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Posts posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. "Thailand's spring 2024 COVID surge continued for a ninth consecutive week [emphasis added] last week, with the government reporting 1,880 new COVID hospitalizations, up 4.9% from 1,792 the prior week, and 11 new official COVID deaths, a decline of one.


    The Ministry of Public Health also reported the total number of current COVID hospitalizations rated in serious condition climbed to 588 from 501 the prior week, a 17.4% increase and a tally that appears to be Thailand's highest in almost a year and a half."


    "The weekly COVID new hospitalization counts reported by the MoPH during the past nine weeks have been as follows, with the spring surge beginning well before this year's mid-April Song Kran holidays, but then climbing rapidly after they arrived:


    March 16 -- 501

    March 23 -- 630

    March 30 -- 728

    April 6 -- 774

    April 13 -- 849

    April 20 -- 1,004

    April 27 -- 1,672

    May 4 -- 1,792

    May 11 -- 1,880"










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  2. 6 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    I wouldn't give my kid the covid vaxx. What's wrong with you people.


    COVID-19 Vaccination and Incidence of Pediatric SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Hospitalization

    "We provide evidence that California’s pediatric COVID-19 immunization program averted 376 085 (95% PI, 348 355-417 328) reported cases and 273 (95% PI, 77-605) hospitalizations among children aged 6 months to 15 years during the 4 to 7 months following vaccine availability. This represents a reduction of 26.3% of the number of cases that would have been seen in this population absent the vaccine."




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  3. 4 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

    He is already responsible for over one millon unnessesary Covid 19 deaths through his lies and denialism. In the next breath he will bragg about how he had the Covid 19 vaccine developed in record time and without him we would still be waiting for the vaccine. LOCK HIM UP. "REAL MEN WEAR DIAPERS SO DO BABIES." We know he is not a real man!


    From the recent past:

    Trump renews praise for Covid vaccines, 'one of the greatest achievements of mankind'

    Trump was booed by an audience in Dallas on Sunday after revealing he got his Covid booster shot.
    Dec. 23, 2021

    WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump praised the efficacy of the coronavirus vaccines in a new interview just days after being booed by an audience for revealing he received a Covid booster shot.


    "The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump told conservative commentator Candace Owens in an interview on Wednesday. While Trump has expressed opposition to vaccine mandates, he has long taken credit for the vaccines developed on his watch.


    "I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines all are very, very good," he said in the interview, referring to the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson shots.






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  4. Quote

    In people who have already contracted COVID-19 and now suffer from long-COVID, receiving a COVID vaccination has a significant association with prolonged symptoms of long-COVID for more than one year after the initial infection.


    Association is not necessarily causation.


    And, the cited study is a small one from Iran, curiously authored by an epilepsy doctor for some reason, and counted people who had received only ONE COVID vaccine dose, which is not full vaccination.


    Meanwhile, there are many other Long COVID studies from around the world that consistently say COVID vaccination prior to COVID infection significantly reduces the subsequent risk of Long COVID.


    Review estimates 69% 3-dose vaccine efficacy against long COVID

    A meta-analysis today in Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology estimates a vaccine effectiveness (VE) of 69% for three doses of COVID-19 vaccine against long COVID, while two doses offer 37% efficacy.


    Led by researchers at the University of Iowa, the meta-analysis involved 24 studies [emphasis added] on COVID-19 VE against long COVID among recipients of at least two doses of a vaccine before or after infection from December 2019 to June 2023.


    Much lower long-COVID prevalence among vaccinated

    The pooled prevalence of long COVID was 11.8% among unvaccinated participants and 5.3% among recipients of at least two vaccine doses. 





    Getting Vaccinated May Be Your Best Protection from Long COVID

    November 22, 2023


    People vaccinated before their first case of COVID-19 are diagnosed with Long COVID almost four times less than unvaccinated people, suggests a large new study published Nov. 22 in the BMJ.


    That’s not an entirely new finding. For years, studies have shown that, while vaccinated people can and do develop Long COVID, they are at lower risk than people who haven’t had their shots. But researchers have come to drastically different estimates about exactly how much protection vaccines offer against Long COVID, with their findings ranging from about 15% efficacy to around 50%.


