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Posts posted by monkeycountry

  1. Someone from Denmark know if the story is true and complete?

    In some other not Thailand related cases in Europe, things were often different than they were in the newspaper. (for example criminal charges were not mentioned).

    If it is like it seems here, than it is a shame!

    this is a true story, what makes it more absurd is that the same day two Palestinians who cut a guys ear off and had a track record of extreme violence were not deported, it is causing a storm in Denmark

    The Palestinian story is a daily event in Denmark. They know Denmark has ridiculously low jail sentences in really nice jails, so they could not care less. The only thing they worry about is deportation. Unfortunately no matter what they do, and it includes rape and murder, they never get deported, at best they get a suspended deportation. And then even when they commit serious crimes again, thereby breaching the terms of the suspended deportation, they STILL do not get deported.

    Denmark is not solely at fault here, apparently various international laws prevent Denmark from deporting these serial criminals due to humanitarian reasons. Ie, if a guy does not have much relation with his home country, then it seems you cannot depart him, no matter how much he rapes and pillages and spites Denmark.

    Anyway, as I said before, this obviously stirs up hatred among the danes, who then turn to right wing political parties for help.

    Oh, and add to the above, all these imported criminals are collecting so much welfare, both legally and illegally that they can afford to drive mercedes. They even brag about it on facebook, and the danish authorities admit they know about it, but are powerless to stop it.

    Google "levakovic denmark" if in doubt.

    • Like 1
  2. 'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

    Well, PM ... noone!, That's the concept.

    Well actually, your statement would only be correct if Yingluck had said If all the people strike, who will work.

    She didn't, you're wrong but no doubt you and your "likees" feel quite smug about it.

    'If a lot of people strike who will work?'

    Those who are not striking?

    Is that the same as No one? No it's not

    "A lot" can technically be "everyone". "A lot" simply describes an unspecified amount, so this amount could be "everyone", especially if the observer using the word is unaware of exactly how many a lot" and "everyone" is, or is simply not able to count them.

    Now if "a lot" in this case is "everyone", then "those who are not striking" would actually equate "no one" :-)

    • Like 1
  3. what goes on in that tiny little brain....does she honestly not realise whats coming out of her mouth.....shes pathetic..im almost cringing with embarrasment when shes about to talk...its almost a relief that most are uneducated here..can you imagine if they were ..60.000.000 laughing at the same time you would here it in space..w00t.gif

    How many of those people out there blowing whistles are uneducated using your guide? Must be a fairly high percentage as you say that most of the Thais are uneducated here. What do your Thai friends think about your views, do you discuss it with them.You obviously equate being uneducated with being stupid, a common misconception. I'm not sure but if they are of the educated minority (according to you) I would have thought they would not be too happy with that viewpoint.

    Just a thought.

    Since it is not the majority of thais that are blowing whistles, the majority of thais and the whistle blowers can be two entirely separate groups, with not even a single person belonging to both groups, hence your statement is logically flawed. Education in logic would tell you that :-)

    When it comes to fairly complicated matters such as politics and economy, a lack of education often equates "stupidity", as those without education are likely not able to understand the issues debated.

    An example of this could be, how can a person debate or understand the rice scam or the 2 trillion baht loan if the person does not even know how many zeros are in the numbers we are debating (billions and trillions).

    Try and ask your Thai friends, especially the uneducated ones how many zeros are in a billion or trillion, and post the results here :-)

    • Like 1
  4. "We believe everybody must campaign for all the people to pay taxes according to the law. This is the government's duty."

    That is good news. Perhaps Ms. Yingluck can then tell me if her staff have made sure that all the red shirts are paying taxes now that they are receiving hundreds of thousands of baht a year directly from the government through the rice scam?

    My bet is that not a single red shirt rice farmer has filed a tax return - and that Ms. Yingluck has no intention of doing anything about it.

  5. This woman is saying so many stupid things I do not even know where to start, so I won't.

    It must be clear by now though, to even the most hardcore PTP fan, that this woman was never a so called "successful businesswoman". There is no way you can be that naive and successful at the same time.

    She was given a job by her brother in one of her brothers companies where she did not have to do anything, just as is the case now that she is PM.

    • Like 2
  6. No, the Denmark I love is above that. It is, was a compassionate place

    Yes, Thailand can be a pain...but why does Denmark....of ALL places, have to be so mean-spirited? Denmark? Wow...

    sorry for that kid but rules are rules , we have the same rules in Thailand when you are foreigners ... even worse , after so many years here working you still need to renew the visa every year ...

