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Posts posted by monkeycountry

  1. I hope these villains get punished to the full extend of the law :(

    I send my blessings to the man in hospital and hope he comes out with a full recovery !

    Don't worry, I am sure they will be punished to the full extend of the law, which for assault is a 500 baht fine. That is for grown ups though, not sure about the penalty for minors.

  2. 280,000 baht

    Do you take care of a lot of sick buffalos giggle.gif

    It's 40k/month... Most ppl I know spend that on a fun weekend in PTA smile.png

    But sure, some ppl bring doggy bags to Apex, some tip the girls they grope with lollipops, some share their girl's 3,000 baht/month room, some only drink beer at 7-11 or draft beer at happy hour - and make sure each beer last 2 hours, some convince themselves it is out of principle they never buy lady drinks and some even find various ways to get their girl to pay for them. I guess 40k will cut it then biggrin.png

  3. "He said that AOT would seek to increase departure tax on domestic flight passenger from 100 baht to 200 baht, and international flight passenger from 700 baht to 800 baht.

    He said that the increase would help to cut loss which now it is losing 236 baht on domestic flight but compensated with the international flight."

    Would it then not be more fair to increase the tax on domestic flights by say 200 baht, and not increase the tax on international flights?

    Of course not, because the international flights are mostly foreigners, while the domestic flights are mostly Thais, and we would not want a situation where Thais actually pay for themselves!

  4. Dear PTP

    Bla bla bla

    The only people who care what you have to say or what you think about anything, are the red shirts, and they do not understand most of the points above as the wording is too complex for them. Neither do they understand any of the constitutional paragraphs you are referring to.

    May I suggest you keep it short and simple as usual, and with no legal references. Such as "Abhisit is bad" or "The democrats wants a coup" or "let's burn down Bangkok" or something similar to that.

    Anyway, do not worry, Tida and Jatuporn know what I am talking about and how to please the red crowd. At the next rally they will translate the 9 points down to "The CC judges blocked our law, let's attack their homes!!"

  5. Double good news.

    1. Finally someone threatens Thailand financially. The only form of communication Thai officials and politicians understand.

    2. The overturned tour bus is from the company Pegas, as are most of the other crashed busses full of russians. The way this company operates is a disgrace from driver level to management level, so no surprise to me at least, that they are almost always involved in trouble.

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  6. Had the PTP and the red shirts done nothing, there is a good chance the CC would have voted in their favour, and they would have emerged victorious.

    Now they threaten the judges, which means if the PTP win tomorrow, the opposition can reasonably claim the PTP won only because the judges were scared for the wellbeing of themselves and their families, and make a new court case out of that. If the PTP lose, they will either have to comply with the ruling, which will be a loss of face to the PTP as they have just stated they would not comply. Or they can proceed with submitting the new law to HM the King, who will most likely reject it due to the CC ruling, which will also be a loss of face to the PTP. So in short, todays statement means the PTP will lose no matter what happens tomorrow.

    We can of course argue if demonstrating at a judges private residence prior to a ruling is a threat or not, but I would appreciate if the red shirt supporters on this forum could let me know if such a demonstration would be legal and not considered a direct threat in any of their home countries?

  7. Fortunately it does not really matter if the PTP accepts the CC ruling or not, as any change to the constitution still has to be approved by HM the King, who is very unlikely to approve anything that has been rejected by the CC.

    The PTP can of course decide not to accept HM the Kings authority as well, and just push ahead without HM the King's approval, but I am quite sure such a move would literally be the end of the PTP biggrin.png

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  8. I have always been under the impression that it was tough for white girls in Thailand because white guys were generally more interested in Thai girls, but after having read the first page or so, it seems you girls are being hit on left and right.

    Seems to me that being hit on too much is better than not being hit on at all, so I am happy for you girls :-)

  9. I must say, it's amazing how much compassion posters are showing here. It is precisely this weakness that foreigners exploit of us Euros. They know that in their countries (like Thailand) they can degrade us, provide us no equal rights under the law but that we will not do the same with the tables turned. We have been weak and clinging to this idea that if we do what is morally correct, we will somehow convince other peoples to do the same. It's ridiculous, and we need to wake up and see that we are alone in our moral superiority.

    Most of us know the tables would not be different in Thailand, and in fact, the Thai authorities would probably give a mere 7 days to exit the country.

    Good on the Danes. When will the rest of us toughen up. We are god awfully soft, and it's sickening.

    I agree, the way thailand treats foreigners in thailand upsets me quite often, and i would love if thai officials were treated the same way when travelling abroad. However, just because the thai government behaves as it does, does not mean i want denmark or any other country to get revenge by treating a completely innocent mom and daughter the same way.

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  10. im Danish, and it s look like they will change the law so Im and she s mother can go back again..

    a muslim man from Somalia rape a 10 year old girl and try to rape a 17 year old girl, he can stay and will not be send back home, something is very wrong in old Denmark.

