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Posts posted by Slip

  1. 1 hour ago, sandemara said:

    One might go further and say that people who generalise on other people's characters based solely on what type of dog they own are clearly people too lazy to have an original thought of their own and take pride in their inability to think for themselves.

    You are being quite unfair.  It is clear that some posters here  lift their opinions verbatim from the British gutter press.  I don't see how you can expect such people to be capable of original thought, much less put together a coherent argument.

  2. 11 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    Probably not rich enough to bother trying to extort.


    Plenty of wealthy people seem to survive the public eye. 


    With his money he could have easily employed "assistants" to "help" him "relax" outside of work. But I think he enjoyed to thrill of the hunt at work; it worked for his boss.




    I wonder just how they formed their opinion of him, other than from the gutter press.


    James Murdoch made the call on this one.


    Suspect it was a relatively easy and simple business decision.




    O’Reilly’s ouster is yet another reminder that the profit motive can itself be an agent of change. Money makes the world go round—and this can lead both to progress and to dizzying levels of hypocrisy.


  3. On 4/17/2017 at 6:10 AM, starky said:

    What? Posting on a forum? Not exactly a massive endeavour champ. Invested all of 4 minutes in it. Just an amusing way to pass the morning. Throw out a few baits see who bites...Then we can wait till next Songkran and the one after and be outraged at the road toll all over again.

    Throw out a few baits see who bites...

    As far as I know that is called trolling. Back under your bridge Starky. :smile:

  4. 5 minutes ago, citybiker said:

    It's taken nearly 9 months for the anti-Brexit mob (HoP etc) to finally accept the democratic result, not even JC is stupid enough to risk annoying the electorate.

    What's more irritating is the standard of politicians who are hell bent in obstructing progress & jumping on the media bandwagon with the Hard Brexit theme.

    IIRC only anti-Brexit & lefty media sources continue to spout the HB tripe.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Of course you are right, unless you subscribe to the idea that most of the country are still anti.  If that are correct then all hell could break loose, but this is why she has been clever- I know a number of Tory voters who are anti Brexit, but there is no way ever they would vote labour.

  5. 20 minutes ago, citybiker said:


    Brexit is unaffected.

    Source: European Council amongst one.

    As a side note, the other parties have been caught on the hop & the 4th May local elections will be a good indicator.

    Fair play to TM on this, her speech was strong, determined & gave clear clarity to the pathetic politicians wishing to consistently obstruct progress.

    If I hear Tim Farron mention 'Hard Brexit' again I hope the LD's get equally crushed as Labour do, and JC will have a reasonable excuse to resign.

    As for Sturgeon?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I can't agree with your comment that brexit is unaffected.  If what the remainers say is true then the Tories will lose, after which all bets are off.  (Not that most remain voters will be willing to vote Corybn in). That is why it's a clever gambit by May.  


    EDIT: Assuming that any party runs on a remain ticket and then wins of course, as unlikely as that may actually be.

  6. Just now, Lovethailandelite said:

    Yup. Bring the old spelling into it. That's how it normally go's when you've lost the argument. Lets just say that if you saw my bank accounts you would swap places with me 'Mr Perfect'.

    Well done sir.  You have revealed your nature.  This is all too rich for me so I shall release you to massage your bank account.  Perhaps you can leave people to get their legal visas by the prescribed avenues as they have been doing without you for the last few decades, and if you still feel inadequate go and beat your servants or something?

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Lovethailandelite said:

    Your actually quite funny that you consider me Elite. As for the stupid amount I quite agree but as it's merely a digit compared to my total spend on property, cars and general living,then I don't even miss it. Then again, the real stupid amount was the 4.8 mil for the car. You see, it's relevant really.

    Good for you.  This is why you are so elite.  Shame you can't spell or use English quite properly, but none of us are perfect.  Enjoy your tower, and let's hope they never bring in a native language test.  Meanwhile why don't you cut some slack for your fellow man, even if only just here on Thai visa?

  8. 1 minute ago, Lovethailandelite said:

     I am on no high horse other than bored of the 'Same old same old' attempts on here of people making something acceptable which it clearly isn't and is finally coming to light.

    It quite clearly isn't acceptable to you, but that is probably because of sitting on that tall equine in your ivory tower.  I don't really blame you.  If I had paid a stupid amount of money I would want to feel all elite too.  Happily for me I didn't have to, so I am quite content that people who obey the law and visit the kingdom are able to do so.  I can tell you disagree, but as you say, it's finally coming to light.  Of course regulations will have to be changed or they will keep on handing out visas to these pesky plebs for ever.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Lovethailandelite said:

    Nobody yet knows what 'Phase 1 or Phase 2 is. Sounds like your still in denial of being able to scam the system?

    and you are sounding increasingly excited about the prospect of all these people you look down your nose upon being screwed by the new system that you have so cleverly avoided by being so 'elite'.


    In terms of the points you have made that are actually germane to the topic, the repeated visas proscribed by the Thai authorities and the need for hypothetical people to try to scam 'the system' that you refer to come under quite separate spheres of influence.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, whoareyou said:

    Bit hard to cover it up now it's mainstream and broadcast on Russian news. Now way in hell I am allowing my daughter to go there no matter what her age!

    You better believe there are thousands of others in the same boat

    You better believe it's damaging.

    You seem to be quite new here so you may not have seen the photos of the KT pub crawl heaving with youngsters shortly after the brutal double murders back in 2014.  A number were posted on TV at the time.


    Your comments about not letting your daughter go seem sensible, but sadly there are evidently many who are unaware or who do not care at all.

  11. They're called chips mate, but the good news is you can make your own with potatoes and a deep pan full of oil.  Like we do in jolly old England.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

    Obama's edict was aimed at schools. It included showers and changing rooms.

    It has very little to do with going pee pee.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    This raises a question.  Does anyone know how prevalent communal locker rooms are in schools in the US?  In the UK even in the public school system private showers were routinely provided for older children back in the 80's, public places such as baths have always had the availability of private cubicles for as long as I can remember.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Putin may turn on trump yes but don't expect him to release the hard core Kompromat easily. Having that on him will likely be more useful than releasing the waterworks. Also Putin is never going to admit being involved in getting trump elected as that hurts himself.

    I'm not so sure.  It seems to me that any compromising material that Putin may have is fast being degraded and unless Trump makes a sudden recovery all bets will be off.  I can see Mother Russia putting it all out there as he rubs his hands in glee with a hearty Muahahaa.  The clock will reset with a major public slap in the face for the Americans.


    Comic book stuff I admit, but when you consider some current realities...

  14. 1 minute ago, Mrjlh said:

    At issue is Flynn didn't tell Pence the whole story. So he was fired.  Trump is correct about the crime being committed. It doesn't matter what was in the communication between Flynn and Russia, it was the fact that this communique as sent to unauthorized people and they intended to revel what was in it. 


    Per Fox news and several other outlets too (fact check it yourself):


    Prosecuting the Leakers

    18 U.S.C. 798 states as follows:

    “Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates…to an unauthorized person, or publishes…any classified information obtained by the processes of communication intelligence from the communications of any foreign government, knowing the same to have been obtained by such processes shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.” 


    It matters not that the leakers intended to reveal a deception by Flynn. The law’s intent clause refers only to the intent to reveal.  Any underlying motivation to serve the public good by disclosing a lie or misrepresentation is of no legal consequence under the statute.

    Trump and his merry band claim that Pence lied.  Others think that both Pence and Trump knew about it.  Surely this should be very thoroughly investigated, yet Don wants his mate to do it?


    That should raise questions with anyone but the most gushing revellers in the golden fountain.


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