so if a drunk or addict forces his way into your home - you would feel obliged to watch him beat your son to death and rape your daughter while you wait for the police to arrive?
"so that he can pass the baton to a successor who is “recognised” by the public."
oops - he means someone whose name does not contain the letters S-H-I-N
and his definition of "the Public" does not include anyone North or East of Korat
"Under a 50-year concession, the redesigned U-tapao airport is a joint venture between the BBS consortium"
well that is where it went wrong - should have been a 99 year lease to the PLA, not just the Sino-Thais......
"The police then invited Methanus to Palmer’s residence to say sorry to him."
One way to avoid the consequences of a court case - if the Falang is mysteriously shot outside his residence before the trial......