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Everything posted by rbkk

  1. The Yellow book contains your Thai ID No. This is what makes it useful. An example of mine from experience was a stay in the local hospital. When it was bill time I was not charged the full foreigner price but was charged on a lower pricing tier. (I think there are 5 different pricing tiers.)
  2. Thai schools are rotten to the core. If they were to travel to the adjoining provence there is a high school there that employs African teachers who are paid 18,000 baht/month but their school contracts state 28,000 baht/month. The budget lady of the school is syphoning from each of the 5 African teachers 10,000 baht/month = 50,000b/mth. It's been going on for at least 10 years.....
  3. rbkk


    Yet others, not I, gladly travel regularly from other provinces for the McDonalds!
  4. rbkk


    And go where ? Surin Elephant Festival Show. 18-20 November 2022
  5. AIS and True are ominously silent. BBBOOOOO! Caught you, hiding behind the veneer of poverty.
  6. Not for the banks approval criteria. Only Thai nationals allowed. This is all about money laundering (Thai Govt. new rules) and is also the reason for the Cash Machine Deposit new rules.
  7. How very Thai. Two different points of view but Thai Buddism finds the middle way!
  8. Money rules in Thailand so my bet, sadly, is on the Chinese Triads to win.
  9. Because something was going on, obviously, and some news reporters have connections. Thainess at it's best, eh?
  10. Thong Lo Police Station 555555555555555. It's certainly made it to 'Hub' status.
  11. I've read on here people preaching about the benefits of MG electric vehicles and that they have free charging stations. Well at the MG showroom on Highway 24 they didn't get the memo from head office. At night it is in complete darkness and no charging station. They cannot even illuminate their own company name to the hundreds of passing vehicles. Why buy an electric vehicle anywhere but in a city with power sources?
  12. I'm sure their intention was to have a happy ending.
  13. The odds are high that these cars are dodgy in some way.....The RTP need a criminal to catch a criminal: queue.... Joe "Ferrari." Also, is 'Peacocking' not a crime yet?! Is does seem to affect those with a small member.
  14. So the odds are that these rounds were aquired in Phuket? Best to just ask the criminal organisations. Easy to spot them by their uniforms.
  15. Looks a gay old image.........
  16. ".....they are commonly issued to new vehicles for use during the eight weeks or so that it takes for new plates to be issued. Trade plates carry a significant number of restrictions. Drivers with red plates must seek permission from authorities if they want to use the vehicle at night. Cars with red plates cannot be driven out of the province where the vehicle was registered at purchase. Drivers must ask for permission each time they want to travel outside the specified area. Documents must be in order, with the destination and the dates of travel. Red-plated cars are not allowed to use expressways. Drivers of cars with red plates must have all car-related documents, a proper driving licence, and ID card ready for checks at all times. Police officers are authorized to stop any car with a red plate to examine the car and the driver's documents even if no traffic offence has occurred." "As of July 2015, DLT has a plan to stop the use of trade plate as temporary license plates, and use a quicker car registration process." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Thailand I guess things move slowly at the DLT Thailand!
  17. Is it still illegal to use red-plates at night? I could well be wrong but that is what I was told 20+ years ago.
  18. 12 hours for the story to surface. Carrier pigeons would be quicker. Saving face can be a curse. This is not over yet.
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