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Posts posted by jcsmith

  1. Considering Trump and his staff's statements with regards to nuclear weapons (why have them if you aren't going to use them!), on more countries having nukes, the fact that he wants Nato allies to kick in more, and the fact that he has offended large groups of people (mexicans, muslims, immigrants, woman, etc) world wide, and his child like responses and ego driven twitter wars... I think Trump being elected president would truly be a danger to start WWIII.  


    This is yet another example of Trump projecting his own deficiencies onto others. The grab em by the snatch comments come out he quickly defers blame to Bill Clinton and even suggests Hillary is disloyal to him (completely made up). You point out his long history of racism and he calls you a racist. He criticizes companies for not buying American, and for hiring immigrants, and turns out he is one of the largest offenders. He complains that illegal immigrants aren't paying their fair share of taxes, and turns out many of them are paying more than he is.

  2. I see a lot of people here complaining about money being spent to aid with climate change. I think it's pretty easy for retired individuals to make these types of claims. It's your grandchildren who would pay the price anyway and you'll be long gone. The contribution of humans to the change is largely irrelevant (though substantial no matter how you slice it), as we have to live on the planet regardless. 


    I see a lot of people linking articles downplaying the effects we've had on the environment. Of course people in industries who will be negatively affected by enforced changes will fight back in their arguments, those changes will hurt the coal and oil industries for example. But the real question you should be asking is what would people who are not profiting from these changes have to gain by dumping billions of dollars to try to find a solution?

  3. 29 minutes ago, EricBerg said:

    It's a good thing the corrupt are being stripped of their assets. First time the people in the Kingdom can see that bad leaders cannot get away with their plunder. Now hope this fight will get followup to lower levels as well. It's a start, nothing more than that.


    If the bad guy in Dubai manages to make a comeback, lil sis no doubt will be compensated with plenty of money from the national treasury. But, if in the now unclear future the military can prevent return to power by the shinaclan, then real progress will have been made. It would be an important step on the long, long road of cleaning up the Kingdom. 


    In the one month before the Crownprince will be King, Prem can do much "cleaning" in the ranks of the military. This surely will help in preventing the return of the beast.

    Few things here. First and foremost its a dangerous precedent to set here. What happens every time a different party wins an election? Do they strip their adversaries of all their money from every failed policy? Why would anyone want a job where their personal finances can be taken if their ideas fail? 

    It would be one thing if there was evidence that she profited at this for personal gain.It's another thing when they come after someone for a billion dollars because a policy failed. And where does this billion dollar number come from? They refused to sell the rice in storage after they took over. Moreover they snaked their way into power after Suthep threatened banks to not provide the government with a loan. Yes, the same Suthep who also went to a rally and told people to grab Yingluck and kidnap her if they saw her on the street. Yes in fact the same Suthep who also blocked voting polls and shut down government buildings. And yes the same Suthep who has never faced any sort of penalty for any of this. Instead they go after someone who didn't profit for a billion dollars? 

    This is a witch hunt. An effort to steal money from their enemies on one hand, while trying to preach reconciliation to the public on the other. The junta has cost the country god knows how much money. They have damaged the economy and Thailand's world status. They are not only stealing money from their rivals, but they are stealing the citizens rights to a democratically elected government without any means other than we have the guns and you don't. And what happens when they get removed from power? The other side is going to want some payback and will come right back at them. How is that going to solve anything? Saying that you can take money from politicians who haven't been proven of corruption by exercising article 44 sets a precedent that will not be easy to undo. 

  4. The ridiculous thing in all of these threads is that some people hate the Shins so much that they will look the other way and pretend its justice as money is stolen from Yingluck, and the witch hunt continues in that regard. You can't ignore the abuse of power simply because you dislike the people who are being abused... or apparently for a lot of expats you can. Which says something about those posters imo.

  5. Huge difference between Al Gore asking for a recount and Tump refusing to accept the results. Gore himself was ready to concede, he was pushed into the recount because it was so close. Originally it was announced that Gore had won Florida, then it turned out that Bush won it by less than 2000 votes. A vote that close triggers an automatic recount in Florida. Because the whole election then hinged on that state though, it went under the microscope and put the election in a holding pattern with both sides vollying to try to win that state bringing into question things like absentee votes, ineligible voters, etc by the various political parties. 

