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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. wow - why is there no press conference with 10 RTP generals and a giant poster?? "after the Thai police employed a trick."
  2. "Are times changing or is it that we just have greater publicity because of Social Media these days ?" Option B, I think. The Saffron Mafia has always been a den of vices. No better than any other man-made cult. The idea is great in principal, but cannot survive the human factor.....
  3. "Many netizens felt the authorities were treating front line medical staff like children at school " All hospital staff should be obliged to parade, salute the Thai flag and sing the national anthem every day at 8am and 6pm. It might be a little bit inconvenient in the ICU but hey......sometimes you just have to get your priorities right.
  4. erm..... how can a consumer make a complaint against a supplier of defective consumer goods without being sued for defamation????
  5. No - to save any additional expense to Thailand, the sub will be crewed by Chinese PLA crew and will patrol the south china sea to make sure that Thailand is not inconvenienced by any of their close neighbors. The sub will be maintained in Chinese ports like Sihanoukville which also has a convenient casino for the crew. Thai admirals will receive regular reports about its efficiency.
  6. and in other news, Russian spokesman denied any Russian involvement in shelling Ukrainian civilians.......
  7. just sell the debt to China in return for a 99 year lease....... simples
  8. "call us from the hospital......"
  9. maybe the Chechen mercenary officer behind you with the AK47?
  10. no... you probably saw one of his "doubles".....
  11. does Anutin own shares in the alcohol monopoly?
  12. sounds like maybe his conviction was for being a member of Falun Gong.....
  13. "Anutin was the primary champion of decriminalization of cannabis in Thailand to boost the economy." and seems unusually quiet on the subject recently......
  14. One possible solution is to take her to Singapore for a few days and show her how the real world operates........
  15. hands up who honestly believes that the planet will still support life in 100 years..... let alone 10000 years.......
  16. "the Bank of Thailand joined four other Southeast Asian central banks in creating a cross-border payment zone that uses QR codes and avoids converting and reconverting" sounds vaguely like a EuroZone an ASEAzone???
  17. "Also found dead were 11 cats and a dog." the noise would have been quite loud, I guess
  18. "Thai massage is recognized internationally" especially in europe where every village has a Thai massage shop to employ all the imported Thai wives.......
  19. at least he has his paratrooper wings - just in case he needs to bale out.......
  20. any specific police? the choices are plenty.....
  21. not really - the CCP is putting some belts, roads, and a nice warm blanket around them to make them feel wanted .
  22. Anutin seems a bit quiet.......maybe he has no interest in the matter....
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