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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. For everyone posting here, keep in mind... When Thailand puts out weekly COVID case reports these days, the ONLY thing they're counting are COVID hospitalizations (and deaths)... not just positive COVID test results. So in short, AFAIK, ever since last fall, no one really knows the numbers or rates of COVID cases (positive tests) here in Thailand and whether they're rising or falling. Because the Thai government stopped counting and reporting them as of October 2022.
  2. Being careless/stupid in one area isn't a justification or excuse for being careless/stupid regarding something else.
  3. Reuters a week or so ago had a recap of the various countries requiring COVID testing and/or proof of vaccination for incoming Chinese tourists... Thailand isn't/wasn't among them: https://www.reuters.com/world/china/countries-mandate-covid-tests-china-travellers-2023-01-12/ The Reuters recap for Thailand in their Jan. 30 report: "THAILAND Thailand rescinded on Monday measures announced by its aviation regulator a day prior requiring international travellers to show proof of full COVID vaccination or letter certifying recovery from the virus before flying into the country."
  4. Apparently only the healthy Chinese tourists come to Thailand... But the unhealthy ones obviously are heading for places like Italy and South Korea where they actually require testing, unlike Thailand. Milan reports 50% of passengers on China flights have Covid Posted on December 29, 2022 https://thainewsroom.com/2022/12/29/milan-reports-50-of-passengers-on-china-flights-have-covid/ AND 'South Korea, which began testing travellers from China on Monday, said more than a fifth of the test results were positive." https://thainewsroom.com/2023/01/05/official-stats-not-reflecting-true-impact-of-covid-19-wave-in-china-who/
  5. And many thousands of people are still dying from COVID every month, including almost 500 per day in the U.S. alone. Per the WHO, for the past month period Jan. 9 to Feb. 5:: "The highest numbers of new 28-day deaths were reported from China (40,812 new deaths; -11%), the United States of America (15,294 new deaths; +40%), Japan (9874 new deaths; +28%), the United Kingdom (2671 new deaths; -32%), and Brazil (2566 new deaths; -37%)." https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20230208_weekly_epi_update_129.pdf?sfvrsn=d2a3077b_4&download=true
  6. Anyone who thinks COVID isn't still taking a toll in the world obviously hasn't been paying attention, even though the key trends have been declining. Per the WHO: Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 - 8 February 2023 "Globally, nearly 10.5 million new cases and over 90 000 deaths were reported in the last 28 days (9 January to 5 February 2023), a decrease of 89% and 8%, respectively, compared to the previous 28 days (Figure 1, Table 1). Epidemiologic trends in the previous 28 days have been dominated by a large wave of cases and deaths in the Western Pacific Region, notably in China. As of 5 February 2023, over 754 million confirmed cases and over 6.8 million deaths have been reported globally." https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20230208_weekly_epi_update_129.pdf?sfvrsn=d2a3077b_4&download=true The WHO report above also noted that their numbers are likely UNDER-estimates, because of reduced COVID testing and reporting in many countries. Kind of like the new era of "don't ask, don't tell" in public health reporting.
  7. Not sure why the OP report is citing data from mid January, when the Thai MoPH has already released their weekly report for early February: The prior report: And the latest report: https://www.facebook.com/thailandprd/posts/pfbid02GtwS7534XSnbvtLYNkoXcVeZzrPc9CbyCyhzk2vQKJ5fY8Aw37zeLWFwt9UFK7vNl
  8. FWIW, yesterday, I also did a routine bankbook update of my Bangkok Bank savings account at one of their bankbook update machines... but had no transaction activity for the day in the account. The same as Krungsri, the last line entry the BKK Bank machine put on my book was the balance and date of the last prior transaction in the account some days prior, and nothing relating to yesterday. The difference, though, is that I believe the BKK Bank tellers/reps on their machines can print a current day balance forward entry in your bankbook upon request. But I don't believe the accountholder can trigger that themselves just using the bankbook update machines.
  9. Indian cooking I know uses red or kidney beans in some recipies. But I can't recall ever coming across pinto beans being used in Indian cooking...
  10. It's interesting how different Thai banks' systems operate differently.... Perhaps the reason I expressed the bank book update the way I did above is the following: My 800K is in a Krungsri savings account with bankbook. When I took my bankbook out today to update it for just general purposes, the last date their system prints is the date of the last transaction and balance then -- and NOT the balance or date of TODAY. So at least with Krungsri, the only way I know to get an update for today is to actually do a transaction today... which in my case when I'm at BKK CW, usually involves withdrawing 100b from their ATM and then re-depositing the 100b back into the account -- just so I can keep my account balance the same as my previously issued bank letter (even though Immigration supposedly won't fuss over a different balance amount, as long as all remain above the 800K requirement). I've never kept my 800K with any other Thai bank, so I can't speak to what's required in their systems in order to accomplish a bankbook balance update as of TODAY. Though as I recall @Pib has previously reported that BKK Bank's system will do a printed "balance forward" entry without involving any actual transaction. I don't think BKK CW cares if I withdraw and deposit any money from my account and have that reflected in my bankbook. But I believe what they do want is to see my bankbook show an update with the account's current balance as of the day you're appearing at Immigration. As noted above, I avoid that wrinkle by doing a 100b w/d followed by a matching 100b deposit, thus keeping the ending account balance unchanged from prior. But, apart from that, I've always understood that BKK CK doesn't mind if your bank letter balance and day-of-visit update balance are somewhat different, especially considering that the bank letter can be dated up to 7 days prior to one's Immigration visit.
