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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. Maybe you know that in Thailand, the thief often crawls away and returns later with 6 friends and a home-made gun........
  2. so if a drunk or addict forces his way into your home - you would feel obliged to watch him beat your son to death and rape your daughter while you wait for the police to arrive?
  3. She says Nicki Minaj is her inspiration...... Butt implant soon? or will the mango sticky rice be enough.....?
  4. "so that he can pass the baton to a successor who is “recognised” by the public." oops - he means someone whose name does not contain the letters S-H-I-N and his definition of "the Public" does not include anyone North or East of Korat
  5. so he can switch political party and stay at the trough....
  6. They are just waiting for the immigration police checks..... might as well enjoy the waiting.
  7. But he still insists that the kwai in Thailand should wear masks whenever possible.........like he does.
  8. "The husband was said to be an easily angered man who was jealous." wow - that doesn't really narrow down the list of Thai suspects much.....
  9. "The deceased's son Latthaphon, 17, said that..." who cannot be named for legal reasons........
  10. "I see no reason for England - - to be overly concerned." after all, they did manage to beat Wales...........
  11. not easy for the RTP or government agencies, apparently.....
  12. Actually as long as you only kill 2 separate children each year by drunk driving "Points will be automatically returned after one year."
  13. "Under a 50-year concession, the redesigned U-tapao airport is a joint venture between the BBS consortium" well that is where it went wrong - should have been a 99 year lease to the PLA, not just the Sino-Thais......
  14. but purely "hypothetically" you would need to complete it every time you sleep on a friend's couch......?
  15. "The police then invited Methanus to Palmer’s residence to say sorry to him." One way to avoid the consequences of a court case - if the Falang is mysteriously shot outside his residence before the trial......
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