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Everything posted by khaowong1

  1. Exactly. They, Wat Pah Pong, have a strict policy even for staying there for lay people. There are one or two other temples around with similar policies, but IMHO, Wat Pah Pong sets the bar.
  2. My question also.. You would have thought, with all the time this guy took, someone would have called the police and the rest of the kids running for safety.
  3. Yep, exactly the same here. Sold lots of tot of Lao Kao for 5 to 10 baht. We even had a little shaded hammock to chill out on while you drank your tot.
  4. It happened to my girlfriend at the time and her family. I had a nice home built in a small hamlet in Lopburi province, on a somewhat busy road past the local elementary school and the local temple. We built a small shop in front of the house selling soda, snacks, cigs, beer, veggies and rice and were quite busy for about 2 years. Then the neighbors decided to get in on the action, including the next door neighbor. Now there are 5 other shops on the road and no one makes any money.
  5. It takes a while to shoot down 32 people, where were the police during this? Then he went home and killed his wife and child. Were all the police in town at lunch or what?
  6. Pretty soon you'll see large pot farms all over the place.
  7. encouraging children to behave inappropriately, Wow... only in Thailand. (Sarcasm).
  8. Somebody is making a pile of money printing and selling these stickers.
  9. Exactly... wasn't a doubt in my mind this would happen.
  10. This story is so messed up.. is she going to see her father or her mother. and what the heck is she doing out there all by herself. Too many un-answered questions.
  11. Farang think to mutt.
  12. You've got that one right in the first go. This is a Nigerian scam. Similar scams have been going on in the US for some time now. Not necessarily with women but very similar.
  13. I'm sorry, but none of this 3 appeal to me. I've seen better looking ladies in the MBK shopping mall.
  14. Back in the day, there was always a bunch around Nana Plaza.
  15. I agree,.. Thailand is losing it's charm. I remember the days when any park you wondered into, there would be a Indian fortune teller there. All the mystery and charm seems to have been weeded out.
  16. Includes, the sheet, the vest and the skirt, plus a rope to hold up the skirt.
  17. You are correct. He did not forbid the eating of meat. In fact, from the stories I read, The Buddha actually died from eating tainted pork. So, pretty sure The Buddha ate meat also.
  18. I'll say it one more time. There is NO where in the precepts for a monk to disallow eating meat. It's a choice for every monk. There are some temples in Thailand that are vegetarians. I've been to them.
  19. Exactly. No where in the precepts is anything about eating meat or smoking. There are many temples in Thailand that are vegetarian and many who are not. Every temple that I have been too, the abbots always warn their monks about smoking. It's not an order, it's a warning.
  20. The Buddha never taught about not eating meat. You need to do some studying.
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