    The new study offers encouraging evidence that people who get vaccinated before their first COVID-19 case are at significantly lower risk of developing long-term symptoms like brain fog and fatigue, with each additional dose received prior to infection offering extra protection. A single pre-infection dose of one of the original COVID-19 vaccines reduced the risk of Long COVID by 21%, two doses by 59%, and three or more doses by 73%, the researchers estimated.







  5. Screenshot_2.jpg.745f634294b00ff4f34a3a7ee802b29f.jpg


    Clinical trials aim to assess potential treatments for sleep disturbances, exercise intolerance and post exertional malaise


    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) will launch clinical trials to investigate potential treatments for long-term symptoms after COVID-19 infection, including sleep disturbances, exercise intolerance and the worsening of symptoms following physical or mental exertion known as post-exertional malaise (PEM).


    The mid-stage trials, part of NIH’s Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) Initiative, will join six other RECOVER studies currently enrolling participants across the United States testing treatments to address viral persistence, neurological symptoms, including cognitive dysfunction (like brain fog) and autonomic nervous system dysfunction.


    The new trials will enroll approximately 1,660 people across 50 study sites to investigate potential treatments for some of the most frequent and burdensome symptoms reported by people suffering from long COVID.


    “The group of symptoms these trials will try to alleviate are truly disruptive and devastating for so many people struggling with long COVID,” said Walter J. Koroshetz, M.D., director of NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and co-lead of the RECOVER Initiative. “When people can’t get reliable sleep, can’t exert themselves and feel sick following tasks that used to be simple, the physical and mental anguish can lead to feelings of utter helplessness. We urgently need to come up with answers to help those struggling with long COVID feel whole again.”




    [details of the specific potential treatments to be explored are listed in the full announcement linked below]





  6. 1 hour ago, transam said:

    My step grandson, 9 months old was not well, they took him to hospital (He is insured) for a check-up. 

    He tested positive for Covid, which strain I don't know. We are all a bit mystified as to how he contracted it, as he has a pretty sheltered life.


    Thankfully, he is dealing with it OK, they hope he will be able to go home sometime this week..🤗


    Trans, so are you saying they admitted him to the hospital for COVID -- not just outpatient?



    they hope he will be able to go home sometime this week


  7. 43 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

    Oh yes, and of the 11 new official COVID deaths, the MoPH below is reporting that 4 were male and 7 female. By age, 10 were 70 and above, and one was age 60-69.

    I think that pretty much shows that COVID could be a small risk for the ELDERLY, but that it is a Big Nothing-burger for the younger and working-age population. 


    You're talking about risk only on the basis of Thailand's relatively few official COVID deaths -- which past studies have shown to be undercounts to the actual levels of likely COVID deaths.


    And for the record, Thailand among its official COVID deaths has reported one involving a young child and another involving a 20-49-year-old just in the past month. No details about the particulars of those cases.


    But that assessment doesn't take into account the much larger numbers of serious COVID hospitalizations -- 588 current as of last week, and 14,937 total thus far for the year.


    And for that group, the Thai MoPH doesn't publicly release any age or other demographic information. So we don't really know the details of just whom COVID is making seriously ill in Thailand.  I'd guess the elderly predominate there as has generally been the case elsewhere in recent times, but to what extent younger people are involved as they have been elsewhere in smaller numbers, we simply don't know.



  8. Screenshot_4.jpg.09315c76f6e4f94207ac03eb1020314b.jpg


    Thailand's spring 2024 COVID surge continued for a ninth consecutive week last week, with the government reporting 1,880 new COVID hospitalizations, up 4.9% from 1,792 the prior week, and 11 new official COVID deaths, a decline of one.


    The Ministry of Public Health also reported the total number of current COVID hospitalizations rated in serious condition climbed to 588 from 501 the prior week, a 17.4% increase and a tally that appears to be Thailand's highest in almost a year and a half.


    The number of currently hospitalized COVID patients requiring intubation / ventilation to breathe also rose to 237 from 187 the prior week, up 27% and the highest number in that category since early June 2023.


