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Posts posted by BugJackBaron

  1. First the good news;

    unlike many "professional" cable packages in "The West"

    they actually vary their movies -showing films from good to bad but often

    ones that may have never made it to local theatres...

    The Bad News is : umm...well, I didnt realize how badly scratched and

    beat up DVDs (and VCDs) could get :o Please Please PREVIEW the movies

    you intend to show - maybe as mucch as 50% are simply unwatchable due

    to damage...

    Sidenote: when Blu-ray gets popular we will see much less of this as all

    blu-ray movies have a protective jacket.

  2. So I hear good things about edge and 3G - an inquiry at the Mac center found out Mac can

    connect and so can windows(of course) How about Linux? The people at the IT building seem

    to think "no" but I'm not so sure.

    Any success stories?

  3. And as you say, most tourists do not come to Pattaya to grocery shop (especially at 2-3x the price of what they pay back home). Don't really know what they both were thinking.

    I think your forgetting Villa's gourmet beer, wine and deli sections. A sure draw for upscale tourists, of which, there are many more now coming to Pattaya for their holiday.

    This could certainly be true for people who come for longer term holidays or a whole season. But this would still represent a fairly small portion of the overall market. I too don't mind paying for quality or unique items if that's what I want. Just hope there are enough like this now living/visiting Pattaya.

    Me too, one thing I really miss from Bangkok is the ability to get a good patte...like

    those found in that shop that operates in Emporium and Siam centers...

    Expensive but great as an occasional treat.

    Maybe with that new Mall scheduled to open in 2009 on beach

    road(hope I'm getting directions right this time!) in Pattaya we will see some deli items like that....

  4. I hate the place. Why shop at a place where they are flogging counterfeit goods as the real deal.

    Better of at markets where you know they are fake and there's no pretense about it.

    Fair enough.

    But I almost never buy name-brands unless there is no choice(Levis monopoly)

    Why buy name brands at all when noname can be just as good in some cases and

    considerably cheaper

  5. Well, it's the only department store I've ever been able to ask

    "How Much" for a pair of shorts

    "600 Baht"

    "Sorry I want 300 Baht" (start to walk away)

    "OK,OK" :o

    Come on, how many department stores let you BARGAIN in them?

    And the knapsack and shirts I bought a couple of years

    ago(alas the prices have gone up for shirts) are still in good shape

    (unlike the street bought shirts)

    Finally the ice cream shop(forget the name) has real traditional Thai coffee

    for 40 baht

    It is also an interesting store with its 1950s design and feel and whith things like pool, hapkido

    lessons, and a Thai food court(great place to practice thai reading skills as little english)

    at the top. Curiously it seems like it was never fully finished judging by the back wall...

  6. they appear to be building one in hua hin at the moment , no idea when it will open , but it will be a welcome addition.

    the food section at tescos here is dismal and their stocking policy leaves much to be desired.

    Tesco I tried for the first time last week. Yes it leaves much to be desired but I find the selection at friendship to be better in some cases or the one by the dolphin rotary in pattaya...

    There is also that one up North ave in Pattaya with a 24 hour diner that seems always busy like

    the same one in Banghkok(Nana).

    The bakery in Villa stocks too much Deli France crap...(is there a decent deli in Pattaya?)

    but they do have a superior choice of imported($$!) yogurt.

    I like the turkey sandwhich in the villa diner...maybe the only place i've seen in Pattaya to

    get a turkey sandwhich. :o Bottom line, each of the supermarkets has something to offer - this is competition at its best!

  7. Four days ago we bought a 2 kg sealed pack of "Tesco 100% Jasmine White Rice".

    Today we opened it and found it to be infested with tiny ants. I appreciate that the ants can be "washed out" of it but how the hel_l did they get there?

    Maybe it should be re-packaged as 96% Jasmine rice and 4% ants!

           Cover them in chocolate and voila - French dessert! :o

  8. I dream of Jeannie was a TV show, Cuban.

    But the list is quite amazing, Footloose is being remade? :o

    I generally refuse to watch remakes...

    They are generally terrible or at least pointless(like Planet of the Apes)

    And agreed that the orginal is often so good there is simply no need

    to remake it.

    It is poverty of ideas and pure greed that makes them do this.

    But it is also the ignorance of the young generation and lack of exposure

    to some of the classics . Sadly the lack of art-house theatres just contributes to this.

  9. Atkins??? So bad breath, BO and constipation (and a whole host of other health problems) is okay?!? I'd prefer a slightly chubby healthy girl!

