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Everything posted by rbkk

  1. Yes, this afternoon if I'm not mistaken.
  2. You'll be able to get some curry sauce with them now!
  3. Yeah, that would be my wife who hoardes them for her business!
  4. Include the Hong Kong Dollar as it's pegged. The HKMA (Cental Bank HK) have intervened again today and it's likely going to continue as the Fed are tipped to raise rates again in Nov and Dec. https://www.scmp.com/business/article/3194065/hong-kong-defends-currency-peg-32nd-time-year-amid-outflow-capital-chasing
  5. Sounds ghostly to me.
  6. Same here. I have found over the years that now is the time the extract those pesky roots. They pop out easily whilst it's raining. Some of the roots have been over 12" inches! My lawn is about x4 and it takes a couple of days but once on top of the problem it's good for another year. Oddly an area I had of Malaya grass hasn't survived the test of time.
  7. I'm going to wait for a western medical opinion on this products risks and benefits. Just to be safe, eh?
  8. This has already been implimented in certain areas. I personally have known a teacher for over 20 years who took up his position in Isaan purely for the extra salary on offer at that time. The same, I think, is currently happening if you choose to go to the South. Agreed. My 17 yrs old daughter set up her own live-streaming store on Shopee. It has enabled her to buy her own Ipad and Iphone this year. Her classmates are in awe of her but nobody else has done the usual Thai thing and copied her idea for themselves. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
  9. SCB Bank rang my wife 2 weeks ago and said "Do you want a Speedycash Card?" She said OK and it arrived last week with a 300,000 baht limit at 22%. I almost spat my tea out on hearing the news!
  10. They used to be (20 yrs ago) a tradable commodity, collected off the streets and shipped to the restaurants in Vietnam. In Australia I remember they used to have kangaroo culls. There's videos on YT of the US sport of hog shooting from the vantage point of helicopters.
  11. Wherever there's gai yang (bbq chicken) there will also be the soi/beach dog annoyance. Be it fleas, sh*t, barking, fighting for control.... Will the fixing of that bigger problem be a tax soon? I would be more than willing to pay to fix that problem than to pay for a chair.
  12. So there is a potential here for dual pricing with an English version; "Farang Prices"! Natural parks and hospitals have dual prices but the beaches don't?
  13. Education is sometimes not about the money you can earn but about bettering yourself. Example; the Open University (UK).
  14. Didn't the U.S. recently decide to do the right thing and refund charged interest back to the students?
  15. Need to check the internet connection? This one in the Philippines lost contact with the ground and crashed. They grounded the fleet of 8 others. Is there a warranty? https://www.thedefensepost.com/2022/05/31/israel-hermes-drone-philippines/
  16. That car colour is a serious offence right there.
  17. 1st October 45 days - land or air. So, she was wrong. Thanks!
  18. Last Tuesday I make a special trip to my local Immigration Office (Kap Cheong) and asked the IO "From October is it 30 days or 45 days at the local land border?" The female boss was listening in and said for me (as British) nothing will change so still 30 days. I duly went across and returned and got stamped 30 days as expected (for September). Was she wrong?
  19. Doubt if the royals would waste their time, even if they were. Andrew on Facebook says Thailand was invited but the invite was ignored.....
  20. A good example of why many of us are here now and not there. The last straw for me was having my phone pinched by a group of refugees on the Northern Line c2001.
  21. They are fighting on a street that bears my family name and in the town where there is a museum named after him. I'm too ashamed and embarrassed to have ever visited. It was once a proud town in the middle of England but sadly has slipped to a level lower than 'Being sent to Coventy.' The Chinese have done the same to my birthplace, Hong Kong. I have made Thailand my home now for over 20 years.
  22. Agreed. Perhaps Thailand's royals were not invited?
  23. My guess is there are a few more victims of this gang who have not been identified yet. 3 people to control just the 1 prostitute doesn't seem right. The gang seem to be long term (property owners). Immigration need to check on their cross-border movements and travel companions....
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