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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. The source study contains a brief allusion to Trump's role in promoting the drug as a COVID treatment: "it is critical that representatives of public authorities should not, on the basis of their personal conviction, promote the prescription of medicines that have not been formally evaluated, thereby falsely raising hopes as to the existence of a solution to a complex health crisis [88]" ... [88] Karni A., Thomas K. Trump Says He’s Taking Hydroxychloroquine, Prompting Warning From Health Experts [Internet]. The New York Times. 2020 [cited 2023 Nov 29];Available from: 〈https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/18/us/politics/trump-hydroxychloroquine-covid-coronavirus.html〉 Which links to the following: Trump Says He’s Taking Hydroxychloroquine, Prompting Warning From Health Experts His announcement drew immediate criticism from a range of medical experts, who warned not just of the dangers it posed for the president’s health but also of the example it set. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/18/us/politics/trump-hydroxychloroquine-covid-coronavirus.html
  2. The source study: Deaths induced by compassionate use of hydroxychloroquine during the first COVID-19 wave: an estimate Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy Volume 171, February 2024 "... HCQ use was associated with an 11% increase in the mortality rate in a meta-analysis of randomized trials. • The number of hydroxychloroquine related deaths in hospitalised patients is estimated at 16,990 in six countries. • These findings illustrate the hazard of drug repurposing with low-level evidence for the management of future pandemics." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S075333222301853X
  3. Yes, the LTR visa got its tax exempt status by royal decree long before the Revenue Department came along this past fall with their new "tax the expats" scheme.
  4. I believe the correct interpretation of the issue being discussed above is that people with wealth can get a blanket Thai tax exemption by qualifying for and being on the Thai LTR visa. On the other hand, wealthy expats who are NOT on the LTR visa DO NOT qualify for the blanket Thai tax exemption even with those same levels of wealth.
  5. As I see you now realize above, you need to read and understand the full set of rules... not just the front-page quick summary. The full version includes the following under section #5: "5. You will not use ASEAN NOW to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.... "In factual areas such as news forums and current affairs topics member content that is claimed or portrayed as a fact should be supported by a link to a relevant reputable source." https://aseannow.com/forum_rules/ @Mike Lister 's request above was in keeping with the forum's rules.
  6. Ya, except for the months long period last year where the online 90-day reporting system at least for BKK folks was totally un-usable.And then more recently, the times when BKK CW was taking many weeks, past people's reporting deadlines, to acknowledge timely online report filings.
  7. From a U.S. perspective, I've found Nord to be one of the better VPN providers in terms of successfully unlocking various geo-restricted streaming content. And even if one server for a given city/locale doesn't work, they typically have multiple other servers available with different IPs to try for the same city/locale, which typically means you can find something that works. One really nice feature they also have are browser extensions for both Firefox and Chrome that allow the user to easily turn on, turn off, or switch VPN connections just for browser content -- which comes in very handy. My favorite, most useful VPN providers for U.S. connections right now are Private VPN for speedy, non-streaming general use, and either Nord or Windscribe VPN for streaming uses. From Thailand, the various West Coast connections to the U.S. typically are the fastest and best.
  8. NHS given warning about infection control as Covid cases rise Exclusive: Royal College of Nursing asks why WHO guidance on masks and respirators has not been introduced across UK 22 Dec 2023 "The Royal College of Nursing has warned of an increase risk of Covid among hospital staff and patients due to the NHS’s failure to follow World Health Organization advice about infection control during a current spike in cases. The most recent figures showed one in 24 people in England and Scotland had Covid on 13 December, up from one in 55 two weeks before. On Tuesday, the WHO expressed concern about a new subvariant of Omicron, labelled JN.1, after its rapid spread in the Americas, western Pacific and European regions. To tackle the increase, the WHO advised that all health facilities “implement universal masking” and give health workers “respirators and other PPE”. (more) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/22/nhs-given-warning-about-infection-control-as-covid-cases-rise
  9. U.K. Nurses Ask For Masks And Respirators As Covid Cases Rise Dec 23, 2023 "U.K. nurses want to bring back masks in all healthcare settings as cases of a new Covid-19 variant increase. This week, the World Health Organisation advised health facilities to introduce universal mask-wearing and give respirators and other appropriate personal protective equipment to staff treating Covid-19 patients. Leaders from industry body the Royal College of Nursing wrote to chief nurses in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland this week to ask them to bring the U.K.’s advice in line with that of the WHO." (more) https://www.forbes.com/sites/katherinehignett/2023/12/23/uk-nurses-ask-for-masks-and-respirators-as-covid-cases-rise/
  10. COVID vaccinations began basically in early 2021, a year into the pandemic. 14.9 million excess deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 https://www.who.int/news/item/05-05-2022-14.9-million-excess-deaths-were-associated-with-the-covid-19-pandemic-in-2020-and-2021 AND Excess deaths decreased in second pandemic year, likely tied to vaccination May 25, 2023 "A new analysis of US national data reveals that excess deaths declined from 655,735 during the first pandemic year to 586,505 in the second. The study is published in the American Journal of Epidemiology." ... Those over the age of 65 also saw a dramatic reduction in excess deaths in year 2. "The decline in excess deaths for seniors was almost certainly related to their rapid uptake of vaccinations," Ruhm wrote. "With particularly sharp fatality reductions among nursing home residents when vaccines became available." https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/excess-deaths-decreased-second-pandemic-year-likely-tied-vaccination AND "For the study, published as a today in Science Advances, researchers used a model trained on data from 2015 to 2019 to estimate US all-cause excess deaths from March 2020 through February 2022 among 3,127 counties by month. ... An estimated 634,830 more people than expected died in the United States in the first year of the pandemic, and 544,194 died in the second year." https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/nearly-12-million-excess-deaths-may-have-occurred-first-2-years-covid-pandemic The first year being mostly the pre-COVID vaccines period, and the second year being during the rollout and widespread administration of COVID vaccines.
