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Posts posted by royar2002

  1. I think most of the Farangs don't know what a ladyboy is.

    When Thais speak about a ladyman(boy) they mean a lesbian girl dressed and act like a man. So a ladyboy is a girl. A man dressed and act like a girl(lady) is in thai called manlady or more common Katoey. :o

  2. My wife will born a baby january 2005. At this time we stay in Norway, so the baby will be born in Norway. The norwegian government will give the baby automatic

    Norwegian passport.

    How can the baby obtain a Thai passport? Thai embassey in Norway?

    Do the baby have to travel back to Thailand with a touristvisa in a Norwegian passport?

    Will it be problem for the baby to stay in Thailand without thaipassport, I heard that Thailand don't accept dual passport?

    Someone who know how to do?

  3. You know, I think I'm beginning to understand these "Full Moon Parties", "sex tourist bars", and other so-called "highlights" of Thai tourism (in the minds of some people).

    Think back for a moment guys. Way back to the days when you were twenty-ish and you'd be partying up with your friends at the local pub or whatever passed for a Rave in those days.

    Do you remember there always used to be some old guy hanging around at the bar? Everyone else in the bar would be twenty-ish, but there'd always be some 40 or 50 year old guy hanging around, dancing like a chicken, and trying to flirt with girls half his age.

    Didn't you laugh at that guy? Didn't you think he was a bit "weird" for coming to a "young, hip" bar??

    And then one day, you woke up and realized that YOU were that guy. You looked around the bar and saw that all your old friends from your party days had moved on, but there you were, still trying to cling to some vague memory of your youthful days.

    Didn't you feel a bit embarassed when some girl asked you your age? Did you start lying and try to convince her that you were 30 or 35, and not 40 or 45? Or did you try to go the "sugar Daddy" route and pick up girls with serious emotional issues and get needy-f'cks out of them??

    But then suddenly, you hear about this magical place, Thailand. A land where every guy is the oldest guy in the bar, and all the girls want sugar Daddies, so they won't care (at least not to your face) about your expanding belly and balding, grey hair.

    So I think that's where these full moon parties come from. They come out of a desire to recapture lost youth. I can just imagine a bunch of fat old men running around the beach like drunken retards, trying not to notice that they are not twenty anymore.

    I find it quite sad that a grown man would actually consider Raving to be a "good time". Raving IS a great time, but come on guys, are you twenty?? No. Most of you are well past thirty. Don't you think it's time you found another hobby?? Just how much fun can getting sh-tfaced and passing out on a beach be?? Sure it was great fun when YOU WERE TWENTY, but after twenty years of the same old thing, doesn't it get a bit old??

    You may think that by acting young, you're somehow going to stay young, but we all know what effects a lifetime of hard partying will have on your body (or is that beer gut just "temporary"?).

    The truth is, the only way to stay young is to continue to grow and develop as a human being. Branch out, try new things, and GROW UP. If you're still stuck in the same drunken rut you were in twenty years ago, then you're just that sad, "old man in a bar" you used to laugh at when you were young. And just because you surround yourself with a micro-community of other sad sacks in the same boat as you, doesn't suddenly make you "normal". You're still pathetic.

    Grow up.

    It is sad that you are getting so old and can only criticise what music or what kind of place other happy people want to hang out. Please keep your pathetic comments for yourself.

  4. Look, I may have an unpopular opinion, and I may seem to be coming down hard on a guy who was a "victim", but if you look at what I'm saying and what everyone else is saying, essentially we agree:  Nana is a bad place, and should probably be avoided. 

    Now, this guy said he was a retiree, so therefore he should be old enough by now to have learned this life lesson already, but apparently he hasn't.  And I don't believe in cutting adults slack for making mistakes that boys make.  He should have realized by now that a seedy go-go bar in the prostitution nexus of Bangkok is not an appropriate place for a grown, married man.

    Maybe on these forums, that idea is radical and unpopular, but trust me, in NORMAL society, that's a pretty mainstream notion.  So if I come off a bit harsh, it's because I believe that a grown man should know better by now and if he doesn't then SOMEBODY needs to knock some sense (virtually) into him.