    Well, I lost 4 kg after reducing rice and bread..that to me is the essence of

    Atkins..and no probs with constipation..Doctors seem to be continually surprised

    at how well Atkins and Paleodiet really work..

    Reducing your cals through reducing carbs is not atkins as long as you're not cutting out carbs. This can be a good way to reduce calories. But remember it's about the quality and not necessarily the quantity of the calories that counts!

    You lost me...it is imposible in fact to cut ALL carbs..as even meat contains mini-amounts..

    I try more to do paleo anyway but it shares a distrust with Atkins for any carbohydrate

    but allows natural ones such as in fruits. As little grains as possible..I use this

    as a guideline not a religious tenant..

    www.paleodiet.com for more info

  10. Unfortunately as with many things here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais" there is a great disparity between qualifications and teaching styles of private teachers. The prices are also vary quite a bit as well. I think in the 250-350 baht an hour range for a good teacher would be a good price.

    Sometimes even well known schools will have less than stellar teachers. I wouldn't discount a school or its teaching method based on a single teacher's performance. I don't believe there is any real qualification a thai must attain to teach thai to foreigners; just as there are oh-so many unqualified foreign english teachers plying their trade in this country. It is obviously a two way street in language teaching here.

    See if you can get a 'free' lesson to try out ANY school or private teacher. If they are unwilling to do that and insist on pre-payment up front for bulk hours, I would give them a pass. You are unlikely to EVER get your money back on unused hours even if after the first 15 minutes you realize it was a mistake.

    In learning this language; it really is a buyer beware market. Of course that being said; if you stick with some better known schools, use referrals of friends who you know attended a school or used a private teacher, I think you will come out okay. I would suggest the following;

    *Talk to other students currently attending the school or using the private teacher *BEFORE paying for anything.

    *Try to get honest feedback instead of sock-puppet responses from foreign thai wannabes.

    *Try to get a free lesson.

    *See the curriculum.

    *Look at the text books they will use.

    The good thai language teachers and schools are out there; you just have to winnow the chaff to get to the wheat.

    Good luck

    I have had only a couple of lessons in Thai both the free cheap-charlie intro lesson

    sometimes offered.

    One was in Chaing Rai and was simply fantastic...She was an older teacher who used

    just about every method in the book(I was an English teacher myself)

    and really worked you. If I was living in Chiang Lai instead of just passing through

    I would have gladly paid for her course.

    The other was in Pattaya with a young teacher and frankly it was amateurish though in fairness it

    was a class with one other student. I have seen this kind of teaching in Korea too.

    Teaching is NOT the easiest job in the world.

  11. Don't waste your money on overpriced, potentially dangerous injections. Go the natural way with tried and true supplements, some of which are ancient Indian Ayurvedic remedies themselves, in use for thousands of years.

    The main one for boosting testosterone naturally is Tribulus Terrestris, which is of Indian/Sri Lankan origin, and can be found at Indian health foods stores or (more conveniently) over the 'Net. I take it every day along with some other stuff and I feel great. If I workout, I can put muscle on like I did in my twenties. You won't feel like you're 19 again, but it's a definite improvement.

    Refer to this recent topic for more info.

    Stay away from doctors and needles in foreign countries, if at all possible...

    Great, I'll try anything...Where can it be found in Thailnad. I haven't seen any Indian health food stores in Pattaya..otherwise I'll trust Dr Olivier...

  12. Atkins??? So bad breath, BO and constipation (and a whole host of other health problems) is okay?!? I'd prefer a slightly chubby healthy girl!

    Well, I lost 4 kg after reducing rice and bread..that to me is the essence of

    Atkins..and no probs with constipation..Doctors seem to be continually surprised

    at how well Atkins and Paleodiet really work..

  13. As a Kubrick fan...

    "Open the pod-bay doors HAL" -2001

    "I'm sorry Dave, I cant' do that"

    "I was cured all right" - Alex(Malcolm Mcdowell in Clockwork Orange)

    You can't fight in here, this is a war room" - Dr Strangelove

    Not Kubrick but great...

    "what are your children like?" Woman

    "They are like kids, exactly like kids" - David Bowie in The Man Who fell to Earth

    "What's new pussycat?" ok...that's Sinatra..

  14. Nah, you should beware of both foreigners and locals at the same time. I think the former just stings more because your stupidity becomes more evident (while the latter, you can still blame and whinge about the country and cultural differences... although yes, stupidity is likely the culprit there as well).


    One "scam" thast gets me is those Thais who do those annoying "surveys" but really

    they just want to take you to some 3rd rate hotel

    chain where you can win a "prize" if you sign up for membership in their travel club.