  11. They know vaccinations were NOT the cause because: "In both countries [the U.S. and U.K.], excess mortality spiked at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the U.S., excess mortality reached a plateau towards the end of 2021. In addition, the increase in vaccination coverage wasn’t accompanied by any further increase in excess mortality." AND "Furthermore, excess mortality has generally been trending downward since mid-2020 and the vaccination campaign wasn’t associated with a reversal of that trend. If COVID-19 vaccines had caused an increased risk of death, we would have seen the opposite instead." https://healthfeedback.org/what-can-explain-the-excess-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-europe-in-2022/#Vaccines
  12. COVID, and its various impacts, led to a lot of excess mortality over the past couple of years, even as the pandemic began to subside: What can explain the excess mortality in the U.S. and Europe in 2022? "First, the virus SARS-CoV-2 is still circulating and epidemiological data show that COVID-19 deaths still represent a significant part of the excess mortality. Second, the exceptional heat waves in July and August 2022 are likely to have increased the risk of death, as excess heat can lead to death directly or indirectly. Third, the healthcare systems of many countries are still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic. Many hospitals remain underfunded, underequipped, and understaffed, leading to suboptimal care for patients. But one thing we do know isn’t contributing to excess mortality is COVID-19 vaccines, contrary to claims by some." https://healthfeedback.org/what-can-explain-the-excess-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-europe-in-2022/#Vaccines
  13. And yet 3 years and worldwide more than 13+ billion COVID vaccine doses administered later, the medical and scientific communities seem to have managed pretty successfully, especially for reducing the impacts of a respiratory virus: "70.6% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. 13.53 billion doses have been administered globally" https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations AND Per the U.S. FDA as of March 2023: "The most recent estimate is that those who are up to date on their vaccination status have a 9.8 fold lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than those who are unvaccinated and 2.4 fold lower risk of dying from Covid-19 than those who were vaccinated but had not received the updated, bivalent vaccine." https://www.fda.gov/media/166159/download
  14. COVID deaths in England, according to the most recent data, running about 160+ per week. https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/deaths?areaType=nation&areaName=England And if you expand the count to the entire UK, about 210+ per week: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/deaths?areaType=overview&areaName=United Kingdom
  15. Add hospitals in North Carolina, Washington and Wisconsin to the list: Hospitals in at least 6 states are requiring masks indoors "Some hospitals across the United States are reinstating indoor masking rules amid rising cases and hospitalizations of respiratory illnesses including COVID-19 and influenza. Hospitals in at least six states -- California, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Washington and Wisconsin -- have put masking guidelines in place, according to an ABC News count. ... Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows 31 states, plus Washington, D.C., are experiencing '"high" or "very high" levels of respiratory illness activity, described as people visiting their primary care office or the emergency departments with respiratory complaints such as fever, sore throat or cough." (more) https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/hospitals-in-at-least-6-states-are-requiring-masks-indoors/ar-AA1mk5k6
  16. As is typical of most of his misinformation peddling ilk: The opening paragraph of the above report: "Florida’s surgeon general on Wednesday officially called for a halt “to the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines,” citing a discredited theory that has been debunked by federal and global health officials." But then again, Ladapo has been down his vaccine misinformation road before: Report: Florida officials cut key data from vaccine study April 8, 2023 "TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — An analysis that was the basis of a highly criticized recommendation from Florida's surgeon general cautioning young men against getting the COVID-19 vaccine omitted information that showed catching the virus could increase the risk of a cardiac-related death much more than getting the mRNA shot, according to drafts of the analysis obtained by the Tampa Bay Times. ... The early drafts of the analysis obtained by the Times through a records request showed that catching COVID-19 could increase the chances of a cardiac-related death much more than getting the vaccine, but that information was missing from the final version put out by the Florida Department of Health last October." https://news.yahoo.com/report-florida-officials-cut-key-150016558.html