    You guys all want to pat him on the back and say, "Aw, poor baby".  Well, I don't believe in coddling grown men.  And many of you want him to go back and find the place that did this too him (presumably so you can avoid it).  Go back!?!?  Why should he go back there!?!?!?  This lesson should have taught him that he should avoid those places and stick to doing things that are appropriate for grown, married men (like hanging out with his wife).

    So just because I'm the only one who's not kissing his boo-boos and encouraging more negative behavior, I get jumped on and viciously attacked by other posters.


    True! You have an unpopular opinion! Why is Nana a bad place. Do you have a personal bad experience from Nana? Nana is for grown people, married or not.

    I am married and visit Nana when I stayed in Bangkok, not for sex but for fun and entertainment. Remember you are in Thailand. Phuket, Samui, Pattaya and every inch of Thailand can give you unwanted problem. So if Kringle is wrong, what about the two Brits who was killed after visit river Kwai today? What would you like to tell their family? That their went to a place more bad than Nana. What about the the farang who was killed in a peaceful place near Chiang Rai few weeks ago. Bad place for grown people? What about your own place, You feel safe. I think someone should knoch some sense in your head, so you understand that Thailand is Thailand. With your big mouth, you can be in more danger in your own "paradice" than Kringle was in Nana. So please.

    Good luck Kringle!

  5. A drug called ROHYPNOL simular to diazepam (valium) was ofteen used in Nana and other nightclub a few years ago. The girls mixed the drugs in your drink and if you are very drunk you will wake up like you. In Marine Bar (Pattaya) same thing happend to me some years ago, I start feel dissy and take a taxi home.

    I remember I have big problem to get out of the Taxi. I wake up on the floor with problem to remember whats happend. I remember I came home (alone), but I don't remember I tried to make food. The kitchen look like I had 100 guest for dinner. Lucky I was not robbed, but I carry a lot of money and that was probably the bait for the robbers.

    I just sit with two "nice girls" and I have no idea who done it.

    After the pharmacy stop selling the drugs, I only heard about this kind of robbery in Koh Phangan during fullmoon party.

    Keep on drinking and let girl get you a beer, but don't bring " the bait" with you.

  6. Thanx to phormio, Indo-Siam and lopburi3 for the thorough answers. It clears everything up.

    It means I can stick with my plan which is to

    1. Get married here.

    2. Apply for a Non-Immigrant "O" visa at the thai embassy here.

    3. Transfer 400.000 b and move to LOS.

    4. Extent the 90 days visa to 1 year.

    5. Get a job and a work permit within that year.

    Then I guess I can choose to stick with the "O" visa for two more years or change to a "B", whichever is more favorable at the time, before applying for a permanent residency :o

    Thanks again


    Correct, but your permanent recidency is far away!

  7. You can use coconut wood to make a house. In Koh pha-ngan you will find many house make from coconuttree. No woodhouse will last a lifetime in KPN, if you not use hardwood (teak) but hardwood resistance to termites is hard to find and will cost a lot. A friend imported some hardwood from malaysia and have the same problem with termites. I lived in a house build of coconuttree 6 years (the house was 15years old and looks like new because the owner take very good care. If you use coconutwood to build a house.

    1. Only use old trees with hard wood.

    2. To avoid termites, you have to options. The old Thais in KPN used to put the tree in salt water until they sunk. After they dry, the tree is full of salt and keep the termites away. Today not many have time to wait for The natural saltwater

    termite resistance solution and use a lot of poison to kill the termites. Anyway you have to use some termitekiller at least once a year. I think they use shelldri, (don't remember how they spell). I living in KPN long time and after a couple of years in North, and because I love and miss the island, I will return back to KPN after Christmas, and I will use Coconuts when I make a new house. Maybe it will not last so long as house make by hardwood, but you can make 5 house at the same price. About your Q about how to move, do like chanchao told you to do in another topic.

    Find a "friend" with a pickup, pay for the diesel and take them to the Full Moon Party. Last time it cost me about 12k from Nongkhai, but the thai couple who have the pickup stay one week in KPN and the car was loaded with furniture, dog, cat and my slim thaiwife.

    Welcome to KPN.

  8. This is what a friend told me.

    I plan to visit soon and am concerned about reports from my friend that Bangkok is rife with scorpions. That they come through hotel pipework late at night and sting you whilst you sleep, sometimes with fatal results.