  11. As a non-pilot, let me ask.... Don't even old Russian-operated 767's have built-in engine fire alarms that would quickly alert the cockpit crew? The above news report, rightly or wrongly, makes it sound like the pilots were going merrily on their way down the runway with a flaming engine until being alerted by ATC staff.
  12. A quality "true" HEPA air filter/purifier will definitely reduce the PM2.5 pollution levels in your home, provided you run it as needed and buy a model or models suitably sized for your living space. But whether the HEPA purifier will give you any noticeable difference in your post COVID breathing issues is a different matter... It certainly wouldn't hurt, but whether it would help for that, I think the only way is to try and see. Either way, having a HEPA purifier here in Thailand (and replacing the HEPA filter as needed), is good investment for your long-term health and lifespan. Some models come with an AQI or PM2.5 micrograms readout that tells you when your local air is bad and you need to run the purifier... My particular models don't have that real-time monitoring display, so I bought a couple of small, standalone PM2.5 monitors for my home that provide a continuous read-out, and let me know when I need to turn the purifier on and/or raise or lower the fan speed.
  13. Their website info appears a bit more nuanced that just what you posted here... Specifically: "E-File your Federal and State Return for FREE, if one of the below: Adjusted Gross Income is $41,000 or less (OR) Active Duty Military Adjusted Gross Income $73,000 or under (OR) If you do not qualify: Your Federal return is free and each state tax return is just $9.95!!" Note the final part with the last "OR"... if you're above their AGI limit, they seem to be saying they'll still do your federal return for free.... But you'll have to pay $9.95 for any state return you may need. But then further down, they caveat that further with some added age, income and state residency requirements: "You will qualify for this Free file offer, if you meet the qualifications below. You or your spouse age was greater than or equal to 67. Adjusted Gross Income is between $41,000 and $73,000 in 2022. Your resident state is (CT, DC, DE, HI, IA, ID, IN, KS, KY, ME, MN, MT, ND, NE, NM, OK, OR, RI, TN, UT, VT, WV, WY)" https://www.olt.com/main/oltfree/default.asp
  14. That's a hoot! Never knew that one before... Adding to my Thai language proficiency every day here... Next time I hear the term, I'll know!!! ????
  15. Indeed, if it hadn't become an international news story courtesy of the visibility of Charlene An, none of this would be happening. If it had been you or me, we'd simply be out 30,000 baht, and the officers involved would be looking for their next targets. In the case at hand, these officers simply picked the wrong tourist to extort.
  16. Makro in the Sathorn area used to stock a lot of Casa Fiesta products, including sometimes the huge tins of sliced jalapenos...as well as some CF salsas... But I can't remember Makro stocking the CF canned frijoles.
  17. Apart from Villa Markets, which also in my experience are one of the few supermarkets to stock canned frijoles here... Foodland Supermarkets also stock U.S. imported 1 pound bags of dried pinto beans, which can be boiled at home and made into frijoles. The bags also run about 85 baht, so they're also a whole lot less expensive than the very overpriced Rosarita imported canned frijoles. Also, Central Food Halls such as Central Chidlom often tend to stock S&W brand canned pinto beans (labeled as "chili beans" at about 99 baht per can, which also are easy to be made into frijoles.
  18. I believe, people also can get an equivalent residency certificate or bank account opening letter from their Embassy in Thailand... at least U.S. folks can. Though the price at the U.S. Embassy is a steep $50.... but it will/should work for Thai bank account opening purposes. The reality is, Thai bank branches long have been all over the map in terms of what they require of foreigners who want to open local bank accounts here...and it even varies widely from branch to branch within the same banking company. So most expats/tourists faced with this dilemma branch shop until they find a more cooperative branch. For expats, IME, Krungsri branches often tend to be among the more cooperative. And Bangkok Bank branches can be OK too... especially branches located in more tourist busy areas. Here's a prior version of BKK Bank's policy for account opening for folks on tourist visas or visa exempt/visa on arrival: (Note that the section 2 part requires only ONE of the listed docs, not both). https://www.bangkokbank.com/-/media/Files/Personal/Other-Services/Branch-Services/International-Branches/ExpatBooklet_Jan2017.ashx?la=en&hash=15587776FB3E6C04F9DE10BC2742AFE153E20D44 It's kind of a chicken vs egg problem -- Thai Immigration wants 800,000 baht in a Thai bank account for retirement extensions. But many Thai bank branches don't want to open new Thai bank accounts for folks unless they already have a residency certificate from Immigration.