    Thailand is worse so maybe if Thailand treat foreigners better then maybe other countries would aswell..

    Unfortunately the whole of Europe is going this way,PRBKK. The compassionate Denmark has become a right wing bastion, liberal countries like the Netherlands are going the same way and even Norway, the left leaning, liberal example of humanitarian attitudes, has a right wing government now. Unfortunately, it's a fact of life and we can only hope that things will eventually improve.

    Saying Thailand is worse, or insinuating that it's Thailand's fault, is simply stupid and inhuman!

    Thailand IS worse in this particular regard, so it is a simple fact. Saying it is Thailands fault of course is rather silly.

    Yes, most of europe is going this way. Not due to Thais or other asians, who usually integrate well, but mainly due to problems with muslims from the middle east and africa.

    You can't really blame people. Various international humanitarian laws prevent these countries from kicking out foreign criminals. The same laws force the host countries to pay the unwanted foreigners welfare and look at them trying to change the host countries into the very countries they foreigners fled from. This of course frustrates the locals who then turn right wing.

  7. sorry for that kid but rules are rules , we have the same rules in Thailand when you are foreigners ... even worse , after so many years here working you still need to renew the visa every year ...

    That's true....BUT if you were in the same situation as this YOU could STILL stay here in Thailand using the child as your dependent to acquire the visa. You would NOT be deported after various trials to a country that your child may barely know.

    You would if the child was not Thai. The child in the OP is 100% Thai, and 0% Danish.

    Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for the mum and child, and wish they could stay in Denmark, but the Thai rules are even worse - perhaps Thai officials reading this story, if any, should take a long hard look at themselves!

    If the child had legally been adopted by the Thai mother then possibly. But not sure... but saying that it would not be an automatic forced deportation. The father and child would have options on visas same as every one else.

    Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

    Of course they can try to get other visas, but may not fit into any category. I guess the mom and child did not fit any other visa categories either.

    The mother in this case fought the case for a year in Denmark after her husbands death. I doubt you would be allowed to stay in Thailand for a year to fight a similar case in Thailand. I am guessing you would be kicked out after 7 days.

    • Like 1
  8. It would be nice if the first consideration was for the child.

    Personally I disagree with the Danish government's standpoint but the Thai authorities would do exactly the same if the roles were reversed.

    Two wrongs don't make a right though.

    No they wouldn't

    So if a Danish man has a child in Denmark with his Thai wife, three years later they move to Thailand and three years after that she dies he and the child would still be allowed to stay in Thailand?

    You should edit that. The example should be the danish man has a child with a danish woman in denmark, not a thai woman.

  9. Yes, but for THIS real child, Denmark is her home, Danish is her primary language. This is simply shameful in every respect. A disgrace.

    I agree completely, and as far as I understand from danish news, Danish is not just the girls primary language, it is her only language - and both mom and child are well integrated, and unlike most immigrants they are not a burden to Denmark.

    I am simply arguing that the thai rules are even worse, so if any thais, especially thai politicians and officials think Denmark is wrong here, which I agree with, then perhaps they should clean in front of their own door first.

  10. sorry for that kid but rules are rules , we have the same rules in Thailand when you are foreigners ... even worse , after so many years here working you still need to renew the visa every year ...

    That's true....BUT if you were in the same situation as this YOU could STILL stay here in Thailand using the child as your dependent to acquire the visa. You would NOT be deported after various trials to a country that your child may barely know.

    You would if the child was not Thai. The child in the OP is 100% Thai, and 0% Danish.

    Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for the mum and child, and wish they could stay in Denmark, but the Thai rules are even worse - perhaps Thai officials reading this story, if any, should take a long hard look at themselves!

  11. Can we please refrain from bashing all Thais or Thailand in the abstract? These two people do not represent the country.

    Thailand is hardly the only country to have an extremist political faction that engages in irresponsible, self-serving behavior and tries to stir things up. Got some of that in my homeland too, alas.

    I do not know if you are referring to my comment just above yours. If you are,...

    No, I was not, you and I posted more or less simultaneously. I was referring to all the posts that treat Chamong/Sondhi's stance as if it were the position of Thailand as a whole or Thai people as a whole.

    I did not see the posting time, but you are right, sorry.

  12. "The police assumed that the culprits are driving around late at night looking for tourist who are alone and drunk, once they find a victim they attack and rob them. The police are now urgently seeking the offenders to arrest them and prosecute them according to Thai law."

