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  1. I assume the middle feminine one is the bad guy ( blurred out face ). Right side, big guy, undercover cop. The other side cop. My theory.
  2. Oh for sure. They will ask the Supervisor when they can,t find the Spark Plugs.
  3. It,s all about the inner values.....inside your wallet.
  4. I have given up on communicating with a Thai gf. I now keep chickens, they are superior when it comes to having common sense and communication also seems easier.
  5. Apes running a country. Same old same old.
  6. The police swiftly secured the premises to prevent any attempts to flee. Oh my God.......🤐🤐🤐
  7. Sounds like another " Talking Heads" meeting with no visible results in regards to air quality. Shoulder slapping each other and lots of self-praise.
  8. It can change again, always depends on the political regime of the day.
  9. Wish I had a better memory these days, but I am pretty sure I saw the guy up there in the blue shirt in *Planet of the Apes*. I might be mistaken🤔🤔
  10. Had a similar situation about 20 years back. Denmark was far less paperwork for marriage. But can not recall more details. Just looked it up, still seems to involve less paperwork in Denmark.
  11. As expected, with these lunatics Flip Flops in charge. No producing sector will take kindly with changing framework retroactively being a possibility. Thinking of these clowns, I always have the picture of " One flew over the Cuckoo,s nest, sitting in the bus.
  12. Just a matter of time that Globalist governments all over are replaced by more right wing governments.
  13. 500 delegates from 38 countries 3 days on Bali. I assume paid by tax payers money?
  14. I heard of licking windows. Did nobody notice the goat on the balcony?
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