  19. The wife and I returned from a domestic trip last month via Swampy, and ended up taking an official meter taxi from the airport's official queue... 1. First noticed, the taxi lacked the required placards on the interior doors showing its DLT registration ID. 2. When the guy started driving, he already had the meter at more than 65 baht... When I pointed that out to him, he reset the starting meter back to zero. 3. After arriving at our home, my wife later told me, the taxi driver asked her in Thai to tell me the actual charge should be 300 baht more than what the meter showed, and that I wouldn't know the difference because I was a farang... Needless to say, we/I paid the meter price only, not his illegally inflated request. And this was from a meter taxi via the official airport queue... which obviously tells you they're not doing much enforcement or regulation there, despite whatever they might claim.
  20. I've often pointed out that Thailand has long operated with its own excessively high standard for what's considered unhealthy air -- 50 micrograms of PM2.5. The current U.S. 24-hour threshold for PM2.5 is 35 micrograms. Thus, PM2.5 levels that would trigger air quality alerts in the U.S. may go relatively unnoticed by the Thai government and in the local news media here...as long as the daily levels remain below Thailand's current excessively high 50 micrograms standard. For the U.S.: "in September 2006, EPA revised the PM standards by lowering the level of the 24-hour PM2.5 standard to 35 μg/m3" https://www3.epa.gov/region1/airquality/pm-aq-standards.html Now earlier this year: "The Agency is proposing to retain the primary 24-hour PM2.5 standard of 35 micrograms per cubic meter, while taking comment on revising this level to as low as 25 micrograms per cubic meter." https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-proposes-strengthen-air-quality-standards-protect-public-harmful-effects-soot The WHO's guidelines for 24 hour threshold average of PM2.5 appear to have a ultimate daily threshold goal of no more than 15 micrograms, and an interim goal of no more than 25 micrograms: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/345329/9789240034228-eng.pdf
  21. Prison sentences and guilty or innocent verdicts seem to be a bit like a drunk throwing darts at the dart board.... 1. Acquitted by the Criminal Court. 2. 2 year sentence by the Appeals Court 3. ??? sentence by the Supreme Court??? It also isn't the first time this guy has faced legal problems:
  22. Things are better thus far in BKK today: https://aqicn.org/station/thailand/bangkok/phloen-chit-road/ If you look back at BKK's pollution history for 2022, you'll find that days totaling about three months out of the entire year had air pollution levels at varying stages of unhealthy -- the orange or red color designations. The remaining 9 months of the year, the air is pretty much OK. For me, having to run my HEPA air purifier indoors and wear a mask during bad air times like this outdoors during those portions of the year is outweighed by the other advantages of living here. Every place has its assorted pluses and minuses. But if the bad air was yearround, I personally wouldn't live here. The comparable period of unhealthy air in Los Angeles seems to be far fewer than in Bangkok -- only about two weeks out of the year. But the various governments there take air pollution controls much more seriously than the Thai govt. does here. [Though many years back, air pollution in L.A. was very bad and much more like BKK today. But So. Cal. regulated solutions to the problem in past years.] See the comparable chart below showing AQI days above 100 for a Los Angeles station. https://aqicn.org/station/@201190
  23. That comment was based on several caveats personal to me... specifically.... At that COVID quiet time, I didn't see or find any regular meter taxis around the Red Line station at Laksi for the onward trip to Immigration. So that was a problem for me. I might have been able to find a motorcycle taxi to take me for that trip, and others might be fine for that. But for safety reasons, I personally don't ride motorcycles or motocy taxis here.... Also, things are a bit busier with more activity now vs Sept 2022... So it's possible the taxi situation there at Laksi station may have changed/improved in the ensuing months. Mahathat should be fine, but it's a bit further away and would a bit more expensive taxi trip. But there definitely are meter taxis available there. If I were going again now to Immigration, I might give the Red Line another shot to see if things have improved in terms of the onward trip.... Because ultimately, it would be the most convenient method... if you can get onward transport.
  24. Back when I last went in Sept 2022, the IOs handling retirement extensions were willing to accept and process a 90-day report form if you brought a completed one with you... AND.... if you were within their timeframe for filing a 90-day report. I can't say what's happened since then. However, the 90-day report filing window here in BkK is generally the period only two weeks in advance of your 90-day reporting deadline. So based on the dates you laid out (going on Feb. 15, having an April 30 next 90 day reporting deadline), I think you're going to be too far ahead of time, and they're unlikely to accept your 90 day report either, either in the L section as part of doing your extension, or in the regular 90 day reporting section.
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