencies agree its Russia, congress agrees its Russia, the CIA and FBI agree its Russia. We're supposed to disregard all of that because it's Obama imposing sanctions? The claim came from the intelligence community. It was made before the election.

  16. On 12/28/2016 at 8:26 AM, phantomfiddler said:

    But isn,t China doing in the South China Sea exactly what Japan attempted to do 80 years ago ? ie take over a large area that did not belong to them ! Hypocrites !


    I would guess most people would hope that they have learned a lesson from the mistakes of their ancestors. It isn't like any of these guys had anything to do with what happened there.

  17. 23 minutes ago, tropo said:

    And you're at it again. I'm lost because I don't agree with your theories?


    Yes, I said his tweet was spot on. That's my opinion. Your opinion differs? Have you lost your way?


    I love how you insult the other guy (telling him to relax and breathe then going on to say how you liked the tweet) and then you act offended because I called you a lost individual. Trump is the president-elect, what he says matters. Particularly when he refuses to acknowledge the Russian hacks for reasons unknown. While his own party is calling for harsher penalties on Russia he's buddying up with Putin. You apparently think that is a good thing. 

    You said you wanted to debate that, so lets. Please explain to me what you liked about what he said. Was it the president-elect insulting half the country? Was it him buddying up to the country which just tried to hack the American election (which put him in power)? Or was it him attacking news outlets who didn't agree with him?

  18. 11 minutes ago, tropo said:

    LOL>> insult the person who doesn't agree with you.


    Apart from being lost, what else does it say about me?


    If you want to have an adult debate please don't get personal if you don't agree. I'll also promise not to insult you.


    (Reminder: Trump is not yet president)

    You said his tweet was spot on. A foreign power hacks your own country, and pretty much all of congress who has been briefed agrees it was Russia, yet Trump instead refuses to believe it and then praises the foreign power responsible. If you think that was a great tweet then I think you have lost your way. 

  19. 10 hours ago, tropo said:

    Take a deep breath and relax. I loved his tweet. It was spot on!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


    You are a lost individual if you think this is the way a president should be acting on Twitter. Just in the past day:

    First he goes against his own governments actions to pat Putin (the guy who hacked his own government) on the back for not responding more negatively to punishments for committing that very act:

    " Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart! "

    Then he trolls the news networks who routinely call him out for his bs while proppping up the one that is pro-Trump.

    "Russians are playing @CNN and @NBCNews for such fools - funny to watch, they don't have a clue! @FoxNews totally gets it! "


    Then in an effort for unification and bringing us all together he throws daggers at those who oppose him...


    " Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love! "

    This is the American president currently. A complete joke. If you support it, it says something about you.

  20. 3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    Just let me ad the tweet from the Donald to all his friends and foes for the New Year. I can hardly wait for the fearless one take over the reins of power. Happy New Year one and all the clock just struck 12 midnight. 

    Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!

    Yes, we really will have to endure this childishness for four years, or until he is impeached. A national embarassment.

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