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Everything posted by khaowong1

  1. Why anyone even wants to go there anymore is a puzzle. I have Thai friends who ran small businesses there move out because they can't stand it either.
  2. Just don't regulate the skirt length please.
  3. Bob, you need to at least put on a shirt. Jeez..
  4. Dang, He promised me the same thing. How is this going to look to him.
  5. Interesting that most of the Vaping paraphernalia here in the US comes from Thailand.
  6. Just what I've been thinking for years.
  7. I believe when I came to Thailand in 2006, it was 41 baht to the dollar.. great days.
  8. Yeah, what they really want is for tourists to come to Thailand, rent a expensive hotel room, only come out of the room to eat an expensive meal, go to a designated ATM machine set up by the Govt, deposit a few thousand baht, then go back to the hotel and back to your room. Easy Peasy money.
  9. I'm sorry, but I was under the impressions that Thaksin wanted to come home to be with his grandchildren. Is his grandchildren in Narathiwat?
  10. The majority of tourists come to Thailand to party. They can easily go somewhere else.
  11. Except, being photographed with the girl cheek to cheek, really no precept broken, but the Monks do have a rule about being alone with a woman.. although not sure they were alone. But again, was he a monk when this photo was taken.
  12. But Vietnam, Singapore and the Phillipines seem to handle it rather well.
  13. Pretty sure being photo'd with a woman isn't a civil offense. "Potential harsher charges could emerge if further evidence surfaces."
  14. It's a pretty sad state of affairs, when your tourism dollars are reliant on alcohol sales.
  15. Concerns are being raised over the unseemly behavior potentially tarnishing Pattaya’s reputation. 🤣
  16. I was just going to make this same point.
  17. Every time you see a photo of Thaksin, his daughter, the PM, is in the background.. this should give you a clue on his importance.
  18. I agree with you... most county jails and prisons here in the US are way to comfy for the prisoners, Most let you have cell phones, cigarettes, pretty much anything you want.
  19. The TOT is always talking about how many visitors Thailand will have for this or that event. Houston Rodeo and Livestock show had 2.4 million visitors last year. Jus saying.
  20. Exactly.. Farlangs have this fantasy where all monks live in caves, starving to death, contemplating their navel. I'm saying if the local population who regularly visit these monks at their temples, have no objection with monks owning computers, cell phones, cars, then who are we to complain and tell them how their monks should behave.
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