    That is completely different than someone losing an election and then questioning the whole electoral process. Especially when the person making the threats to do so is behind in all the polls and will very likely actually lose the election. This will only lead to a larger divide between Trump's band of deplorables (and by that I am referring to the hardline right wing of his supporters, the guys who want to kick out the immigrants and muslims) and the rest of the country.

  6. 4 minutes ago, JustNo said:

    I am surprised at how many people are still falling for the electoral system there; it is not an election but a selection. Trump is another level of a tool being used by the elites in this side-show and illusion of choice. Hillary and Trump are 2 parts of the same system and the same thing, and people need to wake up and realise just how corrupt evil and crooked their 'government' actually is. 


    It's a conspiracy, man.

  7. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    Not according to the accusations of sexual assault and rape it wasn't. But the media seem to ignore that, or more pointedly Hilary's alleged role in attacking and discrediting those women to protect Billy boy.


    Trump may be a moron but there's no doubt certain media are targeting him whilst ignoring Hilary's many issues.


    Your talking about a case from the 70s, which has long been known and to which he was never convicted. A case in which the accuser signed a document in 1997 saying that she was not raped. She has since changed her tune. I don't know what happened with Bill Clinton or Donald Trump. What I do know though is that the Juanita Broaddrick allegation is decades old, and if Bill were going to ever be face charges on it, it would have happened by now. In the case of Trump he has the ongoing accusation from a then 13 year old child, as well as the nine new allegations and we do not know how those will turn out. 

  8. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I don't think he will try to destroy the US. The Dems are already doing a great job, IMO, with Obama being half way there and Clinton about to continue the project.

    She has stated she

    will raise taxes

    won't repeal/ replace Obamacare

    will give more freebies to people which will increase the debt

    is in favour of free trade which will see more jobs leaving the US

    wants to shut down the coal industry, which will see thousands unemployed.


    Yet the country is doing better pretty much across the board from where it was after the financial crisis.  It appears Trump supporters either blindly buy into all the lies that Trump has been trying to say, or that all the fact checkers (which keeps proving half of what he says wrong in the debates) are in the super secret conspiracy against the loud orange man. 

    Taking your claims there:


    - Hillary's tax plan has little or not effect on the bottom 95% of tax payers. There is an increase on the rich. Donald keeps claiming otherwise, but it simply is not true. 

    - There is no reason to repeal Obamacare. She has said she will take a look to streamline it and make it work better in areas where it won't. Trump meanwhile says he'll fix it, yet he has absolutely no answers and won't even share his plans.

    - What are you referencing in the freebies to more people? Sounds like a generic made up rhetoric here but maybe I'm missing something. With regards to the deficit though, analysts feel that Trump's tax cuts (which are largely on the wealthy) will dramatically increase debt and cause cut backs in spending. So I'm curious where  you are comin from here. 

    - If your talking about the Trans-Pacific Partnership then no she does not favor that. She does favor NAFTA which has been successful. 

    - Unfortunately for those in the coal industry it is a huge contributor to the looming environmental issues which must be addressed. Simply plugging your fingers in your ears and repeating, "global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese" isn't going to make the problem go away. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

    The bipartisan globalists are showing their faces in clear daylight now. Trump is the anti-establishment nationalist opposing them all. Strip away all the press concocted shit storms about who said this or that and in essence you are left with the same choice the U.K. voters faced over keeping or ceding sovereignty.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    This is a very Trumpesque quote. What does Trump making sexist, racist, or bigoted comments have to do with being globalist? Not supporting Trump or wanting him to fail does not make you a "globalist". Let's examine that statement for a minute though.


    Keeping or ceding sovereignty? Seriously? You do realize the U.S. was founded by immigrants. It has throughout its history welcomed them, and accepted people of different religions. Yes, Trump's campaign is following the same type of false rhetoric that happened in in the UK, and trying to use nationalism and dare I say in many cases racism as a way to get into power. Yet he does it with false statements, aimed to make people thing that America is a third world country, where things are horrible and he's the man to save it.


