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Posts posted by KohKarrang

  1. My favourite flavor is coconut ice cream, ingredients include Millet, corn, basil seeds, red beans, black beans boiled with syrup, and laht chong, a bright green noodle flavoured and coloured with pandanus leaves.

    If 'bread'(it's not ready bread, it's something sinister masquerading as bread) wasn't involved or mentioned then I would think you're suggesting quite an elegant desert but unfortunatley 'bread'(or should I say 'hot dog bun') is involved so like I said before, a big thumbs down, especially as I've tasted some very nice deserts in my life and ice cream in a crappy hot dog bun doesn't do it, quite frankly.

    (enter vomiting emoticon here)

  2. ahh it's disgusting, nothing worse than soggy bread, and if it's not soggy then it aint bread, a big thumbs down from me, it even looks wrong...

    I've got a great idea, lets stick some pad thai in a bowl of strawberries :o

    I hope you haven't just got home after a night out and got stuck into the ice cream on soggy bread! (where's the vomiting emoticon??)

  3. Maybe post up some of the ones you have recently seen.

    wish my memory was that good :o

    No Country For Old Men I really enjoyed, Made In Britain - is that the one with the young boy who'd never acted before? The story about Mods in the UK? If so then I've seen that and enjoyed that too :D Scum also, one of my favourite films of all time!

    I'll check out reviews of the others you sent me which I haven't seen - The Bone Collector, Man On Fire, The Assassination of Jesse James...

    Is Auf Wiedersehen Pet a movie now? I'll take a look on IMDB.com

    I can never remember what I've watched so I always have to check out recommendations in this website

    Thanks for your suggestions, please keep them coming!

  4. I'm looking for recommendations for movies to watch, I've worked my way through quite a large list of movies since moving to Thailand but I'm becoming stuck on what to watch now

    I'm not a really big hollywood fan although if it's something special or classic or something such as James Bond or some of the Marvel/Batman etc remakes then I'm happy enough watching them but I'm really after something a little bit different, a friend of mine has recommended quite a few European movies with subtitles but I lose concentration quite quickly with them so I would like to find movies that were perhaps not the biggest hits but some of your favourites anyway, hope some of you can help!

  5. I checked out the Bangkok Noi Village pool but they wouln't allow children so defo not kiddie friendly, probably quite nice inside anyway...

    I jumped in a taxi and went round the U-turn and back towards Major Cineplex and just before there we turned left past some security guards and about another few hundred metres and on the left is a raised pool, we went there yesterday and there was probably 8 people in total, a couple in the adult pool and a few more in the kiddie pool so it was perfect for my son, we went back again today after school and there was nobody there! It cost B40 for my son and B60 for me which isn't a bad price, my old apartments used to charge B100 each for outsiders, the pools here are lean and I can be sure of that because my eyes hurt when I got out from the chlorine :D

    I hope this info can be useful to someone in the future, thanks for your suggestions :o

  6. Thanks Judas, I am feeling better thanks :o

    I despair at some of the things people say in response to other peoples threads, some of it is pure stupidity.

    I've tried to leave this thread alone - part of the reason I started it was as a warning of other attacks and just to inform people that this CAN and DOES happen sometimes - but every time I look back at it there's been a snide comment or a doubting of my story, it's jsut ridiculous, people really do need to leave the bubble their in, why would I bother starting a thread about thisif it wasn't true? what would be in it for me to lie?? It's a stupid suggestion that I'm a troll, totally stupid.

  7. I SAY TROLL!!!

    If you're an expeirenced troll hunter and not just a paranoid silly man you might have checked my previous posts and topics to find that I am actually a regular poster and topic starter and none of my previous posts have been anything other than sincere and honest, or perhaps I was trying to rile a few old members by asking if anybody had LEGO for sale or perhaps asking where a child friendly swimming pool can be found in Pin Klao area is pushing the troll out too far..

  8. Hello,

    I know this is a bit late in the day for this topic, but if you read through from the 1st post from op till last their last. You will find lots of big holes in what they are saying.

    I SAY TROLL!!!


    type this when you was drunk by any chance?

    I reckon you're the troll...

    Can you please highlight the descrepancies in my story and I'll be happy to repeat the truth all over again.


  9. Thanks very much for your answers, I had already gone by the time you all replied, I'll check them out next time...

    I ended up going to The Mall Ban Kae and it was like going back in time to Butlins when I was young - it was a requirement to hire costumes and hair caps(whether they fit or not) - I asked if they had one for my chest :D - my partner declined from swimming because she didn't want to wear all these things that others had just peeled off their own heads and I can't blame her! :o Do the bosses of these places really think a hair ap is going to stop people pissing in the pool? :D Seriously though, what are they trying to say?? I'm sure nearly every single child in there was pissing all over the place despite the life-guards calls for the kids to go to the toilet every few laps of the pool(Butlins again, see??)

