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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. Agree they are just guidlines , khun troll the guy does not know what he is talking about
  2. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
  3. Not relying on anything ! go troll elsewhere
  4. Go nobody is stopping you !!! can troll some where else
  5. Wrong again !! Thailand is not a third world country it is classified as an upper-middle income economy by the World Bank, meaning it has made significant economic progress and is considered a developing country that is moving towards developed status.
  6. No idea about Thai culture, or you would not call your self Khun
  7. oh think the penny has drop !!!
  8. you have a lot to learn about Thailand
  9. That is a Western view point !! the money will end up in the persons bank account There is also a tradition of presenting gifts to high officials. In this context you see that some things used to be legitimate under the traditional patronage system but are clearly to be considered problematic in modern legal system. Thais still accept paying fees to officials as sin nam jai, the 'gifts of good will' and do not see that as a form of corruption.
  10. its called "gift of service" sin nam jai, you learning yet ??
  11. So as i said many posts ago a competent officer' has the 'discretion to grant a visa but you still have to pay the fee
  12. try again Ukraine 5th from bottom do you just make up this BS
  13. The Cambridge English Dictionary defines a civilised society or country as one with a well-developed system of government, culture, and way of life where people are treated fairly. A fair justice system is a fundamental part of a civilised society. 1 well-developed system of government NO 2 culture YES 3 way of life where people are treated fairly NO 4 A fair justice system NO I think the NO have it !!
  14. As i said there are many suspects and theories NOTHING HAS BEEN CONFIRMED The investigation is ongoing. The word is "Ongoing " stand by the statment full of BS
  15. need to check your facts Ukraine is 105 in corruption list Thailand 107 South Sudan 180
  16. you must have a crystal ball or you are full of BS think the latter !! While there are many suspects and theories, it's not clear who blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines. The investigation is ongoing.
  17. Agree ! Civilized societys dont go around hacking the next door neighbor to death for too much noise ? or killing the gf because she's chatting on the phone, or shooting someone because they called him names .... or shooting someone in the bar because you were really drunk ... on a daily bases, the respect of life in thailand does not exists life is cheap
  18. I'm shocked any reasonable person would not understand that putin invaded, this is a known fact ! it proves trump is lying or a nut job i like to believe the latter
  19. The 30baht health scheme was not his idea but yes his goverment did implement it The 30-baht health scheme, also known as the Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS), was launched in 2002 by the Thaksin Shinawatra government. The scheme was based on work done by public health civil servants in the 1980s.
  20. What good did Thaskin do ! you need to research Thaskin and see how evil the guy is
  21. You are the one that needs a history lesson! this started in 1948 as an ethnic and religious separatist insurgency in the historical Malay Patani Region Although low-level separatist violence had occurred in the region for decades, the campaign escalated with a recrudescence in 2004, https://peaceresourcecollaborative.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Introduction-Conflict-in-the-Deep-South-of-Thailand-Neverending-Stal.pdf the above article will tell you the history lesson you need The tak Bai incident did not help !!
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