    He tells us that blacks have never had it worse than they do now. Forget about slavery, segregation, or the KKK (which Trump would know about since his father was arrested at a rally where people were killed). Nevermind that the "globalist" policies are things like protecting the environment which he claims he will not support if he's president (even though he would be legally obligated to via UN agreement). After all, in his mind global warming is nothing more than a conspiracy invented by China to steal American business. Immigrants must be shipped out because they steal our jobs! Yet the unemployment rate is half of what it was 5 years ago, and wages continue rise at a healthy rate. Those low points he likes to point out were the result of the housing crisis which he openly rooted for. The U.S. economy is doing far better now than it was 8 years ago.The dollar was at an record low of 71 in 2008 and is now sitting at a much healthier 96. Non-farm productivity has risen from 97 in 2008 to 106 currently, after reaching an all-time high of 107 last year. To hear Trump talk you'd think people were murdering each other in the street, and it was mostly the fault of immigrants and muslims, yet the U.S. homicide rate is at its lowest point in 51 years. 


    Yet Trump's hypocrisy knows no bounds. He'll tell you that immigrants are stealing your jobs yet of 300 american applications to work at his Mar-a-Lago resorts since 2010, only 17 were hired. Meanwhile he pursued more than 500 visas for foreign workers in that same time. I have no problem with it, but I hope that Trump supporters realize that not even he believes his false rhetoric. He complains that companies move jobs or trade outside of America, then it comes out he does the exact same thing (such as his recent Steel purchases from China). He says that nobody respects woman more than himself, yet feels entitled to grope them or kiss them at a whim. He will repeat the same lie even after its been proven a lie and there is video evidence, and even deny ever saying what there is video or twitter evidence showing that he clearly dead with a straight face. 


    There is nothing wrong with accepting other people. It is a principle that America was founded on. What happened to, "everyone around the world, they're coming to America?" Well they are still coming, but now the motto by the alt-right is to close the doors and blame them for your issues. The whole notion that immigrants are stealing jobs is preposterous. They are taking jobs that Americans don't want. When I was going to school I used to work construction jobs where most of the staff was illegal immigrants. Anyone could do it. The pay wasn't great but you got paid at the end of the day. Me and a few friends would do it here and there when we needed money on off days at school. Most Americans don't do those jobs because it's hard work and the pay isn't great. But then they complain that illegal immigrants are stealing their jobs... the ones that are available to them but that they don't want. McDonalds is always hiring.


    The irony is that despite all of this, it is some locker room comments that will basically be his undoing. At the debate on Sunday he plans on attacking Hillary over her husband's infidelities, just weeks after he insinuated that she was disloyal without so much as a single shred of evidence. Just him making up and perpetuating rumors. When this latest news comes out he talks about hearing Bill Clinton say worse when playing golf. He attacks Hillary over accusations over her husband, but his own ex-wife accused him of rape. Well, you reap what you sow. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

  10. 1 hour ago, wonder6281 said:

    He obviously didn't like being ambushed at the debate and he was. Sinking to the lows of HRC is not the way to overcome scum like her. 


    Ambushed? The guy is running for president. He's running campaigns targeted at trying to attract the woman vote, so his long illustrious record with shades of racism, sexism, and bigotry is open season. 

  11. On 9/28/2016 at 11:49 AM, Alive said:

    The poor envision jobs that allow them to feed their families, own a house and car. The real geniuses and superheroes of tech and wealth envision things far beyond Elon Musk's trivial dreams of Mars. Everyone has a dream. Why is it we have to hear the dreams of the wealthy and successful alone. Why isn't this man already on Mars? Anyone can dream but some the regular suspects get all the attention. All dreams are valid and deserving of attention now.

    People care about Elon Musk's visions because they are things that benefit the human race as a whole. I'd guess populating another planet is probably a dream that more people can get on board is a bit more important than someone starting a new business or hoping they shag a celebrity.

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