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Everything posted by khaowong1

  1. It's not me, it's a Thai friend who worked in the US for about 12 years, paid into SS, now living back in Thailand but is turning 62 and wants to collect his SS. I am recommending he go to the US Embassy and talk to a Social Security Advisor, if there is one. Thanks.
  2. Does anyone on here know if there is a Social Security Advisor at the American Embassy? If so, do you have a name?
  3. When have these Senators ever cared about the Will of the People?
  4. No, I know who you meant. But I personally would be more scared of Harris. I happen to be a Trump man.
  5. I think that they think this is what's going to happen if Pita gets the PM spot. So, disrupt, disrupt.
  6. Is that why they are pointing guns at us? I'm not too sure I trust their trigger discipline.
  7. If he was in Chiang Mai, and having trouble breathing, it's probably the smoke from the constant burn off there. Just my opinion.
  8. Why don't they just announce their crackdown in advance,,, give them plenty of notice,, ohh wait,
  9. Damn good question... Surely he knew it was coming...
  10. Have you really seen these adult citizens and the choices they make?
  11. So's my truck, but it's beautiful and I love it anyway. ????
  12. Let me clear up a few things for those who don't know. Ordained Monks have 227 rules they live by. Most of these rules were put in place while the Buddha was still alive. The rest shortly after his death in 486BC. That's BC. As far as I know, there wasn't any motor vehicles in 486BC. So there were no rules about Monks driving motor vehicles. There also wasn't any rules about Monks owning cell phones, laptops, tablets, or even eating ice cream cones. There is a rule about not eating after 12 noon and before day break. There also is no rule about Monks living in poverty or even leaving behind all their worldly possessions. The Buddha did, so most Monks try to follow his example. There is a rule that says a Monk is only allowed certain things, like, robes, Alms bowl, etc, but as you can see, those rules are not strictly enforced, in fact, there is sort of a confession ceremony that all Monks do at least once a month, asking for forgiveness of any perceived sin. There are several Buddhist councils around, one in Sri Lanka, and of course one in Bangkok. They also have some rules. But even in their rules, there is not one about prohibiting Monks from driving motor vehicles. It's just frowned upon. Just thought I would throw this out there.
  13. I doubt whether he had a drivers licenses. Monks are not supposed to be driving motor vehicles. I really don't know if it's in the monastic codes or not. Someone will have to point that one out for me. But you see it all the time. As far as wearing shorts, he isn't supposed to do that either, but you see that all the time now also. Since he's a well known abbot in Chiang Mai, probably not going to get into any trouble with the big boys. Maybe just a tongue lashing. Thank Buddha he didn't hurt anyone. No one mentioned who's truck he was driving.
  14. That's what I'm thinking. And why Thaksin is speaking up.
  15. Because most temples only feed the dogs and cats left over scraps. While I was living in Thailand, I really became disgusted the way the majority of the temples treated these animals.
  16. Of course. There's a Thai word for that, but can't remember what it is... I scratch your back, you scratch mine..
  17. Tell me when did the Senators ever accept the will and mandate of the Thai people?
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