    Obviously this is quite worrying as i'm allergic to scorpion stings. I would just like to ask, are my fears justified ? and if so what precautions can i take?

    one final question, if I may. Is it okay to eat seafood from the floor ?

    thanks in advance

    Good questions!!

    Your friend is absolutley right. Thailand has the highest number of scorpions per square/meter in the world. Think its about .84 per SQ/M. (Higher in resort towns)

    Ive lost several close friends to scorpion bites. But they says its not a painful death, so it cant be that bad..

    On the eating seafood from the floor question. Sure its ok--There are several eat seafood off the floor restaurants here in the LOS. On the negative side it will only increase your chances of running into a scorpion.

    Have fun!!!!!

    I have been here since 1978 and lot of my friends been stinged by scorpions, bite by spider or centipede. But I never herd about people died from scorpions, centipede or spider in Thailand. I seen people step on them, stinged in their lips, in hands, in ear, but dead from scorpions without allergic reaction I do not belive before I see by myself or show me proof. Not Painful dead. Well if stinged and dead by a scorpion it have to be a paintful dead, because the scorpions are paintful but not deadly. Like a centipede, f##### paintful up to a week, but not deadly.

  9. There are ways and means Dick,ways and means!!!

    There are, there are... but eventually everyone has to decide for him-/or herself what path to take. It is just a matter of whether someone is actually ready to pay the bill. Most people aren't and this is reflected by those weeping handcuffed creeps we can see on TV daily. Only f... if you can handle the payment is my personal advice.

    This year the rules for legitimate garment biz on both ends (in Europe and Thailand) has become more difficult because some wise a.. have been abusing the system. Eventually this is also because VAT refund is so darn difficult nowadays even if a deal was carried out legitimately.

    No tears to shed for a dead crook. :o

    Thanks for help, but I don't asked for export information. I know all about this because I have been in that bussiness for many years. I just want to find a clothes manufactures. My fisherpants will walk around here in Thailand.

  10. I think that it is time that some farang came here and started a business and would teach the Thai how to do things,,an American brick layer will lay 40+ block per hour and each block is finish when the throws the next one,the wall can be left as is, painted or stucco'd ,,A thai will throw 50 blocks a day and they will be at odd angles,partly filled to over filled and the wall will have to have 2 inches of stucco to make it look OK.If it don't fall before the stucco is on.

    And pobly the reason he said he  builds for farang is because they will pay for good workmanship and a thai don't know good workmanship from a chicken fight.

    Yea, farangs are so wonderful, i should kiss the ground they walk on.

    I apologize for all Thai people in Thailand and say that we are very sorry that we do not come up to your high standards, once again, i am sorry.

    Yea farangs are so wonderful and you should kiss the ground thanks to what farangs done for Thailand.

    And you are not a ThaiTeenGirl, because a TGT will never be interested in houseconstruction or workmanship. If you are a TGT yor interesting is money.

    If you are Thai, you will never apologize. Thais just don't know what apologize or sorry is. Your post in forum with your good english skills don't come from a thai. You smell like a farang Kateoy TROLL.

  11. you will get a retirement visa (non immigrant o ) easy without any police paper, but if you apply for recidense you will have problem. If the embassey require policepaper, just go to thailand on a touristvisa. Bring all your papers, open a bankaccount, transfer the money, go to laos and apply for non immigrant o visa (single entry) based on retirement. If you have all your paper, you will get your visa next day. After 3 months you go to immigrationoffice and apply for 1 year extension.

  12. An old norwegian are one the way from Bkk to Norway on a "Bicycle" and I know a pakistan who drove from Norway to Pakistan and back to norway 6 times with his whole family in his wolksvagenbus. So I think you can do it. But Im sure you have to deal with a lot of problems and I think your BMW will lost value so much, and with all the problems on the way, it will be cheaper and not so risky to import the car and take the plane. I have friends who ride all around India by 250 Baja without planning it and I like your Idea, but alone? Risky? To much visa hassle and

    problem with bordercrossing, and how to get part to a BMW in the middle of nowhere? You need a lot of planning and back up.

    Good Luck

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