    Anyway, I'll be sure to check something closer to home next time as Ban Kae is fkin miles away!

  10. I'm looking for somewhere relatively quiet that will let me quietly play with my son, I had reviously found a place called Charley House but they only let guests swim in their pool(fair enough I suppose) so now I'm looking a bit further afield, surely someone must know of somewhere around here, please help...

  11. I used to live in an apartment block which had a swimming pool but the owner stopped paying his bills t the bank and they reposessed the whole lot, the next house I lived in I had land and I bought a massive inflatable pool for the garden but my most recent house doesn't have any land to park the pool so I'm left looking or somewhere children friendly but not raging with little shites, somewhere I can take my son so he can fart around in the pool while I sit to one side enjoying the sun...

    Any ideas??

  12. I had to leave home before I got any of these replies, but just for your info, I got to the counter at Ocean World with my Thai partner and our son, the guy at the counter asked if I lived here, I said yes and I told him I live with my partner and our son and he charged us B950 in total - B350 for me, B350 for my Thai partner & B250 for our son!

    I have to say, for the first time in 7 years, I'm genuinely impressed with the cashiers judgement in charging me this price, it just shows that they're not all robots :o

    Good luck to any of you in the future.

    p.s. IMO it wasn't that good anyway, I felt it was just about worth the B350 I was charged, any more and I'd be upset :D

  13. :o Anyhow...

    I'm thinking of going to Ocean World in a couple of hours because my litle boy is so excited about seeing a shark he's nearly wetting himself :D

    Anybody been there recently and actually been charged the full B850? I checked on the website and there's no mention of this 'big bonus'...

  14. nice way to scare of tourists and show how corrupt this country is in everything

    i don't understand why the police simply don't arrest Thamanat Pompao the owner of the new company as it is clear that he ordered the thugs to beat up the vendors and that he sent the bomber .... what do they have in the brain ? water?

    Simple - because the new police chief in the area is so close to the "government" and pretty much everybody involved in all of this sorry tale that's going on in this country at the moment is bent as a nine bob note...

  15. i never understand why there is not retaliation for those types of brutal actions

    Probably because the brutal actions were the actions of a power very high up...

    Funny how the government warned of this exact thing happening just a couple of days ago, funny how the new owner is so close to the "government".

    This poor old country, doesn't know which way to turn, do the people who voted for this "government" really know what this "government" is doing to it's own people? Sadly I don't think so and even more sadly I don't think they even care, with so many faces turning away whilst these kind of things are happening :o

  16. You might want to reconsider ordering from abroad, Lego is light so not much charge for weight plus there are some great deals on Ebay:


    Yeah cheers, I've checked out the Lego for sale on eBay but the post will cost too much - I think Lego is quite heavy actually - especially from the UK to Thailand but I'm hoping to find some in Thailand - CHEAP :o

  17. I just want to add a few things to this thread as I haven't even looked here over the last week or so:

    To those saying I 'must have done something'/'these things happen for a reason' - that's total bu11shite, I had done nothing, 'ma completely quiet and unaggressive person, I'll smile at anybody and always offer to buy drinks and be nice to appease the people I'm with/locals/aggressors...

    Ta22, I'm not sure if you read my original post or even understood it but I remember everything that happened, I said that I was sitting there finishing my beer when all of a sudden I was faced with two thai men and they proceeded to kick me in the face a few times each then they smashed a bottle over my head and that knocked me out, I then woke up with paramedics surrounding me, taping my head up, I remember everything except when I was knocked out.

    I still get headaches now, I still get dizzy spells all the time, my sleeping pattern is all messed up, I'm paranoid about most younger Thais hanging around there even though I don't go there any more, I still have to see some people sometimes and they work around there, to wrap this thread up I just want to say that I am completely innocent, anybody who suggests anything otherwise has failed to read my posts or is just a naturally suspicious person.

  18. Hi all, I really want some Lego for my son but I'm reluctant to pay the silly prices here and it's not a good idea to send it from my family in Spain or the UK in case it goes missing or simply because it will cost too much to post from there to here so I was wondering if someone had some old lego they wanted to get off their hands, perhaps your child has grown out of it - I sold a black bag full of it to our local cash converters for about a tenner when I was 14 years old to buy fags and booze :D - which I'm a bit sad about now but never mind :o

    Any old lego?

  19. I had to do something similar for my US broker. They would not take printed out attachments of e-statements, so I had to go to the bank and have one created. The bank typed up a "Statement of Accounts" for me, in Thai, showing my English name and home address and charged me 300 baht. The dolts at my brokerage would still not accept it as "it looked like some one just typed it up". Duh! Anyway I went upstairs, got them to translate it and after 3 weeks they finally accepted it.

    Thanks for your reply, I only just noticed it! :o

    Is it Kasikorn bank you're talking about? And when you say you had to go upstairs, upstairs where? In Kasikorn? So all I would need to do is ask clearly what I want and I might get something that ebay would accept?

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