    The Thai government does not publicly report the total numbers of all current COVID hospitalizations, but instead only breaks out the subtotals for those in serious condition and requiring intubation, and then the new COVID hospitalizations each week.


    With the latest update for the period May 5 - 11, Thailand's weekly new COVID hospitalizations at 1,880, averaging 269 per day, have more than tripled from the 501 weekly count recorded in mid-March when the latest COVID surge began.


    The latest weekly count on new COVID hospitalizations is Thailand's highest number since mid-June 2023, when the total hit 2,158. The latest tally of 11 new COVID deaths is a decline of one from the prior week, but still one of the highest weekly totals thus far for 2024.


    Thailand had a similar COVID surge last spring as well, when weekly COVID new hospitalizations rose from a few hundred to a peak of more than 3,000 by early June 2023 before eventually subsiding.


    Among the 11 new COVID deaths reported for the past week, 4 were male and 7 were female. The MoPH said 10 were ages 70 and above, while one was in the 60-69 age range. The MoPH only recently resumed publicly disclosing the broad age ranges for Thailand's reported COVID deaths, something they had ceased many months prior with the end of COVID's declared emergency status in Thailand.


    With the latest weekly report, Thailand since the start of 2024 has now seen 14,937 COVID hospitalizations and 104 official COVID deaths, according to the MoPH. Even while COVID hospitalizations have been spiking, Thailand's officially reported weekly COVID deaths had mostly remained in the single digits during 2024.


    The weekly COVID new hospitalization counts reported by the MoPH during the past nine weeks have been as follows, with the spring surge beginning well before this year's mid-April Song Kran holidays, but then climbing rapidly after they arrived:


    March 16 -- 501

    March 23 -- 630

    March 30 -- 728

    April 6 -- 774

    April 13 -- 849

    April 20 -- 1,004

    April 27 -- 1,672

    May 4 -- 1,792

    May 11 -- 1,880


    The MoPH's weekly COVID reports for Thailand are available at the following MoPH website:



    They also have been posted each week in the following AseanNow forum thread:




  9. Thailand MoPH Weekly COVID report for May 5 - 11, 2024:


    --1,880 new COVID hospitalizations, averaging 269 per day, up 88 / 4.9% from the prior week

    --11 new COVID deaths, down 1 / 8% from the prior week

    --588 current COVID patients hospitalized in serious condition (pneumonia symptoms), up 87 / 17.4% from the prior week (dark purple)

    --237 current COVID patients hospitalized requiring intubation/ventilation to breathe, up 50 / 27% from the prior week (light purple)


    Cumulative figures since the start of the current year are COVID new hospitalizations (14,937) & COVID deaths (104).


    Of the 11 new official COVID deaths, the MoPH below is reporting that 4 were male and 7 female. By age, 10 were 70 and above, and one was age 60-69.






    Reported weekly COVID new hospitalizations have now risen for the past 9 consecutive weeks since mid-March and more than tripled over that period, as follows for the weeks ending:


    March 16 -- 501

    March 23 -- 630

    March 30 -- 728

    April 6 -- 774

    April 13 -- 849

    April 20 -- 1,004

    April 27 -- 1,672

    May 4 -- 1,792

    May 11 -- 1,880


    The latest weekly new COVID hospitalizations total is Thailand's highest since mid-June 2023, when the total hit 2,158. Thailand's weekly new COVID hospitalizations peaked last spring at 3,085 in early June amid a similar run-up that began in mid-April.



  10. So let's talk about COVID vaccines and young people:

    Teen vaccination cut COVID-19 cases by 37% in California, new data show

    April 25, 2024


    JAMA Network Open has published a new study showing that, from April 1, 2020, to February 27, 2023, in California, an estimated 146,210 COVID-19 cases were averted by vaccination in teens aged 12 to 15 years, representing a 37% reduction.


    Researchers also estimated that 230,134 cases were averted in kids aged 5 to 11 years, a 24% reduction. 




