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Posts posted by Slip

  1. 3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Kinda hard to argue with Trump on this one.  It gets old listening to these maniacal dictators issuing empty threats all the time.  Especially they are the ones causing most of the problems.

    It's this latest Maniacal dictator issuing empty threats all the time while being the one that is causing so many problems that so many people are worried about now.  Just this time he isn't from the middle east.

  2. 14 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Which regressive taxes would those be?  Generally speaking it's the red states that depend a lot more on regressive taxes such as sales tax than do the left wing states. In Texas and Florida they even tax food you buy in the supermarket.

    And Trump is also giving a much bigger tax break to the rich than to the middle and working classes. And that's in terms of percentage, not just gross dollars.

    And he has also moved to stall a regulation that would require financial advisors to act in the best interests of their clients. Until that regulation takes effect financial advisors can accept bribes from various investment funds and not disclose that to their clients. Hedge funds hate that regulation.

    Seriously this is odd.  I'm off to google socialist regressive taxation policies in history.

  3. 6 minutes ago, mogandave said:



    You mean the court will base their decision on whether or not Trump hurts their feelings feelings rather on the constitution?

    I do not see it being appealed.



    I can't think for a moment that judges would do it, but human nature is to circle the wagons when attacked.  If the US judges are forced to conclude that they are the last untainted strand of the US political system they will not depend on their feelings.  Well hopefully at least.

  4. 1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

    Wait until he starts handing out Presidential Awards. 

    He can hand out as many as he wants of the following:


    Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction.
    Presidential Medal of Freedom.
    Presidential Citizens Medal.
    Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor.
    President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service. 


    I wonder who will be at the front of the line for such awards. Hmmmm.....

    Ivanka   -  in a Nieman Marcus handbag

    Melania   - she should also get combat pay

    Bannon   -  maybe he'll also be awarded a razor to shave with

    Kellyanne Conway (or is it Kellyanne Conjob?)

    Assange and Comey, for helping him gain the WH via dirty politics

    his billionaire/golfing buddies, and

    last but not least; bromance buddy Putin.


    Animal Hero first class would go to whom?

  5. 14 minutes ago, Rhys said:

    Psss, Trump wants to sell English some prime time properties in the swamp land of the everglades. 

    Pfft! We won't be fooled he had it drained to extend, refit and restock the one in Washington for him and his mates.


    I hear Tower London Bridge is back on the market for any who are interested though. :smile:

  6. Surely the OPD requirement is for licensed teachers?  If the OP has had four waivers already I'm not sure how he is still at the bat.


    For renewal purposes the TCT has been happy to accept certificates for judging at inter-school competitions as evidence of OPD in my experience.


    Long story short you need to have a B Ed or post graduation qualification if you want to be future proof.

  7. 9 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Okay, thanks for a logical response. However, she could stay on horseback or drive her Land Rovers as the queen-mother, could she not. I still don't see why any mother who loved her son would not want him to enjoy the family business before he got too old to do so.

    It's her duty- our German aristos take such things seriously gawd bless'em.

  8. 2 minutes ago, samsensam said:


    if he couldn't see where he was going why was he driving recklessly and at high speed?


    while it was a tragic incident/accident it appears there was contributory negligence which may lead to a prosecution, as it would in many other countries.

    Just to play devil's advocate to your scenario.  How about all conditions were perfect and he was suddenly blinded by a reflection off the sea?

    As far as I know 'contributory negligence' is a defence rather than an attack.

  9. Just now, ThaiWai said:

    You are unaware that there are laws pertaining to driving boats and watercraft?  What did you think it was "Every man for himself"?

    So I guess it is a translation thing then.   I am aware of the laws rules of boating to a very small extent as an ex-boyhood sailor, but didn't imagine the maritime laws would be couched in the same terms as motoring ones.


    I could be wrong but seeing this was an unsupervised unlicensed pair of pleasure drivers/ riders it would also seem odd if he is prosecuted under maritime law.

  10. 8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

              To give a window on how much Trump knows about int'l affairs;  months after the Russians rolled into Ukraine and wrenched Crimea from them, Trump was asked a question about Ukraine.  Trump said, and it's on video: "The Russians won't go into Ukraine, you can take that to (the bank) ....wherever. It won't happen."  


            Note: Russia has military posted on Ukraine's eastern border as we speak, and there have been military clashes on the Ukrainian side of the border for months - including a passenger jet shot down by Russkies there.


            Americans are going into the 3rd week of a 224 week presidential term, and already Trump is proving what many of us saw coming for the past years:  a man at the helm of the US Titanic - taking it into dangerous waters with barely a clue how to deal with dangerous challenges.  He put Bannon as his Security chief, but that's like putting a loose cannon on a greasy rotten-wood deck. 

    You're not a famous cartoonist by any chance are you?

  11. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/international/legally-i-can-kill-him-queen-confirms-20170131121313


    THE QUEEN has confirmed that if President Trump makes a state visit, she can kill him with a sword and nobody can touch her.

    Palace staff have assured the Queen that, according to English law, Trump is a subject of the Crown and can, if judged to be damaging the monarchy, be dispatched without repercussion.

    She said: “I haven’t made up my mind yet. I might.

  12. 7 minutes ago, attrayant said:


    Depending on how one defines "delicious".  From Kevin Drum:



    Embarrassingly, nobody from the seven countries covered by the visa waiver act has been responsible for any terrorist fatalities in the United States. Conversely, residents and former residents of several countries not on the list (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Russia) have been responsible for fatal terrorist attacks, yet they're not included in the entry ban.


    So yeah, Trump & Co. dug and scraped many bottoms of many barrels until they could find a way to bar Muslims with the thinnest veneer of plausible deniability.

    Sniff test failed in a massively public manner.



    Well at least it's the first time this has happened since the grand 'loompa took control of the sweet factory.

  13. 4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    1,650,000 is the petition count at the moment but it has slowed down considerably after May announced that the state visit would go ahead no matter how many signed it.


    May has really overstepped the mark on this one, possibly because of her desperation to bring home some bacon. No president of the USA has ever been invited for a state visit within their first year of office and she has now put the Queen in a very difficult position.   However the Queen is an old hand of dealing with demagogues so I am sure she will have some fun embarrassing Trump and making him look a fool (not difficult at all).

    If that is true he will never realise.  She has more style than that.

  14. showering (with a proper wash) will cause many to fall off naturally, but to be honest, if you are going to the vet tomorrow I would let them deal with it.  (Oh I got told vinegar too once by an old grandma)

    Over the years we get invaded by them, not necessarily on the dogs (though they are of course) but everywhere crawling on the ground.

    We frontline less often than we should, and it doesn't always work, but we don't really have problems these days.

  15. 1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    I don't know if there's a separate thread of this latest development, but I'm seeing news reports today indicating a number of federal judges in different jurisdictions have issued stay orders/temporary injunctions to halt the pending deportations of people who had just been arriving to the U.S. with valid green cards or who were U.S. government employees or their families.




    That's certainly the right thing to do. While I support the general notion of the order, the U.S. ought NOT be applying it to employees of the U.S. government and their immediate families, and others who have already received U.S. government approvals and are already in the U.S.


    Regardless of the situation, the oompha in chief should not be breaking federal US law in order to throw fresh meat to his supporters.  Of course this will become a problem for him if his term lasts beyond the honey-moon period, but that is not the problem of the thinking members of the world community.

    As an outsider, before I found this all good 'banter', but I have become quite worried that this element of the US will do long term damage not only to the rest of the world, but even their own country.


    From 'som nam na' to 'oh! are you ok, sorry about your bad luck with that, by the way is there anything you need?'

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