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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. Think you need to get out more !! Its rare to see or hear of foreigners with guns shooting the place up or shooting there partners Thai do it every day, you must be blind its in the news every day, just a stupid post again
  2. Thaskin is Unelected and should not be representing Thailand
  3. The reason is simple, Lives are cheap in Thailand !
  4. Bet he checks every note from now on, Fool!!
  5. Nothing to do with the Army ! This is all down to the Thai people, Allowing this to happen, Democracy is fought for not given !
  6. Thailand has a plethora of Safety procedures including Trench shoring BUT NO ENFORCEMENT !!! nothing will happen !
  7. Thais do not understand what preventative maintenance is !
  8. Absolutely rubbish post no idea how banks work!! ( I p*ss myself laughing when I see a foreigner try to be more "Thai" than other foreigners, as you say, more "local and integrated.") I p*ss myself laughing when I see people call themselves "Khun" no idea of the meaning !
  9. They should also stop the Thais as well
  10. And thailand says its Democratic, Its a joke!!!!
  11. This has been talked about for years !! and thats it,talk never happen
  12. (Expat pensions are Thai tax residents. ) incorrect !! they are tax residents only if they need to pay tax and that might change as this is a flip flop goverment
  13. Never happen!! banks lose out big time all the pensions not going into Thai banks
  14. sounds like they did not know What they were doing !!! a zip line cable does not suddenly snap!! There is essentially no chance that a commercial-grade zipline would break. Galvanized steel cables between 3/8″ and 1″ are used for large ziplines, and there would be many warning signs before a cable can break
  15. Thailand the Hub of big ideas but no enforcement
  16. Never happen !! the whole Thai electrical system is not safe
  17. Agree ! but Thailand will do nothing ! all the thai tax dollars on planes subs for what Thailand to back down as it has done since the 2nd ww
  18. The RTP need to get of there arse and do there job
  19. You are joking ?? You can open a bank account with Any visa
  20. Incorrect, The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) approved a six-month trial of Starlink in Thailand in January 2024. Trial is still ongoing but not avalible to the public
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