    Seems to be in Bangkok and Pattaya....Maybe not really a scam but pretty close..

  15. Hey anyone if you noticed 5 middle east guys at RCA around 4 AM !!!!!

    This guys jumped me saying Western is evil bullshit!!!

    They took my wallet along with my bank cards and cash

    I tried to fight then but there where 5 of them and I was alone.

    If anyone witnesses this come forward!!!

    Many of fuc_king western ***** watched as this shit went down.

    I did not start this shit OR did I ask for it in anyway.

    No Thai people where involved what so ever.

    Who knows where the fuc_k Bags went???

    I'm ok now.

    I was with my mates until they took the taxi the other way.

    Also I pretty wasted but I still can stand straight and behave my self.

    I was pisses off but it happened to fast for really any one to kind of help.

    And I can see the point it not being anyone's business.

    I'm in one peace with no big marks.

    So I don't feel angry anymore. I'm in good spirits and hope my language didn't offend anyone.

    I still think Thailand is a pretty safe country to venture around and live.

    I don't know what to think of these Arabs anymore.

    I find it strange that they took my wallet but they didn't take my phone.

    If I see them again it will be there bad karma.


    Thanks for the update

    Time for Thai-Boxing lesssons?

    Seiously, I am giving serious consideration to carrying a weapon;

    pepper spray, that extensible baton sold on the street ,

    or any other legal weapon out there(taser?)

    Mostly I just wont stay out past 2 am...

  16. I know several farang that work in Amata Nakorn, transfered by there companies, they too keep there salary from there home country +++.

    The Japanese are the same, just in this area due to all the Japanese businesses here there is allot more of them then the farang.

    Would anyone else take a transfer to another country if the company came to you and said "We need you to goto Thailand, but since the cost of living there is lower, were going to axe half your salary and not pay you living out allowance, but your going to be expected to do the same job."? i don't think it has anything to do with "face" just why take the transfer if your going to make less money?

    I am still trying to figure out how it is racist to target the people in your area with money as your clientèle? I know many business people around here and if farang had the money and there were more of them they would be making burgers and fries instead of sushi and yakisoba.


    Ok here is how to cut through all the crap...

    RACIST OWNER: Are you Japanese? Sorry only Japanese

    PURE WESTERNER: Ohio Go zayamaz, Konichiwa...I iz Japanese. My name is Oh No.

    RACIST OWNER: Hmmm...

    PURE WESTERNER: (pulls out "genuine" ko-san road Japanese IDentity card)

    RACIST OWNER: (Looks confused) So sorryyy...

    ya ya well...

  17. Yeah one girl I work with is on a diet, I told her that maybe you should eat rice as all the asian girls eat it and they always thin, she said her doctor said that rice actually makes you fat because it has some bullsh1t in it.

    Personally I think rice doesnt make you fat as my fiancee eats bags full of the stuff and weight about as heavy as my bicep

    Rice is a pure carbohydrate...it converts to glucose which we use as

    energy. If we don't use it as energy it is stored as fat. That is a simplified

    explanation of why her doctor is correct.

    She is not fat probably(there are always exceptions) because she

    is young and therefore has a high metabolism.

    For Westerners it is the same thing only with bread instead of rice.

    Wait until she is 25-40... :o

    I have seen this both in Thailand and Korea(also a rice based culture)

    they all look cute when young but hange rapidly after 25 or so..

    I recommend all girlfriends to go Atkins or paleodiet after 20 :D

  18. i used to eat street food all the time , but lately i rarely touch the stuff , if i eat thai food it will be in a restaurant , khaw gaeng shop or ahaan tham sang tin table type of place. i rarely eat from the carts these days.

    the quality of street food has taken a huge tumble in the past few years .

    as prices have gone up so the quality of the ingredients has gone down. the massive use of hormones and antibiotics and dyes in meats and the use of illegal chemicals and insecticides in the production of fruit and veg. now has me buying and eating organic wherever possible.

    the cheaper the food , the more chemically enhanced and coloured it is , and the street food is the cheapest of the lot.

    most street food is poorly and unhygenically prepared compared with a few years ago.

    if you see where the carts come from each day and where and how the days food is pre-prepared then you might alter your eating habits too.

    if the mae khaa is over 40 years old then you might get a hygienic and properly prepared dish , if they are any younger than that , well , i would walk on.

    street food in thailand used to be wonderful , now its almost dangerous , at least in bangkok.

    things might be a little more traditional out in the sticks.

