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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. well there you go totally biased reporting by the BP these guys want to bring down MF like reading the comments on BP the people know how biased this newspaper is all for the military
  2. Its a Start more to come, hope MF can rescind his get out of jail card, the loss of face will be killing him.
  3. not intrested mate you are reading too much into it
  4. ok all that i can say is we did not do that and we have publised a few books
  5. very good point, i know that most thai's who write a book generally published the book themselve, know from experience. therefore as you said he is a publisher of media, but i would think a court would have to decide
  6. and there you go (and so judges have to apply their own... judgement) and judges are appointed by !!!!!
  7. good point, The EC. Thai election laws, like virtually all Thai laws, always have some vagueness so that they can be "interpreted" (anyone ever visit Thai immigration?). The EC was appointed by the Junta and will always find something to question based on their "interpretation" of the rules.
  8. In the late 20th century, mass media could be classified into eight mass media industries: books, the Internet, magazines, movies, newspapers, radio, recordings and television.
  9. The problem with the above the courts do not rule on Precedent they take it case by case so even if this is done in the past it does not matter
  10. very good post, (Pita wrote a book or two a while back, and is using this to say he's part of a media empire) Books are literature, so Literature itself is media (grey area)??????? thoughts!!!
  11. Your total post is completely full of misnomers, no facts, all hearsay, Misleading term, should i go on !!!
  12. Total load of Rubbish that may happen in the us or where you come from but not in Thai law Google is your friend
  13. all iam telling you to be carefull what you post on a PUBLIC forum, some thai might take offence
  14. i think you need to check what you are posting as i said thailand has nasty defemation laws and here you are implying that the staff of this park are corupt (no proof)
  15. I dont have a problem with the deaths in In February 2003, but i have a problem with this In 2007, an official investigation found that more than half of those killed had no connection whatsoever to drugs, but you need to tone down the rest of your statment Thailand has very harsh defamation laws, and i dont think you have any proof of what you are saying
  16. do you live in a different world, you need to start naming these so called oligarchs methinks it all in your mind fairytails, would love to hear some of these oligarchs, and thaksin was a policeman to start off with
  17. He has said that he is the executor of his fathers estate the shares are NOT in his name, dont know where you have gotten this from, please ref your source as iam not aware of this ???The shares have NOT been sold as this would be breaking the law, the company ITV is in litigation with the goverment and shares can not be sold, your info totally incorrect.
  18. I totaly agree, I can not see any reason why he transfed the shares, the ec and naac knew about the shares a long time ago and gave the green light. the courts have ruled on other MP and senitors holding media shaes and because the share holding is very low can not influence the media company the court ruled all ok,but i know the thai courts do not use Precedent, but i think he should have just carried on and not done anything , but this is thailand . Look at the latest because he wrote a couple of books they are saying he is running a media compay !!!! there id a differance books are literature nothing to do with media but thai's will be thai;s
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