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Posts posted by hugocnx

  1. 3 hours ago, FalangJaiDee said:

    I feel the need to stir the pot. Does anyone else believe this is a DELIBERATE effort to kill the red-light venues, as an indirect way to actualize the xenophobia of the current “administration.” They hate foreigners, they want them out, and this is an effective way to do it without overtly declaring so; similar to the retirement alterations 


    There is no other logic behind these specific closures, considering that places like tree town are blatantly selling alcohol and the place is packed with people every night. there is no logic in closing open air bars if this is allowed max

    It's obvious you don't know what's going on in the world.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, ericbj said:

    "Nearly 80 percent of eligible Israelis ages 12 and up have received their COVID injection.  Mass media outlets gloated over Israel for having “one of the swiftest vaccine rollouts in the world,” according to the Associated Press. And yet the Israel COVID picture looks increasingly grim.
    "New data from Oxford University reveals that Israel has the highest number of COVID-19 cases per capita."
    A snippet of news received today.
    And there is plenty more along these lines; if you consult the experts in virology, public health, etc whose voices have been silenced in the mass-media and whose statements have been met not by counter-arguments but by ad hominem attacks.
    For example, one has until midnight U.S. Eastern Time to listen, free of charge, to some interviews here:

    And I posted this link to Facebook today (not yet taken down):

    I understand that this will cause many here to vomit.
    But vomiting can be cathartic.

    Thanks for the links.

    I think vaxxers have a death wish. As I wrote in other threads; when opting for a new car, would you go for a car that has the doubtful reputation of exploding during driving if even 1 in a million cases? 

  3. 25 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    How do you know it is the wrong conclusion? 


    I have been reading up on this and other websites and came to the conclusion 3 months ago that I would like to be vaccinated. On 10tyh September I got my first Pfizer jab and go ack on the 4th October for my second.


    TBH I get bored with the anti vaccers crying doom and gloom. I am 77 and I have had a great life. If vaccination keeps me alive for a few years longer, then those are bonus years.

    I get fed up with people glorifying the jab.

  4. 3 hours ago, dsj said:

    It might be possible, but tell me where you are going to live, and I will avoid you like the plaque, also pretty soon if you don't get vaxed your travel options will be several curtailed, as most western countries will require full vaccination before entry, like Canada which only allows fully vaccinated people, as probably near all the airlines will require everyone to be fully vaccinated before they can board.

    Remember that being vaccinated doesn't mean you can spread the virus. Amen.

  5. 1 hour ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    Yes, it's from a college - Imperial College London, but that is an independent academic institution (part of the University of London) and not a commercial business. It has an impeccable reputation for scientific studies.


    As the website Top Universities says:


    World University Rankings

    And that is one of my pain points; trusting universities. 


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