    I've only been coming here on vacation twice a year since 2004 and even I noticed a decrease in

    quality this year in street food. Come on Thais.! The fish remains good however( common Thais often eat it)...but what happened to the chicken!? Sadly this may be a universal thing until people rise up and put greed

    out of business. In Korea good street food stopped about ten years ago... :o

    I've heard one theory that blames chinese import of bad chicken that is actually cheaper than local


  19. If you are worried about healthy food don't eat out anywhere.

    Cook at home and then you know exactly what you are getting.

    On the other hand, if you lead a normally healthy life, maintaining a reasonable amount of exercise and eating a moderately ballanced diet, statistically, you should live out your normal lifespan and die without enduring too much suffering.

    Concentrate on that very hard and be suitably grateful

    Worrying about trans-fats, carcinogens, global-warming, the resurgence of the Cold War, a repeat 9/11 (or 11/9 as we Brits like to put it), obesity in the young and any other hype the media throws at us to make us watch their dreadful programmes or read their awful newspapers is likely to lead you to Madness and death!!

    Don't do it............don't fall into the trap of believing statisticians. 'coz they have to make a living too, and so they big up their role to make them seem important!!


    A statstician. (posh name = informaticist)

    Wow some actual logic here....Yes transfats are Probably bad as they are unnatural(or rare in nature)

    so we cannot be adapted to them. On the other hand no studies have ever shown a link

    between transfats and bad diseases.

    A lot of new products advertise "transfat free" now so why take the risk(even though it may be small)

  20. Hello,

    so if you eat beef noodles, will the blood be still pork blood? very curious, as gua tioaw nuea nam tok, is one of my favourite lunch dish.



    I'd like to know too.. I'm not surprised about the raw pork thing as some animals

    are just to dangerous to eat raw.

    On the other hand raw beef a.ka. steak tartar I have eaten in Korea and France

    and never heard any worries....soem raw food enthusiasts say raw turkey is safe too..

  21. Two days after taking the injection(and some vitamins he gave me)

    I have noticed an improvement in digestion and energy levels...and

    my scrotum hasn't shrunk either :o

    It takes longer than 2 days, but it will happen if you've been given an injection. When the body has an outside source of testosterone it gives up its own production.

    Well I'm not sure about the point of your post as

    surely if you are taking injections it means that your

    body is no longer producing testosterone at youthful levels...

    Dude, I'm trying to help you with some useful information...that's the point of my post.

    I went to great lengths to explain that if you need extra testosterone due to lagging personal production levels, Andriol is the way to do it without interfering with your own production. It's the minimalist's approach. The safest approach.

    I'm still surprised that doctors in Thailand are going straight to the injections to solve the problem when Andriol is so readily available over the counter. The only reason I can come up with is that they make regular money from patients visiting for their injections every 3 weeks or so.

    To answer someone's query back in this thread, testosterone levels can be checked at many clinics around Pattaya and the hospitals. I just had a test done yesterday for 720 baht at a clinic on Pratumnak Road (Dr Sawaddipong Clinic). I'm not sure how this price compares with other clinics around town as I didn't shop around. I have to wait one week for my results.

    This clinic happened to have the cheapest liver and blood lipid test prices I've seen in town including the Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

    PS. You indicated in your opening post that the injections are "not cheap". How much do you pay?

    Hey Dude I wasn't sure of what your point was but thanks for clarifying.

    I know about your concern that the body will no longer produce testosterone.

    My doctor in Korea told me this is no problem as long as you schedule

    regular breaks in the injections..like a week or so(depends on dosage and delivery).

    Dr Oliver's clinic offers a simple injection of 500 Baht which lasts from 3 days to 2 weeks

    I think(depnds on person he said) or a long lasting one that is supposed

    to last 3 months called Nibido(sp?) . It is 10,000Baht!

    I took the 500Baht

    Actually I have tried Nibido last year in Korea and found it only gave 1 day or two of

    energy so I do appreciate your input and may yet try Andriol...If it is the rub on stuff

    (also tried in the past) that I think it is then even so you have to give

    a day or two rest between applications.

  22. Actually, there are a number of "anti-aging " medical clinics in Bkk (including one affiliated with Bumrungrad) and it's a fair bet they prescribe it. At a not inconsiderable cost, of course.

    Not unless they have changed their policy. I asked about that

    in Bumrungrad last year and was told "sorry illegal" - they do vitamin

    therapy only. A waste of money if you ask me...as many good

    doctors will do the same cheaper..

    That's the only place I inquired....actually one pharmacy

    in Bangkok(near Nana) told me he would sell it but the price quoted was really high

    and I would rather trust a proper doctor...

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