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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. "Businesses need to focus on reskilling and upskilling their people to adapt to changes" wow that sounds really complicated - surely we can just send them overseas to work as servants.....
  2. surely it would have been part of the headline if it were a foreigner......
  3. "We will only require visual search on the checkpoints, and the public shall not be required to open their glove compartment, trunk and bags. No person shall also be compelled to be subjected to a physical or body search .......” he added. So basically unless you are waving your gun out of the window..........
  4. "Positivity" rates are NOT the same as sickness and hospitalization. "Case" numbers fuel media frenzy and panic. Hospitalization numbers are the real story.
  5. yes the large intestine is only about 1.5 meters long, so it wouldn't be able to hide.....
  6. "The region’s average daily attack rate soared .." "Metro Manila was at "critical risk"" please can we make it sound even more melodramatic - we need more panic.....
  7. so more than a year after the rest of the world started using Rapid Tests, the DOH is now starting to study them..... wow
  8. yes THAI International better keep all the obsolete A340s and go find some more second hand 747s and 380s quick.....
  9. wow.... who said Thailand was not the land of Trust......?
  10. Coming from a Nanny State, I have mixed feelings about donating money to beggars playing with the latest i-phone.........
  11. It is vitally important to protect Filipinos OFW - otherwise the Philippines government would be forced to provide gainful employment and world class education INSIDE the Philippines. Marcos senior promoted the slave labor diaspora. I wonder if Marcos Junior will increase it......
  12. I always had the impression that Royal Parks / Royal land /buildings were immune from the trash and bad behavior. So if Thais can be taught not to do it in Royal parks, surely they can be taught to behave in other places.
  13. You are wrong to mock the Thai Space Program. In fact the prototype was launched just the other day. https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=3088904598018225
  14. This is bad news. I have always enjoyed a good pork. It seems that many things are becoming more expensive these days after/during the virus panic. I remember that porking in Thailand was usually cheaper and more fun than in my home country. I look forward to my next Thai pork with relish......
  15. but the huge number of asymptomatic "cases" of infection make much better panic news, so that is what we must concentrate on.....
  16. and what is the policy this year about drunken policemen firing their service pistols randomly into the air? have they designed some nice new trigger stickers this year?
  17. "The military has been utilizing its air assets, like the S-70i Blackhawk Helicopter, Huey II, Bell 412, and C-130, to deliver relief and humanitarian assistance to the victims." wow - are they all airworthy and working at the same time? impressive....
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