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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. BS !! GoFundMe has been used to raise money for projects in Thailand, including travel, volunteering, and connecting remote villages
  2. you are talking about the Free Thai Movement
  3. The biometric system is Full. how are they recording them ?? taking people off the system and adding them ??? or more likly this is Thai BS
  4. read my post !!!! granting of a visa is at the discretion of the immigration officer irrespective of money its called sin nam jai,
  5. How do people not qualify ?? granting of a visa is at the discretion of the immigration officer
  6. Thats the last thing Thailand needs is another buffoon
  7. Never Happen He is the Worst person for Thailand, he is a Convicted felon, corrupt person and has been acused of Crimes against Humanity and you think things will get better, Thaskin is only for himself, not for Thailand, you seemed to have your head in the sand !!
  8. Thaskin going back to his old ways of media intimidation, next will be bodies in the streets its about time they locked him up for good
  9. Public outrage was sparked when Rukchanok Srinork, a Bangkok MP, revealed extravagant spending details. so what will Happen!! NOTHING !! Trip for the Boys!!
  10. It is not only education, there are a multitude of factors that lead a country to be corrupt, examples have already been posted
  11. Safety and Quality control in Thailand are a non starter cost to much
  12. ( claimed all expenses complied with the law.) if this is so the Law needs to be changed
  13. Tend to agree ! only problem at that time was the Communist insurgents in Thailand, Also he new what Thaskin was like, there was no love lost between them
  14. Never happen thats all in the past !
  15. Agree ! ( its one of culture and ingrained attitudes.) until there is realistic punishment nothing will change
  16. Is gofundme a public listed company yet ? would like to buy some shares make a fortune !
  17. Thais have no concept of safety when it comes to driving. No amount of fines or rules will change Thainess, lobotomy is the only answer.
  18. A unelected buffoon !!! should be representing thailand in a jail cell
  19. Good Arrest !! why could this have not happend in regard to red bull
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