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Everything posted by MikeandDow

  1. only your posts are Absolutely criminal no facts only rubbish
  2. Please tell me or point me to a link that says Israels is Intenitonal targeting civilians you have a wild imagination you need to stop posting stuff that is not facts
  3. I cannot belive all this BS its just rubbish from begining to the end where is the proof of all this figment of your imagination
  4. so you are a supporter of Hamas by agreeing that the Gazans should stay put and as for another Nakba that is Only your opinion no prove that it will happen when this is over, are you palestinian because if you are not i dont see how you can speak for them this post is just rubbish
  5. International law has no teeth very very hard to prosecute and is ignored by israel look at the settements in the west bank as an example
  6. read your history The UN did not creat Israel The United Nations divided Israel and the state of Palestine in 1948 through a plan that never went into full effect because Israel declared independence before the plan could be fully in place. While the UN was going to create Israel, Israel declared independence once the British left.
  7. Hamas headquartered in Gaza City and is considered world wide a terroist group remember google is ur friend
  8. it is a Fact That All Arab nations did not attend you said you had read the agreement but clearly you did not, " It is simply immaterial to the comments" seems your stock stament, that when posts disagees with you it is also called self opinion bigotry, typical TROLL
  9. read Hamas Covenant https://irp.fas.org/world/para/docs/880818a.htm
  10. I think you are Making unqualified generalizations read the Arab peace Initative which I dont think you have
  11. again it is not a simple "yes or no" there is a lot of ambiguity Quote "problem with the Arab peace initiative is that it includes recognition of the state of Israel, the thing that the Palestinian government rejects"
  12. This is not so simple as "yes arab accept agreement as a lot of arab nations did not attend also Hamas did not agree " it is not black and white
  13. get back on topic this has nothing to do with the present topic
  14. Fine i agree to disagree but i belive i know more about my homeland than you do !!! and i know Israel is not stolen country you read up on that and learn
  15. "Israel just didn't care and kept expanding their territories and terrorizing the Arab population, which felt completely betrayed and left alone by the international community. And that is what led to the creation of all Arabic terrorist organizations in that area. Hamas is Israel's child." Total rubbish the above part you have made up and is NOT true you need to read the history and just not part then alter it because it does not suit you after the 6day war israel defeated Egypt very badly, Israel captures and occupies the Golan Heights from Syria, the West Bank (incl. East Jerusalem) from Jordan, and the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt and surrounded Egypt 3rd army, but basicly through internaional pressure UN and for Egypt recognizing Israel as a state Israel withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula Hamas was not formed till late 1987 nothing to do with the 6 day war you really need to do your research before you post if you dont it makes you look like an idxxx
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