    April 23, 2024

    COVID-19 Vaccination and Incidence of Pediatric SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Hospitalization

    "We provide evidence that California’s pediatric COVID-19 immunization program averted 376 085 (95% PI, 348 355-417 328) reported cases and 273 (95% PI, 77-605) hospitalizations among children aged 6 months to 15 years during the 4 to 7 months following vaccine availability. This represents a reduction of 26.3% of the number of cases that would have been seen in this population absent the vaccine."




  11. Per the US CDC:


    Myocarditis and Pericarditis after COVID-19 Vaccination

    Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis is inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. Most patients with myocarditis or pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination responded well to medicine and rest and felt better quickly, and most cases have been reported after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.


    Data from VSD and from VAERS indicate that rates of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination are highest among males in their late teens and early 20s, usually following the second dose of the vaccine.




  12. The cited study assessed the individual side effect risks from three different COVID vaccines: AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna:


    GBS and CVST, only cited for the AZ vaccine and both previously identified as rare risks.


    Myocarditis and pericarditis, both previously identified rare risks from the mRNA vaccines, along with the AZ vaccine.


    That's why the above FactCheck.org report on all this was titled:


    Study Largely Confirms Known, Rare COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects


  13. 21 hours ago, shortstop2 said:

    For those of you that use Thailand Spotify Premium, what's an easy way for me to pay for it?


    A long time ago, when I first signed up for Spotify Premium TH, I set up the payment method to automatically debit each month from my Bangkok Bank account (can't recall if I did it via my debit card or direct to my savings account).


    I get an SMS message each month from BKKK when the payment is made.


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  14. It's worth noting that several of the identified increased rare risks called out in the study (GBS and CVST) were associated only with the now withdrawn AstraZeneca vaccine, and not with the mRNA vaccines.


    And most of those associated with the mRNA were the previously known rare risks of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart-related), where most studies have found those vaccine-related side effects to be generally mild and temporary in duration, unlike when those occur from COVID infections.


    Addressing the specifically identified rare side effects, Science Based Medicine reported:


    "Meanwhile, the chances of having a neurological event after a Covid infection were up to 617-fold higher than following COVID vaccination, which suggests “the benefits of vaccination substantially outweigh the risks,” according to the Vaccine study researchers.


    The risk of developing myocarditis is higher post-Covid infection than after getting a Covid vaccine, according to Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, professor of Immunobiology at Yale University. Myocarditis risk after the second dose of a Covid vaccine is 35.9 per 100,000 people, compared to a 64.9 per 100,000 risk after Covid infection.


    The risk of developing Guillain-Barre syndrome after Covid infection was six times greater, and the risk of developing it after vaccination was 0.41 times greater than the control group, according to a 2023 study published in Neurology."






  15. 37 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

    For some reason I have more confidence in the results and conclusion from the study, than how the FactCheckers did (try to) 'debunk' it as addressed in TGJ in BKK's posts.   But that's just me folks, a deluded anti-vax conspiracy loon...


    The fact checkers above are NOT "debunking" the study, which anyone who bothered to read the above reports would clearly understand. The cited study was/is a legitimate, scientifically produced credible research effort, and has been widely accepted and appreciated in the scientific/public health community.


    What is being "debunked" are the fraudulent attempts by anti-vaxers to misportray and misrepresent the study's actual findings (which are written in a lot of scientific jargonese) and the very rare levels of risk found.


  16. Study Largely Confirms Known, Rare COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects


    February 27, 2024

    SciCheck Digest

    An international study of around 99 million people confirmed known serious side effects of COVID-19 vaccination. It also identified a possible relationship between the first dose of the Moderna vaccine and a small risk of a neurological condition. Social media posts about the study left out information on the vaccines’ benefits and the rarity of the side effects.


    COVID-19 vaccines — like all vaccines and other medical products — come with side effects, including serious side effects in rare cases. The vaccines were rolled out to protect people from a novel virus that has killed millions of people globally and would likely have killed millions more without the arrival of the vaccines. There is a broad consensus from experts and governmental health agencies that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the risks.


    “What we take away, is that the Covid-19 vaccination campaigns have been very effective in preventing severe disease,” study co-author Anders Hviid, head of the department of epidemiology research at the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark, told us in an email. “The few serious side effects that we have observed in this and other studies have been rare.”






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