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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. Hang your Head in shame Thailand, Taken 20year to get this far !!!! it is an utter disgrace, this was a Massacre and the people who caused this walking about without a care in the world Shame shame
  2. The Flour-Smuggler in Chief, his fake degree should also be looked into but this is Thailand nothing will happen the Thais don't care
  3. By the constitution They can not stand for re-election BUT this is Thailand and who cares about a Constitution
  4. fairly and justly for who !!!! NOT the people This is NOT democracy
  5. Think your self lucky you have an employer who has a strict culture of HSE and looking after there employees, but HSE Procedures do not cover Idiots or it would be a perfect world, Hse starts with yourself ( I am i safe doing this work what can happen ) A safe work method statement (SWMS) should be carried out before any work starts, do you think employers in Thailand do this ??? NO it costs time and money and also the Thai mental attitude to safety, There is NO work safety in Thailand In most western country's there would be a Safety inspection of this accident by a government body and if found that procedures where not followed the company could be found liable In Thailand there is no such safety counsel or governing body Dont believe Thailand has a National tag and lock out system I would like to assume that EGAT has this on power stations or is it too much paper work
  6. Because there IS NO SAFETY PROTOCOLS in Thailand
  7. This is Normal for Thais not just a political party
  8. Flip Flop Government, who in there right mind want to invest in this country
  9. Totally correct Who is going to invest in Thailand if the government is flip flop decisions
  10. So what have the Thai people done to prevent the military ???? absolutely nothing !!!! Democracy is fought for not given
  11. Democracy is Not given its fought for, do really think the Thais will do anything about it, you are living in a dream world if you thinking Thailand will have a Democratic government Thais only care about themselves, and i will shout at you if i please
  12. This is Total lies, Corrupt as they come, think u are living in a dream world
  13. This is a farce and a sham corruption at its best, i wonder if the thai people know what democracy is
  14. u are correct, as for roads they do not check for compaction put the roller over it that will do, no quality
  15. Typical Thailand do not know what the word maintenance "Comprehensive field checks were carried out by local law enforcement", What the hell do local law enforcement know about concrete dams
  16. Yet Another corruption scandal, Thailand People should be hanging there heads in shame
  17. What a very stupid Idea!!!, how can theses senators represent the people ???? as can be seen now Total corruption, this is making a laughing stock of Thailand and shows how much Thailand is corrupt, the EC should be dismantled, The Thai people should do something about this at least the so called government should call a halt to this!!!!!
  18. Correct how can the Thais say they have a democracy system these people just want to feed at the trough they have NOT been voted in by the people so how can they represent the people
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