    Im happy to not live there ant more

    Maybe she won't want to go back once she's among her loving family, friends and enjoying the weather and nice lifestyle.

    They will. The mom has already received the news and is very happy that they can now go back. This story has been headline news in denmark for days now btw.

  11. The Danish Parliament have just voted yes to a new law change, so the 7 year old girl and her mother can return to Denmark.

    Good for the girl and her mother, but this should have been settled a long time ago, and not just now because of the public press and upcoming local elections.

    Hehe, just read it in the danish papers too, but you beat me to it by a minute. Good news anyway. Congrats to the girl and her mom :-)

  12. What the hell does it matter if mother employed or not?

    For some reasons child was in country, since she can remember.

    Her father dies and her kicked out of the country, where she grew up: - Sorry, but we have laws. They are so strict...

    And after all that you call yourself a civilized people? You call it a democracy? You dare to talk about humanism and human rights in another countries?

    P.S. I really think, what happen would be better for child. I am sure thai government taking care about cityzens better than most another countries. She would be more secure and she would be among the good people.

    Yes, the welfare benefits in Thailand are much better than in Denmark. Tell me again, how much money can an unemployed Thai collect from the Thai government? Which university can the mother go to here in Thailand to study to become a teacher completely free of charge?

    Further, what makes Thais "good people"? Is it the way Thais treat foreigners? Both farangs and those from Laos and Myanmar? Tell me again, which rights do any of these groups have in Thailand? Remember, the girl and her mom are both foreigners in Denmark.

    See my post below. Now when was the last time a "good people" thai minister cared what happened to any foreigner in Thailand? And when was the last time "good people" Thais demonstrated to protect the rights of foreigners in Thailand?

    Good people my a..

    "You call it a democracy?"

    You sound Thai, and my bet is you do not even know what "democracy" means biggrin.png If you did, you would not have used it above.

    You know, goverment objectives -not only welfare for unemployed, but providing suitable employment for every cityzen. And preventing big amount of foreign workers, which could compete with cityzens. And security, of course.

    I can not imagine a situation that in Thailand mother couldn't find the job that fits her background.

    Thailand have to accept refugees from Myanma and many of them staying in Thailand. Why Europe don't accept them ?

    Actually, government shouldn't care about foreigners. But i don't know any country whish more friendly to foreigners. And i haven' t seen yet thais who demonstrate such hatred to other nations as some of tourists and expats.

    At last, nobody should stay in this "monkey country" among wild evil people who even can't speak english properly.

    Let's just say that you and I represent the reasons why many thais and foreigners seem to dislike eachother smile.png

  13. im Danish, and it s look like they will change the law so Im and she s mother can go back again..

    a muslim man from Somalia rape a 10 year old girl and try to rape a 17 year old girl, he can stay and will not be send back home, something is very wrong in old Denmark.

    Im happy to not live there ant more

    Completely agree - not to mention the Levakovic family - or the Palestinian case - or the many many others

  14. What the hell does it matter if mother employed or not?

    For some reasons child was in country, since she can remember.

    Her father dies and her kicked out of the country, where she grew up: - Sorry, but we have laws. They are so strict...

    And after all that you call yourself a civilized people? You call it a democracy? You dare to talk about humanism and human rights in another countries?

    P.S. I really think, what happen would be better for child. I am sure thai government taking care about cityzens better than most another countries. She would be more secure and she would be among the good people.

    "You call it a democracy?"

    You sound Thai, and my bet is you do not even know what "democracy" means biggrin.png If you did, you would not have used it above.

  15. A few more facts in the case, that I think have not yet been written here.

    The mother did go to court in order to stay in Denmark. Unfortunately the local court decided that because they had only been in Denmark for 3 years, not 6 as the law requires, they could not stay. The mother could have appealed the decision to a higher court, but was exhausted and therefore decided not to.

  16. What the hell does it matter if mother employed or not?

    For some reasons child was in country, since she can remember.

    Her father dies and her kicked out of the country, where she grew up: - Sorry, but we have laws. They are so strict...

    And after all that you call yourself a civilized people? You call it a democracy? You dare to talk about humanism and human rights in another countries?

    P.S. I really think, what happen would be better for child. I am sure thai government taking care about cityzens better than most another countries. She would be more secure and she would be among the good people.

    Yes, the welfare benefits in Thailand are much better than in Denmark. Tell me again, how much money can an unemployed Thai collect from the Thai government? Which university can the mother go to here in Thailand to study to become a teacher completely free of charge?

    Further, what makes Thais "good people"? Is it the way Thais treat foreigners? Both farangs and those from Laos and Myanmar? Tell me again, which rights do any of these groups have in Thailand? Remember, the girl and her mom are both foreigners in Denmark.

    See my post below. Now when was the last time a "good people" thai minister cared what happened to any foreigner in Thailand? And when was the last time "good people" Thais demonstrated to protect the rights of foreigners in Thailand?

    Good people my a..

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