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Everything posted by rbkk

  1. There is such a variety with the different code numbers and origin countries it's impossible to give you an answer. Also, what you got once might not be repeated as you are dealing in 2nd hand clothes that might have been sourced from a major city or next time from a provincial town. Good bundles and bad bundles.
  2. A curry is not a stew; in my book.
  3. I'm glad to see that things have moved on from the days of mixed race children being banned from English speaking competitions. (In darkest Isaan they may be slower to read the memo.) My daughter, who is now 18 years old, was always discriminated against in this regard. English speaking competitions were always promoted, sadly, as for "Thai's" only, otherwise it was "unfair!"
  4. Big Joke prepares cases against 116 corrupt immigration men.....107 Immigration police reported to Corruption Commission.....109 Thai immigration officers over illegal issuing of visas... Keep looking and they will realize that it is a national problem not confined to just those regional offices.
  5. Getting into a Thai minivan is Russian roulette.
  6. Widely reported last month.... "According to the BBC, the 17-year-old was reported to have sustained a head injury, but the cause of death is unclear." https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/thailand-cave-rescue-2018-duangpetch-promthep-footballer-dies-uk-accident-3279916#:~:text=Duangpetch Promthep%2C one of the,cause of death is unclear.
  7. Must have been a Citreon.
  8. Another death with a head injury query. Didn't the young Thai football lad from the cave saga have a head injury in the UK? Bathrooms rank up there with balconies as potentially the way to win Thai Cluedo. It was Mr. Mustard with the candelabra in the.........
  9. Most sensible things I've done since moving to Thailand last century? Vowing to never fly Thai Airways again (circa 2002)...Cancelling UBC/ True visions; still waiting on the deposit refund! (c. 2008)...Cancelling IpStar who were unable to supply the Internet package speed I was paying 2,500 baht a month for (250mb)(c. 2006.)
  10. 5/10 = 50%. Which in the Thai education system is a passing grade to be a pilot? It's enough to wipe the "Smile" off my wallet!
  11. Aircraft damaged but passengers safe. Weather clear. Pilot skill score: 3/10
  12. Here's a better backdrop.
  13. Do luxury cars come with wings as standard what with all the air miles they've been clocking up?
  14. This, along with the over charging, are the reasons they are cancelling routes; no bookings.
  15. 33 (So far) out of 100 with only 8/34 universities checked. I wonder what ChatGPT would have to say?
  16. Just as bad, in my book, as the Thai Government schools letting in the Jahova's witnesses.
  17. I have my fingers crossed that a fringe benefit of this could be a more reliable weather forecasting ability.
  18. Been there, done that! My daughter is now 18 yrs old. At 16.5 yrs she began selling on Shoppee (Live stream/ Clothes store) to fund her 1st purchase; an iPhone 11. Her sense of achievement has been great for her self-confidence. It spurred her on to then start working/saving again for her ist iPad. Both of these purchases within 18 months. My wife, younger son and I are proud of her dedication. Her schoolfriends are in awe! Yes, I could have purchased the products for her but would they have given so much "value" to our family if i had? I doubt it. As a grade 6 graduation gift/university entrance, we have bought her a Yamaha Grand Filano (72,000 baht) to get around her new surroundings. It's a 2-way street in our family.
  19. With the election coming up I'm sure a party named something like "The Bleach Party" would be a winner. I vote Chuwit 4 PM!
  20. I wonder if he had any medical insurance to pay for his medical bills whilst in a foreign county?
  21. Thailand’s “Queen of Dance” Yeah, right...... "She does NOT have Thai heritage, but sometimes is mistaken for Thai because of her ability to speak fluent Thai." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Aguilar Surfing on the coattails is the only thing Thai I see going on here.
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