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Everything posted by mahtin

  1. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/motherworth-powder-1000-gram-i3809921287-s14505752849.html?spm=a2o4m.10453683.0.0.278971c0eofkgQ&priceCompare=skuId%3A14505752849%3Bsource%3Alzd-shop-center%3Bsn%3Abb6c9891-edc2-4af8-a8ee-5529a4e3c87f%3BoriginPrice%3A33000%3BvoucherPrice%3A33000%3Btimestamp%3A1659938230500&search=store&mp=3
  2. Do some creative searching on lazada, e.g. big bum. multiple XL etc. Look for conversion charts, comments from foreigners.
  3. Probably the ''owner'' just a stooge, and the real owner will continue to wear his uniform.
  4. If I were a rich man, I'd probably not be wondering of what posting about the subjunctive is indicative.
  5. Right, overseas was filtered out. Still, happy as I am to help feed Somchai the driver's family... paying for the crown prince of Saud's new Bugatti Veyron, not so much.
  6. Out of all proportion, in my book. And the minimum shipping cost for anything now mostly 38 Baht.
  7. Urban dictionary is so helpful. Switch Hitter When he or she maturbates with there non dominate hand.
  8. He's more interested in Mars - where NASA has already dumped debris.
  9. Currently have one pending since late yesterday. Forgot about the optional forenames issue No problem. Approved Date : 2022-07-22 18:27:56 (UTC +7) Khon Kaen.
  10. Frankly I'd love to, but a search revealed nothing. Somebody put me out of my misery? Currently have one pending since late yesterday. Every time a struggle. Forgot about the optional forenames issue, blast it.
  11. https://lotta.se/mission-statement-generator/ The legendary Dilbert Mission Statement Generator went offline in 2008 and I couldn't find a good replacement. So I made this. I hope it will cater to all your Mission Statement needs even though my contraption is nothing but a faint shadow of the original. The Dilbert Mission Statement Generator was also known as: * Dilbert's Automatic Mission Statement Generator * Dilbert's Mission Statement Generator No Animals Were Harmed in the Making of this Mission Statement.
  12. NSO has zero credibility. It doesn’t much matter what the company does or doesn’t admit to: it has prevaricated and outright lied enough times that nothing it says can be believed. Governments, too, cannot be trusted to be truthful about the covert surveillance methods they employ. The smart money would be on Pegasus having been used by pretty much every country on the planet. https://9to5mac.com/2022/06/22/nso-pegasus-spyware/
  13. And I was labouring under the misconception that elephant riding was experiencing the same opprobrium as monkey work coconut. Time to reset the woke sensors.
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