    Who are the real bad guys here? If not caught, they get whatever was in the wallet, if caught they get a 500 baht fine (each). Either way they get to beat up someone they despise. Word that you can beat and rob foreigners for (almost) free of course spreads, and given the risk/reward, it cannot surprise anyone that this becomes more prevalent. To me the real bad guys are the ones that let offenders off with a 500 baht fine.

    • Like 1
  13. He said the BAAC has paid Bt600-800 billion for the rice subsidy but was paid at only Bt140 billion, making it impossible for the bank to secure new financial injection for the scheme. (MCOT online news)

    800 Billion paid minus 140 Billion repaid = 660 Billion loss 260 Billion loss.

    Ok, got it now.

    It is because you do not understand Thai accounting. Like some amateur stock traders, the PTP seem to believe in socalled paper loss.

    Ie. You buy a share for 100 baht, the next day the value drops to 50 baht. Then many amateurs, and apparently the PTP, believe they still have shares worth 100 baht since they have not yet sold their share. Any professional stock trader or accountant will of course tell you that you have lost 50 baht and now have shares worth only 50 baht.

    Well to be honest you haven't lost any thing or gained any thing until you sell it.

    I hope you are joking. If not, I suggest you ask your stock broker or bank if they agree :-)

  14. Was wondering if this is the same 140 billion that it was reported that the BAAC would borrow on the 21/10.

    21.10 The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) will borrow 140 billion baht with the Finance Ministry's guarantee to fund the 270-billion-baht budget set for the government's rice-pledging

    The WILL seems to indicate they had permission to borrow that lot then.

    So is this another 140 billion that is being 'mulled' ?

    Anyway where will they borrow this money from?

    We already have 350 billion borrowed from Thai banks and the Govt has said it will be issuing more bonds.

    There is the 2.2 trillion coming up, the Govt has said 60% of that is expected to be borrowed from Thai banks.

    There was in the last few days a report that one minister or other said they Thai banks had enough liquidity to cover the lot.

    Could that be an indication that it appears that no one else wants to lend it.

    The piggy bank must be getting close to the bottom and not just the BAAC.

    Any Thai or foreign bank will be more than happy to lend to Thailand, provided the interest rate is attractive. Thai banks combined have all the necessary liquidity and should they fall short, they will simply borrow abroad.

  15. He said the BAAC has paid Bt600-800 billion for the rice subsidy but was paid at only Bt140 billion, making it impossible for the bank to secure new financial injection for the scheme. (MCOT online news)

    800 Billion paid minus 140 Billion repaid = 660 Billion loss 260 Billion loss.

    Ok, got it now.

    It is because you do not understand Thai accounting. Like some amateur stock traders, the PTP seem to believe in socalled paper loss.

    Ie. You buy a share for 100 baht, the next day the value drops to 50 baht. Then many amateurs, and apparently the PTP, believe they still have shares worth 100 baht since they have not yet sold their share. Any professional stock trader or accountant will of course tell you that you have lost 50 baht and now have shares worth only 50 baht.

  16. This is due to some rice farmers complaining that payment was now delayed by 7 days and that they could only pledge like 80%of their rice, and had to sell the rest at market price which apparebtly is completely unacceptable to the now spoiled and greedy rice farmers.

    notice how easily it is for rice farmers to get the PTP to comply with their every wish. They now get an extra 140 billion. Comparr this to the rubber farmers, who are only asking for an extra 5 billion. They have to block the streets just to get attention, and yet they don't get anything.

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  17. A video clip was posted yesterday showing a red shirt MP telling a crowd of red shirts that they would let the senate reject the bill, so the demonstrators would go home, and then in 180 days apparently they could push the bill through without approval of the senate.

    His remarks made it clear that Yingluck has no intention to leave the decision to the senate as she claimed in the press conference, but more importantly, is it correct that after the 180 days parliament can push the bill through without approval of the senate?

    • Like 1
  18. "however, they should consider the effects caused whether to the economy or the image of the country."

    Sure, but so should the PTP, and so far it seems the PTP could not care less about the economy or the country's image, so why should anyone else?

    If the PTP is so worried about the economy and the country's image, then simply withdraw the bill tomorrow. Then everyone will go home and the PTP won't even be blamed, as fresh polls, including polls for Isaan, show that most of the country is against the bill anyway.

    Of course, withdrawing the bill is a problem for the PTP, partly because it will be a massive loss of face, and partly because it won't bring Thaksin back.

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