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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. How are people to be informed of this Tax filing, they going to send you a letter or what !! or are you suposed to be a mind reader, lots of people out there still know nothing !!
  2. Elephants are not and have never been domesticated Elephants require brutal training to accept human contact. Even then, they retain their natural instincts which are meant for the wild.
  3. This has nothing to do with the Uk
  4. Well if you think that thais are NOT fooled by Thaskins BS where are all the mobs and demonstrations and demands that he should shut up, dont see any!!
  5. Agree !! they should shut him up ! he is an embarrassment to the country !1
  6. When you think about it, the fear of fireworks for animals, is basically the same as it would be for humans, but more painful, Animals, perceive sounds much louder than humans because they can hear better. so the noise can be painfull for them,They associate such noises with danger, and all their (survival-) instincts tell them to run to a place of safety. The flashes of light produced by fireworks seem just as threatening as the noises. What’s more, the lights and noises are accompanied by smoke and acrid smells. The noises and lights from fireworks can trigger an animal's fight-or-flight response. I think if i was that elephant and fireworks were let off near me i would run !! but Thais do not think about the consequences of there actions or about the safety, all they think about is money!
  7. Elephants are NOT domesticated they are "wild " but take you point NO animal should be around fireworks
  8. I see you now have, introduced another big word "self domesticated" do you know what it means !! What has"Instagram"got to do with it ?? not a member! you need to understand Domestication isn't the same thing as taming or training
  9. Erred !! he put people lives at risk !! it was a typical no thinking thai wanting money!
  10. And did it work !! NO something wrong with the training ?
  11. Amazing Thailand ! this is typical Thai BS, total confusion ! the Thais will not even know ! and i bet that each individual tax office will have there own interpertation.
  12. Correct, and the fine for this MAX 1year prison or 20,000baht wonder what it will be, if he is ever charged that is !
  13. No this guy has "Logorrhea" hopfull not long to live!
  14. If you are asking theses questions I can refer you to google it is easy to use !! "You do a disservice to those of us who seek to ensure proper human-elephant interaction." and you dont know the meaning of "domesticated " good luck on ensure proper human-elephant interaction, you have, no clue.
  15. Think you need to look up the word domestication and its meaning !!! Elephants are not and have never been domesticated Elephants require brutal training to accept human contact. Even then, they retain their natural instincts which are meant for the wild.
  16. Thais aren't that stupid to swallow this BS !! or are they! the sooner the better this guy is locked up
  17. So you are a mystic !!! what are the lottery numbers !!
  18. This is correct ! And Why the forests are shrinking !! Illegal logging and agriculture, This has meant death to the Thai elephant, resulting in the plummeting numbers of the animal, placing them on the endangered species list. And do Thais really care about the conservation of the Elephants very little if there is no money in it Thais dont care
  19. I can read !! "the animal got scared and ran. I tried to calm it down by pulling on its ears, but it didn’t stop.” maybe if you got your ears pulled to might stop posting rubbish!!! they are wild animals !!
  20. Well hard luck you !! mine came with a plastic sleeve !! think you should go and damaned you money back!!!
  21. Enforcement!! that will be a First for Thailand !! but its not clear as to Who ?? is going to enforce this
  22. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2942435/missing-chinese-model-returns-home-safely The actor was found unharmed, but with his head shaved, after going missing earlier this month in Tak province.
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