  17. Did you miss the fact / background that it was the girl's allowed entry into this club that ultimately led to her meeting a Thai celebrity there who then took her to a nearby hotel and allegedly raped her? Olympian Somrak faces allegations of sexual misconduct; claims it is blackmail "Somrak, who reportedly met the girl at a pub in Khon Kaen, claimed he did not know she was a minor when he took her to the hotel. He said he stopped all sexual activity upon learning she was underage. However, he did acknowledge undressing and caressing the girl before falling asleep." ... "Police have said the operators of the pub, where the incident unfolded, will also face charges of allowing a person under 20 years old to consume alcohol and for selling alcoholic drinks after hours." https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40033699
  18. Average of 3,631 patients in hospital with Covid during Christmas week, data shows, a rise of 57% in a month Fri 29 Dec 2023 "A surge in the number of flu and Covid admissions to hospitals in England is adding to a “storm of pressure” facing the health service, NHS leaders have said. Figures released on Friday showed that in Christmas week, there were on average 3,631 patients with Covid in hospital, up 57% from the same week in November. Cases of norovirus were up 61% from the same period last year, while serious flu cases also continued to spiral, with an average of 942 patients with flu in hospital each day in the week to 24 December, including 48 in critical care. (more) https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/dec/29/nhs-england-storm-of-pressure-flu-covid-cases-surge
  19. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home "Data during recent periods are incomplete because of the lag in time between when a death occurs and when a death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS, and processed for reporting. This delay can range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more, depending on the jurisdiction. The most recent 3 weeks of mortality counts are shaded grey and mortality rates shown as dotted lines because NVSS reporting is <95% during this period." https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_weeklydeaths_select_00
  20. Jan 3 (Reuters) - Hospitals in at least four U.S. states have reinstated mask mandates amid a rise in cases of COVID, seasonal flu and other respiratory illness. Healthcare facilities in New York, California, Illinois and Massachusetts have made masks mandatory among patients and providers. ... The most recent weekly data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed there were over 29,000 hospitalizations from COVID across the U.S. from Dec. 17-23, up more than 16% from the previous week. (more) https://www.reuters.com/world/us/mask-mandates-return-some-us-hospitals-covid-flu-jump-2024-01-04/
  21. Meanwhile, I guess I missed this recent Pink Line-related news item: Pink Line Skytrain track collapse causes havoc in Nonthaburi 24 December 2023 "A lengthy section of the Pink Line Skytrain track collapsed in front of the Agricultural Land Reform Office market, causing damage to three parked vehicles and nearly toppling a high-voltage electricity pylon. The incident occurred at 5am today, in Pak Kret, Nonthaburi. ... The fallen track, an aluminium rail measuring approximately 4 inches wide and 2 inches thick, extensively damaged the vehicles parked in front of the market." ... Pak Kret police officer Thapana Pungmi said the incident was reported at 5am and that the fallen rail stretched from the market to the Kasikorn Bank near the Kae Rai intersection. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/yellow-lines-wheel-deal-mrt-mishap-takes-a-detour-hits-taxi-driver-escapes-unscathed-near-bangkok "...an incident on December 24, where a segment of the conductor rail detached from its beam and fell onto a road. As a consequence, seven stations from Nonthaburi Civic Centre Station (PK01) to Pak Kret Bypass Station (PK07) were shut down for two days." https://thethaiger.com/news/national/pink-line-monorail-extends-free-service-during-conductor-rail-repair
  22. Yes, that's the tram service I was referring to. No cost. Last time I used it last fall, its beginning point was at the corner of main CW Road and CW Soi 7 (the soi that leads to the Government Complex building). In the early morning hours, there's typically a queue of Thai office workers lined up there at the top of Soi 7 waiting to use it. In my case, I've only ever taken it on the inbound journey to the Govt. Complex. I've never used it for the return / outbound trip. And I haven't been out to the GC since the opening of the Pink Line.
  23. It certainly is walkable, for someone in decent physical condition without any impairments... But probably would be a 15-20 minute walk depending on one's pace. But I'd still opt for the local tram service from the top of Soi 7 at the main CW Road, assuming it's still running.
  24. For many years, there has been a tram-type shuttle service running from the top of CW Soi 7 down to the Govt. Complex building at the far end of the soi.... Last time I was there last fall, it was still running. Assuming it is still running, it would be a relatively short walk from the Government Complex Pink Line station on main CW Road to the corner of CW Soi 7.
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