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  1. I did the reverse journey to BKK Via car to Ubon Ratchatani, 2 hours in the car from Yasothon to Ubon, Over night stay in a hotel for the 8am flight, So i was at the airport for 6am and arrived in BKK at 9am and that was around 3500 baht for flight, Car and hotel and if it was the 2 of us, It would have been around 5000 Baht but catching a later flight, It would have taken us 5 hours in total. Maybe a hire car maybe a good option if you can drop it off in the town that your going too
  2. Thank you , i will check out the link
  3. Thanks for your reply, No i have never driven in Thailand or my wife and only use to Manual, The last time that i drove an automatic in the UK I kept on going for the clutch and pushing the brake all the time , But i guess its getting use to Auto Boxes
  4. We have been looking on google for a new Toyota Yaris from the UK Via a VPN linked to Thailand on the Toyota website and all their cars seem to be Automatic, We really do need a Manual car in Thailand since we are planning on spending a lot of time in Thailand in the future but also going back to the UK. I have driven Automatics, But i just can't get use to them and my wife has only driven Manual since passing her UK Driving test. My wife is Thai and passed fitst time in the UK. So which companies are building cars with Manual gear boxes ? Ideally we are looking at mainstream cars like Hondas, Toyota, Maybe fords but interested to hear what other manual cars are in Thailand worth buying
  5. Just a update on this ,. We arranged a taxi from BKK Airport to Yasothon for 6000 baht , What could have taken 8 hours took 11 hours arriving at 2am in the morning after the taxi driver drove the whole way at 40MPH ... He was saying that he was driving slow for safety, But at times he was nodding like a dog, So the wife kept him talking and we stopped twice for coffee and we paid him money for a hotel for the night . We should have arrived at 11pm, Or 8pm if the original flight hadn't been cancelled (Long story but we did inform the taxi driver before flying out of heathrow) Apparently the taxi company in Yasothon contacted a driver in Pattaya to take us to Yasothon
  6. Thank you for your replies, I had not thought about the post office , Its certainly a good idea , I will mention it to the wife, Regards the taxi, I thought about about 7000 baht, i remember last year in Pattaya getting a bolt taxi to the bus station and the driver asking me where i was going and he offered to drive me to yasothon and he only asked for 5000 baht, Going by bus can be a nightmare from patts and can take up to 13 hours
  7. I know its a long shot, But is it possible to get a taxi from Taxi from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Yasothon and if so, Do you have any details on who to get , I know its a long drive and it will be expensive, But with the way that Thai smile charges for extra baggage and then waiting for a flight to Ubon Ratchatani then getting transport to Yasothon, it maybe better to pay a taxi driver . Maybe many won't be keen because it would be hard to get a return fare, Another possibility is to get a taxi to Buriram and then get a local taxi to take us to Yasothon . Tank you for any advice
  8. she is on sales
  9. I am watching from the sidelines and its like the son is being lead into the lions den, Also like an arranged marriage , My wife's first marriage was arranged and that ended in Divorce but we have told them that if any marriage, Then its going to be next year at the soonest and even then, It will be going into the summer of next year by the time my wife can get time off. The wife seems to like this girl, She is switched on and to be truthful i feel sorry for the son, I feel that he is under pressure to have this relationship, He is 30 years old , He doesn't have a care in the world, He can go out drinking and he will be losing his freedom. I understand that falling in love can be magical and most of us have been there were you do want to live your life with someone until the wife takes a bite from the wedding cake which causes a nasty reaction that causes her to start dictating and nagging But hey, That's most women for you. To be totally honest, People are far better just living together than getting married , End of the day its a bit of paper that can end up costing you a fortune if it goes wrong especially if its in the UK
  10. Thank you all for your replies. Your correct in letting the wife get on with it, Its her money and she knows best 😉 Like or Thai women do. I wasn't really aware of the money in the envelope and asking the wife , she is saying that it either goes to her son or to her , It depends on family tradition
  11. You correct, You hear about too many scams especially when the mother is married to a westerner . The girl in question is very much switched on and she has worked most of her adult life for Chang ... Thats where she met the wifes son, He also works for the Chang but in a different depot
  12. My Thai wife's son is dating a Thai lady and now she is talking marriage even though she has only known my wife's son for 3 months and my wife is saying that its going to cost half Million in total plus the dowry . I know when i married my wife in Thailand it was really cheap, apparently you need to buy gold for the Thai Bride , The ceremony and a party plus other stuff. They are both 30 years old and neither have been married or have children . The family of the girlfriend have a business, So i guess they are up in the Thai status with both of their other daughters marrying businessmen Without really knowing the cost of a Thai Wedding , I just wonder if 500,000 Baht is about right . I believe that any dowry paid will be going back to the married Couple, That's if they do get married My wife is paying for wedding , So its nothing out of my pocket, But i don't want her getting ripped off , I question Why the GF hasn't been married before and why the rush, If it was me , I would run a mile with talk of marriage so early on... And no babies on the way yet LOL I guess if it was the UK , You would be talking a lot of money but Thailand is suppose to be cheap
  13. Just phoned Thai airways london, Due to Covid we are working from home and its email service only, So likely no one is employed in the UK and the emails will be going to Thailand... On top of that , The answer phone during out of hours state that you can call between 9am and 5pm... Regards emailing them , I have done that and buying extra baggage is only possible Via Thaismile Bangkok. Anyways , We have come up with a solution that saves us money, I am going to send the extra baggage up from Pattaya up north via Bus and its only 200 Baht
  14. Its one of those things thats connected to a phone line and you pay to use
  15. Hi All My wife has just found out that its going to cost her 3000 Baht for a extra 15 KG at Thaismile Check in unless we purchase 24 hours before flying. Its not possible to buy Via the Website and only Via phone call , Is it possible to buy the Extra 15 KG Via Thai air office in London? or do you need to call and if so, Whats the best way to call thailand now from the UK, Last time we called Thailand Via Landline was over 10 years ago Thank you for any replies
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